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Tips for Mac novices
2020-11-07 17:49:00 【Mac xiaomuzi plum】
Novice Mac Users may have seen a lot of relevant novice tutorials before buying the machine , In the last few issues, I shared many novice skills , I don't know if you have learned ? It's time to enlarge today !! Here are a few functional tips for skilled users , Of course, it is also suitable for beginners who are quick to use the operating system .
One 、Mac How to encrypt files
1、 open Mac“ Disk tools ”
2、 Choose... From the menu bar “ file ”——“ New image ”——“ Images from folders ”
3、 Select the folder you want to encrypt , Press “ selection ” confirm
4、 stay “ encryption ” Choose the type you want from the options , Input password , Click on “ Storage ”
5、 The system generates a password “.dmg” Disk image file
Two 、 Quickly look up the word translation
1、 Choose English words , Single finger ( It can be set on the touch panel ) Tap the touchpad
2、 When the word turns yellow , Press at the same time “control+command+D”, The Chinese meaning can be displayed
3、 stay “ Configure Dictionary ” in , You can configure translation dictionaries or other national languages
This function is a little bit like a genius , Where will not order where .
3、 ... and 、 Visit to search the current folder
1、 Want to search for a file in a folder , In the search box at the top right of visit , The default is to search the whole station Mac The file of
Four 、 Input Pinyin tone
In English input mode , Long press the letter key , Subtitles with Pinyin will appear on the screen , Choose the corresponding pinyin tone .
5、 ... and 、 Use preview to convert HEIC picture
1、HEIC picture , Double click to use “ preview ” open
2、 In the menu bar “ file ”——“ export ” Choose the appropriate format —— Press “ Store ”( Choose a more compatible JPG Format )
6、 ... and 、 remove Windows System
1、 Get into Mac operating system , open “ Start the conversion assistant ”, Click on “ continue ”
2、 stay “ Remove start transition ” Window click “ recovery ” You can remove window System , Restore partition
7、 ... and 、 Word splitting input
Some fonts are so complicated that we don't even know how to input them , At this time, you can input through word splitting .
For example “ inflammation ” You can input... In the input method “ Fire and fire ”, Press “shift+ Space ” Will appear “ inflammation ”, And there will be corresponding pronunciation prompt .
8、 ... and 、 No password required , use Apple Watch Unlock Mac
We all know that the ecology of Apple has always been strong , So if you have a Apple Watch, You can connect them .
1、 Make sure Mac Enabled Wi-Fi And the bluetooth , meanwhile Mac and Apple Watch The same has been used Apple ID Log in to iCloud, also Apple ID Dual authentication enabled
2、 open Mac Of “ System preferences ”——“ Security and privacy ”
3、 Turn on “ Use your AppleWatch Unlock APP and Mac” perhaps “ allow Apple Watch Unlock Mac”.
When you're wearing an unlocked watch and Mac When the distance is very close , The auto unlock function works . Of course, make sure your Mac It supports automatic unlocking function .
Nine 、 Look up the input code
If you are a person who often uses pinyin to type , Suddenly one day I want to learn how to type five strokes , Now “ Look up the input code ” It's a good tool to use .
1、 Click on the toolbar “ typewriting ” Icon , choice “ Look up the input code ”
2、 stay “ Input box ” Input one or more Chinese characters , The Pinyin for each word will be displayed below 、 stroke , Five strokes and word splitting .
Ten 、 eliminate DNS cache
Every time we visit the web ,DNS It will cache some information , When there is too much cache information , You can't open some websites when you visit them , At this point, you can try to remove DNS cache .
1、 open “ terminal ” Software , Input “sudokillall -HUP mDNSResponder; sleep 2”, Carriage return confirmation
2、 Input Mac Login password for ( Input is the interface will not show , Just input it directly ), Carriage return confirmation
3、 “command+Q” Exit to clear DNS cache
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