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Sdl2 + OpenGL glsl practice (Continued)
2022-07-03 04:34:00 【qq_ forty million three hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hun】
This article includes :freetype Chinese character display implementation ,GLSL Usage method , Including the skills of using slice shader , Texture blending , Transparent display method , Texture sampling methods and so on , Vertex shader , Common transformation skills , Picture enlargement , The picture shrinks , Image rotation and so on
Next chapter :
One 、 How to be in SDL2 Add Chinese characters
SDL No text display function , To display text, it is necessary to make the text graphic , First convert text into graphics , Then display it through the graphic display function ,OpenGL So it is with . There are many ways to generate text graphics ,SDL It also provides special modules , First convert the text into SDL Graphic surface , Then display . This is it. SDL-ttf, This module actually calls another set of sharing software freetype,OpenGL There are similar applications , I studied , I don't know why ,sdl-ttf As if from SDL Deleted from the official website , Follow the instructions on the official website from github The upper and lower source programs cannot be used , In desperation , I have to use freetype, Fortunately freetype There are examples to refer to , There are also many related materials on the Internet ,freetype It has no display function , Only the font cache structure , Import OpenGL or SDL texture , Then render the text to the frame cache through texture , Then the text is displayed on the screen through the frame cache . The process of adding font cache to texture is quite slow , So in the process of program processing , Generally, the font to be displayed will be written into the texture for caching in advance , Then enter the rendering cycle , Use texture to display when needed . Because textures use video memory and GPU Concurrent processing , The processing speed is quite fast , I tested. , A rendering that includes nearly a hundred steps , It only takes a few milliseconds . And the same process , If words are processed in real time , It will take more than ten times as long as before .
The text to be displayed can also be made into a BMP file , Parts are like this :
When using, the font image is loaded in advance to generate texture , If the file is 1024*1024 size , You can save 4096 individual 32*32 Chinese characters and other symbols or 16*16 Chinese characters 16384 individual , Enough for daily display . The advantage of this is that it can display text perfectly without special word processing process . Of course , This requires a dictionary to be generated in advance .
But in the process of human-computer interaction , When temporarily inputting the text that does not appear , You can also insert words that are not in the input dictionary into the dictionary and copy them into the texture one by one , Because human-computer interaction , It does not require a display speed of milliseconds .
The following is the page displaying text
Here is the code :
map <WCHAR, int > FontMap;
const int HZSIZE = 32;
const int ASCIISIZE = 32;
const int TextBufSize = 32;
int GL_Render::FontInit(string path, INT isBIG5)
// Function to initialize font texture
// Input , Directory of game files
FT_Library library;
if (FT_Init_FreeType(&library))
return 1;
FT_Face face;
if (FT_New_Face(library, "c:/windows/fonts/simfang.ttf", 0, &face))
return 1;
// The following initializes the font texture
VOID* gp_TextBuf = NULL;
FILE* fp;
string m_path = path + "wor16.asc";
if ((fopen_s(&fp, m_path.c_str(), "rb")))
return -1;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
int nChar = ftell(fp);
nChar /= 2;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
LPWORD charbuf = new WORD[(INT64)nChar + 10];
if (charbuf == nullptr)
fread(charbuf, sizeof(WORD), nChar, fp);
// Build texture , Cache the font
if (TextBufSize == 8)
gp_TextBuf = new char[(size_t)HZSIZE * 64 * ((size_t)nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE];
