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Groupbykey() and reducebykey() and combinebykey() in spark

2022-07-05 06:05:00 YaoYong_ BigData

  One 、groupByKey:

         In a (K,V) Of RDD On the call , Return to one (K, Iterator[V]) Of RDD, It's also for each key To operate , But only one sequence,groupByKey The function itself cannot be customized , We need to use it first. groupByKey Generate RDD, And then we can do that RDD adopt map Perform custom function operations . 

effect :

  • GroupByKey The main function of the operator is according to Key grouping , and ReduceByKey It's kind of similar , however GroupByKey It's not about aggregation , Just list Key All corresponding Value.

Be careful :

  • GroupByKey It's a Shuffled.

  • GroupByKey and ReduceByKey Different , Because you need to list Key All corresponding data , So it can't be in Map End to do Combine, therefore GroupByKey Performance does not ReduceByKey good .

Two 、reduceByKey:

         It's right key Of value Conduct merge operation , In a (K,V) Of RDD On the call , Return to one (K,V) Of RDD, Use specified reduce function , Will be the same key The values of , And groupByKey similar ,reduce The number of tasks can be set through the second optional parameter , The most important thing is that it can be done locally first merge operation , also merge Operations can be customized through functions .

effect :

  • First of all, in accordance with the Key Group to generate a Tuple, Then execute for each group  reduce  operator .

call :

def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) ⇒ V): RDD[(K, V)]

Parameters :

  • func → Functions that perform data processing , Pass in two parameters , One is the current value , One is partial aggregation , This function needs to have an output , The output is this Key The summary results of .

Be careful :

  • ReduceByKey It only works on Key-Value Type data , Key-Value Type data in the current context refers to Tuple2.

  • ReduceByKey It's a need Shuffled The operation of .

  • And others Shuffled comparison , ReduceByKey It's efficient , Because of the similar MapReduce Of , stay Map There's one side Cominer, such I/O The data will be reduced .

3、 ... and 、combineByKey()

        spark according to key Do aggregate aggregateByKey,groupByKey,reduceByKey And other common operators, whose underlying essence is to call combineByKey Realized , That is all combineByKey A special case of , Here's how combineByKey operator :

There are two ways to source :

    * @param createCombiner
    * @param mergeValue
    * @param mergeCombiners
    * @tparam C
    * @return
  def combineByKey[C](
                       createCombiner: V => C,
                       mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
                       mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C): RDD[(K, C)] = self.withScope {
    combineByKeyWithClassTag(createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners)(null)
    * @param createCombiner
    * @param mergeValue
    * @param mergeCombiners
    * @param partitioner
    * @param mapSideCombine
    * @param serializer
    * @tparam C
    * @return
  def combineByKey[C](
                       createCombiner: V => C,
                       mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
                       mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C,
                       partitioner: Partitioner,
                       mapSideCombine: Boolean = true,
                       serializer: Serializer = null): RDD[(K, C)] = self.withScope {
    combineByKeyWithClassTag(createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners,
      partitioner, mapSideCombine, serializer)(null)

  Parameter description :

1、createCombiner:V => C , Create composite functions in partitions . This function takes the current value as a parameter , At this time, we can do some additional operations ( Type conversion ) And return it to ( This step is similar to the initialization operation ).

          explain : In the same zone , The same key, Only for the first time value Will run this function .

2、mergeValue: (C, V) => C, Merge value function in partition . This function puts the element V Merge to previous elements C(createCombiner) On ( This operation is carried out in each partition ).

         explain : In the same zone , The same key, Not for the first time value Run this function , among C For the last result ,V Is the current value .

3、mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C, Multi partition merge combiner function . This function takes 2 Elements C Merge .

         explain : This operation is performed between different partitions .

4、partitioner: Number of custom partitions , The default is HashPartitioner.

5、mapSideCombine: Whether in map End of Combine operation , The default is true.

Go over the figure below , The logic should be clear :

Add a more detailed figure :


Four 、 example

   * ------ Output results ------
   * (tim,1)
   * (lucy,1)
   * (Hello,3)
   * (lily,1)
  def reduceByKeyTest():Unit = {
    // 1.  establish  RDD
    val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq("Hello lily", "Hello lucy", "Hello tim"))
    // 2.  Processing data 
    val rdd2 = rdd1.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
    // 3.  Get the results 
    val result = rdd2.collect()
    // 4.  close sc

   * ------ Output results ------
   * (a,CompactBuffer(1, 1))
   * (b,CompactBuffer(1))
  def groupByKey(): Unit = {
    val rdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = sc.parallelize(Seq(("a", 1), ("a", 1), ("b", 1)))
    val rdd1: RDD[(String, Iterable[Int])] = rdd.groupByKey()
    val rdd2: Array[(String, Iterable[Int])] = rdd1.collect()

   * ------ Output results ------
   * (zhangsan,97.33333333333333)
   * (lisi,97.5)
   * --- Ask for the average score of each student 
  def combineByKey(): Unit = {
    // 1.  Ready to assemble 
    val rdd: RDD[(String, Double)] = sc.parallelize(Seq(
      ("zhangsan", 99.0),
      ("zhangsan", 96.0),
      ("lisi", 97.0),
      ("lisi", 98.0),
      ("zhangsan", 97.0))

    // 2.  Operator operation 
    //   2.1. createCombiner  Conversion data 
    //   2.2. mergeValue  Aggregation on partitions 
    //   2.3. mergeCombiners  Aggregate the results on all partitions again ,  Generate the final result 
    val combineResult = rdd.combineByKey(
      createCombiner = (curr: Double) => (curr, 1),
      mergeValue = (curr: (Double, Int), nextValue: Double) => (curr._1 + nextValue, curr._2 + 1),
      mergeCombiners = (curr: (Double, Int), agg: (Double, Int)) => (curr._1 + agg._1, curr._2 + agg._2)

     * ------ Output results ------
     * (zhangsan,(292.0,3))
     * (lisi,(195.0,2))
    //val resultRDD = combineResult
    val resultRDD = combineResult.map( item => (item._1, item._2._1 / item._2._2) )

    // 3.  To get the results ,  Print the results 

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