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Babbitt | Metaverse Daily Must Read: The shuffling is coming, will the digital Tibetan industry usher in a new batch of leaders in the second half?Will there be new ways to play?...
2022-07-30 20:31:00 【Babbitt Information】
摘要:For the trend of the digital Tibetan industry in the second half of the year,“千藏大战”成为了共识,As digital collections are still in the early stages of development,Whether all horses return to one or a hundred flowers bloom has not yet been concluded.
Tencent and the Voice of the Yangtze River Delta launched the first place AI 数字人主播“长小姣”,Officially started today
据蓝鲸 TMT 频道 7 月 29 日消息,Voice of the Yangtze River Delta and Tencent's online intelligent video creation platform“智影”联手打造的虚拟数字人主播“长小姣”,在经过 2 个多月的“试用期”之后,The voice of the Yangtze River Delta at Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station was transferred to a regular post,Start broadcasting.据介绍,“长小姣”基于腾讯 AI 的超写实数字人建模、多模态识别及生成、实时面部动作生成及驱动、迁移学习等人工智能技术,结合扫描还原、面部肌肉驱动、表情肢体捕捉等技术,Real people are similar 98%.数据显示,智影数字人唇形模型效果比真人唇形效果高 2.34%,At the same time the sound supports multiple emotions、多方言、多风格朗读.
此外,Zhiying can realize video editing in the cloud,同时支持多轨剪辑、变速、蒙版、关键帧、AI 朗读、自动识别字幕、自动踩点等基础剪辑功能,And provide free one-stop video editing and production services.
Chief Commercial Officer of Microsoft:The Industrial Metaverse has the power to simultaneously improve supply chain resilience、Potential for business efficiency and sustainability
7 月 29 日,微软全球执行副总裁,首席商务官 Judson Althoff Posted on Microsoft's official website《From toughness to digital constant force:All walks of life use digital technology to meet the changes of the times》,其中表示,工业元宇宙(Industrial Metaverse)It has the ability to improve supply chain flexibility at the same time、Potential for business efficiency and sustainability,Anheuser-Busch InBev in Belgium(AB Inbev)、博世(Bosch)、川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)、现代汽车集团(Hyundai Motor Group)、Novo Nordisk of Denmark(Novo Nordisk)Both have been deployed by Microsoft Azure 数字孪生(Azure Digital Twins).
周鸿祎:很多 Web3 is a zero-sum model,I have slight reservations about it
据《中国企业家杂志》7 月 29 日报道,360 Zhou Hongyi, the founder of the company, said in an exclusive interview,Web3.0、区块链、元宇宙,Can subversion be achieved,Depends on whether there are enough small application scenarios,Improve it bit by bit,Only users can use it.元宇宙和 Web3 Don't be too grand,From the point of view of disruptive innovation,Any force that changes the world has two characteristics when it first comes out,The first is very small,The second is to be able to change some applications of the world.今天很多 Web3 的模型,I feel like this is the zero-sum model,I have slight reservations about it.Don't kill new things with a stick,Web3 And the metaverse can also start with some microscopic details,Like changing the way people meet.
Second Minister of Law, Singapore:婚礼、Government services and legal services may be available on the Metaverse
据 Cointelegraph 7 月 29 日消息,Second Minister of Law, Singapore Edwin Tong 在 TechLaw Fest 2022 上发言,He thinks even highly personal、intimate activities,such as a wedding ceremony,Can also be done on the Metaverse.Tong 称,“This is not unthinkable,Except for marriage registration,Other government services will soon be accessible online through the Metaverse.” About legal services on the Metaverse,Tong 补充说,“There is no reason why legal services cannot be processed on the same day.The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us,Even what was once considered physical contact、The high-touch dispute resolution process can also be held almost entirely online.It is believed that such a comprehensive platform will make the entire dispute resolution process more convenient、高效,And keep pace with developments in the rest of the world.”
Technology expert:Apple may be killing the development of the Metaverse
据 CoinDesk 7 月 29 日报道,风险投资机构 Epyllion Co. 的执行合伙人 Matthew Ball 认为,Apple may be killing the development of the Metaverse.Ball 著有《The Metaverse and how it will revolutionize everything》一书.Ball 表示,Although Apple seems capable“Thrive in the next era of more immersive computing”,But its control over distribution could hold back the industry as a whole.他称,Apple doesn't allow based on Crypto 的虚拟世界,They succeeded in preventing a specific type of disruptive innovation and category.By avoiding complex virtual worlds,The tech giant is getting it right“什么是可用的,what is not available”exert undue influence.
元宇宙基础设施公司 Condense 完成 450 万美元种子轮融资
DeFi 之道讯,7 月 28 日,元宇宙基础设施公司 Condense 宣布完成 450 万美元种子轮融资,LocalGlobe、7 percent Ventures 和 Deeptech Labs 领投.此外,Condense 还与 Watershed(Bristol's cultural cinema and creative venue)Collaboration to open Metaverse Studio.Condense 于 2019 Founded in Bristol, England,is a metaverse infrastructure startup,Real-world events like music and sporting events can be streamed to 3D 应用程序中.
NFT 指数公司 Center 完成 1100 万美元种子轮融资,Thrive 等参投
据 The Block 7 月 28 日消息,NFT 指数公司 Center 完成 1100 万美元种子轮融资,Thrive 和 Founders Fund 等参投.据悉,Center will be on each blockchain NFT Index and organize,So far its database has been included 1.2 亿个 NFT.
《Bet on the edge of a new age:Web3should not be missingAI》
Creation of a new world,A digital definition of the new world,是 Web3 of the aborigines“天赋人权”.This power is still used professionally“阶层”垄断了,Or monopolized by the old productive forces,And most are still just spectators,Or just pay for them?This is also the dilemma of the current digital collection market.as productivity progresses,Productivity in this context is artificial intelligence,There will always be a wave of people awakening to challenge traditional production relations with new technological innovations:No longer for old-time producers——Consumer relations pay the bill.于是轰轰烈烈的 Web3.0 In the process, a trend around the democratization of creative rights began to spread,即所谓的“Web3 创作者经济时代”!
《The digital collection industry is about to be reshuffled,“千藏大战”谁将出局?》
For the trend of the digital Tibetan industry in the second half of the year,“千藏大战”成为共识,As digital collections are still in the early stages of development,Whether all horses return to one or a hundred flowers bloom has not yet been concluded,Opinions differ as to who will lead:底层设施完善、资金IP资源多、运营能力强、Preemptively build application scenarios and more,“Anyway, overdraft the future、A platform that draws cakes for users will not”.
近日,Meta委托国际经济咨询公司Analysis Group编写了一份元宇宙白皮书,该报告以移动设备的发展为依据,预测了元宇宙技术对全球经济的影响.该报告主要分为四个部分:元宇宙的应用及挑战、移动设备技术与元宇宙的相似性、用经济模型研究移动设备对全球GDP的影响、研究元宇宙的潜在经济市场.
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