memset(gp_TextBuf, 0, (size_t)HZSIZE * 64 * ((size_t)nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE * sizeof(GLubyte));
gp_TextBuf = new INT32*[(size_t)HZSIZE * 64 * ((size_t)nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE];
memset(gp_TextBuf, 0, (size_t)HZSIZE * 64 * ((size_t)nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE * sizeof(INT32));
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, HZSIZE);
for (int n = 0; n < nChar; n++)
char s[3];
WORD w = charbuf[n];
WCHAR wstr[2];
wchar_t rewstr[2];
s[2] = 0;
s[0] = w & 0xff;
s[1] = w >> 8;
if (isBIG5)
MultiByteToWideChar(950, 0, s, -1, wstr, 1);
// Turn into simplified Chinese
LCMapString(wLCID, LCMAP_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE, wstr, 1, rewstr, 1);
MultiByteToWideChar(936, 0, s, -1, rewstr, 1);
FontMap.insert(pair<WCHAR, INT>(rewstr[0], n));
rewstr[1] = 0;
size_t cx = (n & 63) * HZSIZE;
size_t cy = (n >> 6) * HZSIZE;
FT_Load_Char(face, rewstr[0], FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL);
FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
int xOff = slot->bitmap_left;
int yOff = (face->size->metrics.ascender >> 6) - slot->bitmap_top;
if (TextBufSize == 8)
ConvertSlotToBuf(&slot->bitmap, (GLubyte*)gp_TextBuf, HZSIZE * 64,
cx + xOff, cy + (yOff));
ConvertSlotToBuf32(&slot->bitmap, (INT32*)gp_TextBuf, HZSIZE * 64,
cx + xOff, cy + (yOff));
// Copy to texture
SDL_Surface* fontsurf;
if (TextBufSize == 8)
fontsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(gp_TextBuf, HZSIZE * 64,
(nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE, 8,
fontsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(gp_TextBuf, HZSIZE * 64,
(nChar / 64 + 1) * HZSIZE, 32,
HZSIZE * 64 * sizeof(INT32), SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888);
// Save the character graph
//SDL_SaveBMP(fontsurf, "fontt.bmp");
gpFontTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gpSdlRender,fontsurf);
delete [] charbuf;
if (TextBufSize == 8)
gp_TextBuf = new char[ASCIISIZE * 60 * ASCIISIZE];
memset(gp_TextBuf, 0, ASCIISIZE * 60 * ASCIISIZE);
gp_TextBuf = new INT32[ASCIISIZE * 60 * ASCIISIZE];
memset(gp_TextBuf, 0, ASCIISIZE * 60 * ASCIISIZE * sizeof(INT32));
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, ASCIISIZE);
// Print ascII character
for (int n = 0; n < 96; n++)
WCHAR s[2];
s[1] = 0;
s[0] = n + 32;// Start with a space and go to 126
size_t cx = n * ASCIISIZE / 2;
//FT_Load_Char(face, s[0], FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_MONOCHROME);
//FT_Load_Char(face, s[0], FT_LOAD_RENDER| FT_LOAD_TARGET_MONO);
//FT_Load_Char(face, s[0], FT_LOAD_RENDER| FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
FT_Load_Char(face, s[0], FT_LOAD_RENDER);
FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
int xOff = slot->bitmap_left;
int yOff = (face->size->metrics.ascender >> 6) - slot->bitmap_top;
ConvertSlotToBuf32(&slot->bitmap, (INT32*)gp_TextBuf, ASCIISIZE * 48, cx + xOff, (yOff));
SDL_Surface* asciiSurf;
if(TextBufSize == 8)
asciiSurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(gp_TextBuf, ASCIISIZE * 48, ASCIISIZE,
asciiSurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom(gp_TextBuf, ASCIISIZE * 48, ASCIISIZE,
8, ASCIISIZE * 48 * sizeof(INT32), SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888);
// Save the character graph
//SDL_SaveBMP(asciiSurf, "ascII.bmp");
gpASCIITexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gpSdlRender, asciiSurf);
// clear
delete[] gp_TextBuf;
return 0;
// The goal is 8byte
// Input : Source font structure , Target cache , Target line bytes , Target row displacement , Target column displacement
// return :0 success , Other failures
int GL_Render::ConvertSlotToBuf(FT_Bitmap* srcSlot, GLubyte* dstBuf,int dstPitch, int xPos, int yPos)
if (srcSlot == NULL || dstBuf == NULL)
return -1;
if (xPos + srcSlot->width > dstPitch)
return -1;
for (int y = 0; y < srcSlot->rows; y++)
GLubyte* dstP = dstBuf + (static_cast<__int64>(yPos) + y) * dstPitch + xPos;
GLubyte* srcP = srcSlot->buffer + static_cast<__int64>(y) * srcSlot->pitch;
