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LSF basic command
2022-07-02 17:04:00 【TMC~McGrady】
mylsfhosts: Query the available queues_name And all hosts node .
bjobs: Check the job status submitted by the current user . It will show all the jobs Of JOBID、USER、STAT、QUEUE、FROM_HOST、EXEC_HOST、JOB_NAME、SUBMIT_TIME.
bjobs -r: Show running jobs.
bjobs -a: Show running and recently completed jobs .
bjobs -p: Displays the job waiting to run and the reason for waiting .
bjobs -s: Displays the job being suspended and the reason for the suspension .
bjobs -l: Display all the information of the job .
bjobs -u all -m machine_name: The query machine_name All of the jobs situation .
bhist: Displays the history of recently completed or running jobs .
bkill jobid: Delete the specified job.
bpeek jobid: Displays the standard output of a job while it is running , Monitor job run .Cannot bpeek an interactive job, You can't peek Interactive homework .
bqueues: Display all queue information ,QUEUE_NAME、PRIO、STATUS、MAX、JL/U、JL/P、JL/H、NJOBS、PEND、RUN、SUSP.
bhosts queues_name: Display the job related information of each node ,HOST_NAME、STATUS、JL/U、MAX、NJOBS、RUN、SSUSP、USUSP、RSV.
bhosts -l machine_name:Total I. overall condition of behavior ,Reserved 1. Reserve , In especial mem.
lsload machine_name: The query machine_name The load of , There can be multiple servers behind , Also check out .HOST_NAME、status、r15s、r1m、r15m、ut、pg、ls、it、tmp、swp、mem.
r15s:The 15-second exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
r1m:The 1-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
r15m:The 15-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
ut:The CPU utilization exponentially averaged over the last minute, between 0 and 1. CPU utilization .
pg:The memory paging rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in pages per second. Memory paging speed .
ls:The number of current login users. login users Number of user logins .
it:On UNIX, the idle time of the host (keyboard not touched on all logged in sessions), in minutes. Idle time of the host .
On Windows, the it index is based on the time a screen saver has been active on a particular host.
tmp:The amount of free space in /tmp, in MB. tmp The amount of space available in .
swp:The amount of available swap space. Available cache space size .
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB depending on the actual system swap space. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
mem:The amount of available RAM. You can use mem The size .
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB depending on the actual system memory. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
bsub: Submit to lsf The order of the job
-I: Interactive mode , At this time, the terminal cannot input .-Ip、-Is I'm submitting job When providing virtual Terminal Support , such as vim This application .
-q: Appoint queues.
-P project_name: Designated project , Generally used for identification and statistics .
-m hostname: Specify the server , You need to ensure that the machine is in the current queue .
select: Resource selection , Computing nodes that meet specific needs . such as -R “select[mem>1G]”, Indicates that the memory is greater than 1G Of , Can be used to perform related operations .
rusage: Resource usage , The number of resources needed by the job . such as -R “rusage[mem=512M]”, Indicates that the memory usage is 512M, Reserved for jobs . The scheduler deducts these resources from the available resources of the node , No longer assign to others .
-R ‘rusage[mem=204800]’: Unit is M, in total 200G, Retain 200G Memory for this job Use .
order: Resource order , The selection order of calculation nodes . such as -R “order[mem]”, When multiple machines are available , Priority should be given to computing nodes with large memory .
==-R ‘ut < 0.5 && r1m <10 && mem > 204800 && swap > 50000 order[ut]’ ==, Multi conditional control selection server .
IBM Knowledge Center Contained in the LSF All relevant documents :https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-lsf/10.1.0
LSF The command line reference list includes links to each command line help document :https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-lsf/10.1.0?topic=reference-command
download LSF The Community Edition can be quickly installed and used LSF, Although it is the job of the administrator in the data center , But if you want to have a try, this is the most convenient .:https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/where-do-i-download-lsf-community-edition
lshosts hostname: Check the machine resource status ,HOST_NAME、type、model、cpuf ncpus、maxmem、maxswp、server、RESOURCES.
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