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MBI5020 LED Driver
2022-08-01 14:03:00 【xqhrs232】
Original address::MBI5020 LED Driver - GrayXinwang (software development blog aggregation)
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Circuit diagram two SDI
void screen_refresh_first(void) {uint8_t i, j, k;uint16_t data1[4];uint16_t data2[4];for(k=0;k<4;k++){data1[k]=ref_data1[k];data2[k]=ref_data2[k];}//µÚÒ»×éSDI_1_L;//µÚһ·Êý¾ÝSDI_2_L;//µÚ¶þ·Êý¾ÝCLK_1_L;//ʱÖÓLE_1_L;OE_1_H;//ʹÄÜfor (i = 0; i < 4; i++) //¿ªÊ¼½øÐÐÒÆλ{for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {//ÏÈ×¼±¸ºÃÊý¾Ýif (data2[i] &0x8000) { //data[i]&(1<<(15-j))SDI_2_H; //Êý¾Ý1}else {SDI_2_L; //Êý¾Ý0}if (data1[i] &0x8000) {SDI_1_H; //Êý¾Ý1}else {SDI_1_L; //Êý¾Ý0}CLK_1_H;data1[i] = (data1[i] << 1);//Êý¾Ý×óÒÆһλdata2[i] = (data2[i] << 1);//Êý¾Ý×óÒÆһλCLK_1_L;}}LE_1_H;//¿ªÊ¼ÒÆλLE_1_L;//ÀµÍÒÆλOE_1_L;//ʹÄÜÊä³ö}
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Copyright statement: This article is an original article by zhangliangfeng412, following CC 4.0 BY-SACopyright agreement, please attach the original source link and this statement for reprinting.
Link to this article: MBI5020 LEDDriver_zhangliangfeng412's blog-CSDN blog_mbi5020gp chip information
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