for (int x = 0; x < srcSlot->width; x++)
if (srcSlot->pixel_mode == 1)
// From 1byte
dstP[x] = ((1 << (7 - (x & 7))) & srcP[(x >> 3)]) ? 255 : 0;
// From 8byte
dstP[x] = srcP[x];
//dstP[x] = srcP[x] ? 255 : 0;
return 0;
// The goal is 32 Bit cache
// Input : Source font structure , Target cache , Target line bytes , Target row displacement , Target column displacement
// return :0 success , Other failures
int GL_Render::ConvertSlotToBuf32(FT_Bitmap* srcSlot, INT32* dstBuf, int dstPitch, int xPos, int yPos)
if (srcSlot == NULL || dstBuf == NULL)
return -1;
if (xPos + srcSlot->width > dstPitch)
return -1;
for (int y = 0; y < srcSlot->rows; y++)
INT32 * dstP = dstBuf + (static_cast<__int64>(yPos) + y) * dstPitch + xPos;
GLubyte* srcP = srcSlot->buffer + static_cast<__int64>(y) * srcSlot->pitch;
for (int x = 0; x < srcSlot->width; x++)
if (srcSlot->pixel_mode == 1)
// From 1byte
dstP[x] = ((1 << (7 - (x & 7))) & srcP[(x >> 3)]) ? 0xffffffff : 0;
// From 8byte
dstP[x] = srcP[x] ? 0xffffff | srcP[x] << 24 : 0;
return 0;
SIZE GL_Render::DrawWideText(LPCWSTR lpszTextR, _POS pos, SDL_Color bColor, BOOL fShadow, BOOL fUpdate, int size)
// function : Print a wide string on the screen
// return : Occupy screen size
int cx = POS_X(pos) * PictureRatio;
int cy = POS_Y(pos) * PictureRatio;
int len = lstrlenW(lpszTextR);
size *= PictureRatio;
SIZE wsz = { 0,size };
SIZE zsz = { size,size };
SDL_Rect srcRect;
SDL_Rect dstRect;
SDL_Texture* srcTexture;
for (int n = 0; n < len; n++)
if (isascii(lpszTextR[n]))
if (lpszTextR[n] < 32)
zsz = { size / 2,size };
srcTexture = gpASCIITexture;
srcRect = { (lpszTextR[n] - 32) * ASCIISIZE / 2,0,ASCIISIZE / 2,ASCIISIZE };
dstRect = { cx,cy,zsz.cx,zsz.cy };
cx += zsz.cx;
wsz.cx += zsz.cx;
zsz = { size,size };
srcTexture = gpFontTexture;
WCHAR s = lpszTextR[n];
map<WCHAR, INT> ::iterator iter;
iter = FontMap.find(s);
if (iter == FontMap.end())
//no find
int off = iter->second;
srcRect = { (off & 63) * HZSIZE,(off >> 6) * HZSIZE,HZSIZE,HZSIZE };
dstRect = { cx,cy,zsz.cx,zsz.cy };
cx += zsz.cx;
wsz.cx += zsz.cx;
if (fShadow)
SDL_Color mColor = { 2,2,2,0 };
SDL_Rect mdstRect = dstRect;
RenderBlendCopy(gpRenderTexture, srcTexture, nullptr, 255, 6,
&mColor, &mdstRect, &srcRect);
RenderBlendCopy(gpRenderTexture, srcTexture, nullptr, 255, 6,
&mColor, &mdstRect, &srcRect);
if (bColor.r == 0 && bColor.g == 0 && bColor.b == 0)
bColor = { 4,4,4,128 };
RenderBlendCopy(gpRenderTexture, srcTexture, nullptr, 255, 6,
&bColor, &dstRect, &srcRect);
if (fUpdate)
return wsz;
Two 、GLSL application
Let's start with the metashader , Also known as clip shaders , What the slice shader performs is the final stage of the rendering process , The goal is to determine the color of each specific pixel reflected in the final calculation , This process is concurrent , in other words GPU Calculate many pixels in parallel at one time , also , The order of calculating pixels is uncertain , So the whole calculation process , Each original texture is read-only .OpenGL Although the latest version can support texture modification , But it's conditional . Read the texture ( sampling ) Points may include multiple pixels , This depends on the sampling strategy . It may not be the original texture , But the secondary texture formed by multi-level remoting , By default , There is no one-to-one correspondence between the original texture pixels and the target pixels .( The graphics card itself should support original texture reading , In the newer OpenGL The version also supports the reading of original texture pixels . Because in addition to image processing , The graphics card also supports parallel computing , And the total computing power is CUP A lot of times .) The reason for this is that , It is also the actual demand , Because if the original texture is read and processed pixel by pixel , It brings a lot of work to the development of the program , therefore OpenGL The coordinates are normalized .GLSL Shader program , Only one target pixel is processed at a time , The color of each target pixel , It will not affect the color of other target pixels .
