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CA certificate trampled pit

2022-07-05 22:01:00 The sea of waves

CA certificate

What is a certificate ?

English name “pubilci key certificate”, It can be simply understood as official seal , The company's own official seal is to prove that it is true , What if someone forges ? After all, there are still many liars .

What is? CA?

English name “Certificate Authority” Abbreviation , Also called “ Certificate Authority Center ”. It can be understood as an authority , No one can forge the certificate of authority .

What is? CA certificate ?

Namely CA Certificate issued , Authoritative , Everyone agrees and believes .

How to see CA certificate ?





A pit : To configure server.xml (PFX Certificate )

<Connector port="443"
    # here , The official document is Http/1.1, The author failed in the test , Therefore, the protocol in this article is replaced 
    keystoreFile="domain name.pfx"   
    # here keystoreFile Represents the path of the certificate file , Please replace... With the filename of your certificate domain name.
    keystorePass=" Certificate password "   # Please replace the contents of the file with your certificate password .

Pit two : HTTPS Error in self signed certificate during debugging ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Solutions for


When generating a certificate, you need to add an alternate name (subjectAltName) Extension field .
Use openssl add to subjectAltName Expand ;
Create a file ext.ini, Fill in the following :

basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = *.dyxmq.cn
DNS.2 = *.maqian.xin
DNS.3 = *.maqian.io
DNS.4 = *.maqian.co
DNS.5 = *.maqian.cn

stay DNS.x Fill in your own domain name where you can , If more than one domain name , Can follow the law DNS.1/DNS.2/DNS.3/… To add , It also supports IP The form of address , fill IP.1 = x.x.x.x That's all right. .

Take the parameters when issuing the certificate :

openssl x509 ... -extfile ext.ini

Troubleshooting ideas for certificate installation failure

It's just two aspects

  • On the one hand is server There is a problem with the configuration , Be sure to pay attention to the suffix of the certificate , Different files correspond to different configuration files
  • The other is the certificate itself , You can check whether the certificate is secure through the certificate details on the browser , And check the details of the error information in the browser page .

There is something wrong , Welcome to the discussion .
Last , Welcome to pay attention to my wechat , What do you like , Collection , Forwarding is my greatest encouragement .


Reference article

install PFX Form Certificate

HTTPS Error in self signed certificate during debugging ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Solutions for

Create a self signature CA and SSL certificate

Tomcat To configure SSL certificate (PFX certificate )

CA Certificate literacy ,https Explain


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