Slice shaders can be applied to data from various information sources , Including external input , Vertex shader passed in , The corresponding position information of the texture , And related color information , In depth information , This means that slice shaders can do many things , There are many functions . Simple as texture blending , Color filtering , transparent , blend 、 Color mapping inversion and so on , These functions are in the slice shader , Often it can be achieved with only a few simple commands , These simple operations have a common feature , That is to sample the texture only at the default fixed position , Although these operations can be realized by means of fixed pipelines , but GLSL It is simpler and easier to understand , This is also OpenGL Reasons for abandoning fixed pipeline operation , In addition to the above features ,GLSL You can sample any position of the texture , And calculate 、 To color , To achieve specific rendering goals . Such as horizontal split screen operation ,
// Normal texture sampling operation
//v_tex texture sTexCoord Vertex shader passed texture UV coordinate outColor output color
outColor = texture(v_tex,sTexCoord);
// Horizontal split screen
outColor = texture(v_tex,vec2(fract(sTexCoord.x * 2.0) ,sTexCoord.y));
// And then to 0.4,0.6 For the center of a circle 0.2 As the radius of ,0.02 Width Draw a red circle
float len = distance(sTexCoord, vec2(0.4,0.6));\n\
if(len <= 0.22 && len >=0.2)\n\
outColor = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);\n\
give the result as follows :
Of course , This circle is a little flat , This is the length and width ratio of the interface , It's not difficult to solve , The aspect ratio of the picture is 1.6
UV Coordinate for x,y Distance is pow( pow(x - 0.4,2 ) * 1.6+ pow((x - 0.6) ,2),0.5);
Of course , You can also make the red circle translucent
float len = pow( pow((sTexCoord.x-0.4)*1.6 ,2 ) + pow(sTexCoord.y-0.6,2),0.5);\n\
if(len <= 0.22 && len >=0.2)\n\
outColor = outColor * 0.5 + vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)* 0.5;\n\
About picture transparency , There are many ways ,
One is to use two textures , Sample the blend in the slice shader , This method has certain limitations , Except for global blending , The implementation of local mixing is troublesome , Because no matter the size of the texture ,OpenGL The shader should normalize the texture coordinates when processing , For example, the method of sampling calculation can also realize the transparency of local mixing , But you must enter parameters , But toward GLSL Entering data is a very troublesome thing , The calculation of sampling points is also troublesome , Even though GLSL There is almost no limit to the length of shader programs , But the compilation and debugging of shaders are still better than c++ Much more difficult , In particular, the means of single-step debugging and troubleshooting are missing , Keyword completion and check are not as convenient as other programming languages , The intermediate result inspection must also be used with the help of special tools CPU Simulation Implementation , And the versatility of such tools is extremely poor , In terms of staffing efficiency , It can be realized externally , It should be implemented externally .
Second, external implementation , The method of implementation is also very simple , First generate the background in the frame cache , That is to render the background picture first , Then render the foreground picture , To make the foreground picture transparent , Two conditions must be met , One is to open OpenGL Of Alpha transparent , One is to set the foreground Alpha Value channel . If the format of the foreground image itself is RGBA Or others that contain Alpha Color format of the channel , And it's set up , You can use it directly , otherwise , You need to set . It's easy ,
// Turn on OpenGL Of Alpha blend
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);// Set the fusion function
// Rendering , Fan quadrilateral , Start with the first vertex Four peaks
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
// Turn off mixing
// Set the output color in the slice shader Alpha transparency , The value is (0.0 -- 1.0)
outColor.a = Alpha;\n\
Vertex shader , Different from the slice shader task , If the main task of the slice shader is to calculate the color through sampling , Vertex shaders focus on calculating positions , Location includes size 、 Move 、 Rotation and other topological deformations , Vertex shaders usually also receive vertex colors , Light, etc , Make it affect the final rendering result , But I haven't studied this part thoroughly , Usual SDL Applications are also less involved in this aspect , I won't introduce it here , The key point is to transform and calculate the position . Mention the transformation of graphics , Matrix operation is indispensable , Use matrix to greatly reduce the burden of programming , Common transformations , Often a matrix can be solved, and the following are introduced separately
Unit matrix , The identity matrix is diagonally 1, Other units are 0 Matrix , On operation , Multiply the identity matrix of the same dimension by the array of the same dimension , The result remains unchanged. .GLSL The description of location uses 4 Dimension group ,{x,y,z,w} x, y, z Represent the x ,y , z Axis position ,w Represents the distance of the observer . stay GLSL In the shader , use vec2,vec3,vec4 Represent the 2 dimension ,3 dimension ,4 Dimension group , use mat2,mat3,mat4 representative 2 element ,3 element ,4 Meta matrix .mat2(1),mat3(1),mat4(1), Respectively represent the corresponding identity matrix .vec4 x = mat4(1) * x. The geometric meaning of each position of the matrix is difficult to understand , But just remember a few special positions .
4 dimension matrix 1 Diagonals
x, representative x Axis width ,y representative y Axis width ,z, representative z Axis width w Represents the observer about 2D graphics ,x Increase width increase ,y Will cause height changes ,z It doesn't work ,w Increasing the figure will make the rectangle smaller , On the contrary, it becomes larger .
4 dimension matrix 2 Displacement matrix
Yes 2D application x representative x Axis movement ,y representative y Axis movement z It doesn't work w The same as above
4 dimension matrix Observer position matrix
x,y,z Respectively represent the observer's position and move along the corresponding axis ,w The effect remains the same
And the rotation matrix , Don't be wordy here , There are lots of introductions on the Internet , Speak better than me , Here we mainly talk about the usage of matrix , Or use self built structure SDL_fColor, Mainly this structure and GLSL The size of the four-dimensional array in is exactly the same , External reference {r,g,b,a} And with GLSL Medium vec4 identical ,
In order to control the size of the picture display SDL_fColor g_zoom = {x,y,z,w}; among x,y Control the left and right and up and down displacement respectively ,z No use ,w Control zoom in and zoom out .
To control the rotation of the picture , introduce SDL_fColor g_roll = {x,y,z,w}; among x,y,z Each control x,y,z The rotation Angle of the axis .w Control zoom in and zoom out
Modify the vertex shader code to
// Vertex shader
const static GLchar* const vertexShader =
"#version 130\n\
in vec2 position;\n\
in vec2 TexCoord;\n\
uniform vec4 v_data[20];\n\
out vec2 sTexCoord;\n\
void main()\n\
vec4 zoom = v_data[4];\n\
vec4 roll = v_data[5];\n\
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0) ;\n\
if(zoom.w > 0.0)// Move zoom \n\
mat4 m_zoom = mat4(1.0);\n\
m_zoom[3] = zoom;\n\
gl_Position = m_zoom * gl_Position;\n\
if(roll.w >1.0)// rotate \n\
float s,c;\n\
mat4 m_roll = mat4(1.0);//X Axis \n\
m_roll[3][3] = roll.w;\n\
m_roll[1][1] = m_roll[2][2] = cos(roll.x);\n\
m_roll[1][2] = sin(roll.x);\n\
m_roll[2][1] = -sin(roll.x);\n\
gl_Position = m_roll * gl_Position;\n\
m_roll = mat4(1.0);//Y Axis \n\
m_roll[0][0] = m_roll[2][2] = cos(roll.y);\n\
m_roll[0][2] = sin(roll.y);\n\
m_roll[2][0] = -sin(roll.y);\n\
gl_Position = m_roll * gl_Position;\n\
m_roll = mat4(1.0);//Z Axis \n\
m_roll[0][0] = m_roll[1][1] = cos(roll.z);\n\
m_roll[0][1] = sin(roll.z);\n\
m_roll[1][0] = -sin(roll.z);\n\
gl_Position = m_roll * gl_Position;\n\
sTexCoord = TexCoord ;\n\
among v_data[20] Share a set of parameters with the slice shader
Finally, paste a group of effect pictures
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