当前位置:网站首页>Chapter 20: y= sin (x) /x, rambling coordinate system calculation, y= sin (x) /x with profile graphics, Olympic rings, ball rolling and bouncing, water display, rectangular optimization cutting, R que
Chapter 20: y= sin (x) /x, rambling coordinate system calculation, y= sin (x) /x with profile graphics, Olympic rings, ball rolling and bouncing, water display, rectangular optimization cutting, R que
2022-07-03 19:21:00 【Shares_ four】
One 、 Preparation
stay VS2017 in , No, <graphics.h> This library file
Download a piece of software :https://easyx.cn/
//y= sin(x)/x
int main()
double t, x;
int k, r, y;
initgraph(640, 480);
setfillcolor(YELLOW);// initialization 640x480 Drawing screen
fillrectangle (50, 20, 570, 320) ; // Set the background
setcolor (BLACK) ;
line (50, 200, 550, 200) ;
line (300, 280, 300, 50) ; // Draw a coordinate axis line
for (r = 1; r <= 5; r = r + 1)
line(540, 195, 550 - r, 200);
line(540, 205, 650 - r, 200);
line(295, 60, 300, 50 + r);
line(305, 60, 300, 50 + r);
circle(305, 205, 3);
t = 220 / 4 / 3.1415926;
for (k = 80; k <= 520; k = k + 1) // Display graphics by drawing circles
x = (k - 300) / t;
y = (int)(200 - 120 * sin(x) / x);
for (r = 1; r <= 2; r++)
fillcircle(k, y, r);
Sleep(30); // Time delay
return 0;
result :
// Ramble coordinate system calculation
int main()
long d, j, k, n, s, x, y, z;
printf(" 1 They count -> coordinate ;2 coordinate -> They count ; Please select the calculation item ");
scanf("%d", &z);
if (z==1)
printf(" They count -> coordinate , Please enter the number of steps n:");
scanf ("%ld", &n);
while (1)
s += 2 * k;
d = s - n;
if (abs(d) <= k) break; // Make sure No n The number of layers where the step is located k
if (k % 2 > 0 && d < 0)
x = k;
y = k + d;
} // Odd layer coordinate assignment
else if (k%2>0 && d>=0)
x = k - d;
y = k;
else if (k % 2 == 0 && d<0)
x = k + d; y = k; // Even layer coordinate assignment
else if (k % 2 == 0 && d >= 0)
x = k;
y = k - d;
printf(" The first %1d Coordinates of the position to which the step goes :%1d,%1d).\n", n, x, y);
printf(" coordinate -> They count , Please enter the coordinates x,y:");
scanf( "%d", &x);
printf("x= %ld", x);
scanf("%d", &y);
//scanf("%1d,%ld", &x,&y);
// printf("x= %ld", x);
printf("y =%ld", y);
k = (x > y ? x : y); // seek x、, The maximum of k Immediate layer :
s = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= k; j++)
s = s + 2 * j;
if (k % 2 > 0) // seek k The number of steps of the layer break point s // The odd layer first goes horizontally to the right , Re vertical
if (x == k)
n = s + (k - y);
n = s - (k - x);
else // Even layers are vertically upward first , Then level
if (x == k)
n = s - (k - y);
n = s + (k - x);
printf(" Stroll to the coordinates (%ld,%ld) It's No %ld Step \n", x, y, n);
return 0;
result :
P.S. : stay VC2017 in , Use scanf(“%ld”,&x); Always fail , Need to change to scanf(“%d”,&x);
//y= sin(x)/x With profile graphics
int main()
double t, x;
int k, r, y,h;
initgraph(640, 480);
setfillcolor(YELLOW);// initialization 640x480 Drawing screen
fillrectangle(50, 20, 570, 320); // Set the background
line(50, 200, 550, 200);
line(300, 280, 300, 50); // Draw a coordinate axis line
for (r = 1; r <= 5; r = r + 1)
line(540, 195, 550 - r, 200);
line(540, 205, 650 - r, 200);
line(295, 60, 300, 50 + r);
line(305, 60, 300, 50 + r);
circle(305, 205, 3);
t = 220 / 4 / 3.1415926;
for (k = 80; k <= 520; k = k + 1) // Display graphics by drawing circles
x = (k - 300) / t;
y = (int)(200 - 120 * sin(x) / x);
h = (int)(1 + 12 * fabs(sin(x) / x));
fillellipse(k - 1, y - h, k + 1, y + h);
//for (r = 1; r <= 2; r++)
// fillcircle(k, y, r);
Sleep(30); // Time delay
return 0;
result :
// Olympic rings
int main()
int k, i, x, y;
initgraph(640, 180);
bar(50, 40, 430, 240);
setlinestyle(PS_SOLID, 3);
x = 150;
y = 120;
for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
if (i == 0)
setcolor(BLUE); // Drawing initialization , Clear the screen / Draw a rectangular flag // Adjust the bold pen // loop 5 Time , draw 5 Annulus / Define the brush color of each ring
else if (i == 1)
else if (i == 2) setcolor(RED);
else if (i == 3) setcolor(YELLOW);
else setcolor(GREEN);
if (i > 2)
x = -75; y = 160;
for (k = 0; k <= 8; k++)
circle(x + i * 90, y, 42 - k);
Sleep(1000); // Adjust the center of the next two rings // Draw several concentric circles for each ring to thicken // Proper delay
for (k = 0; k <= 8; k++) // Local adjustment makes each ring buckle
arc(150 - 42 + k, 120 - 42 + k, 150 + 42 - k, 120 + 42 - k, 5.8, 7.0);
arc(240 - 42 + k, 120 - 42 + k, 240 + 42 - k, 120 + 42 - k, 3.8, 4.7);
arc(240 - 42 + k, 120 - 42 + k, 240 + 42 - k, 120 + 42 - k, 5.8, 7.0);
arc(330 - 42 + k, 120 - 42 + k, 330 + 42 - k, 120 + 42 - k, 3.8, 6.0);
return 0;
result :
// The ball rolls and bounces
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
int main()
int k, n, x, y;
double h = 300;
double v = 0;
double a = 9.8 / 50;
initgraph(640, 480);
fillrectangle(50, 20, 600, 470);
fillrectangle(80, 455, 540, 427); // Set the height // Set the initial speed 1/ Determine the acceleration // Initialize drawing window // Set the background // Draw the ground plane
setfillcolor (BROWN) ;
setlinestyle (PS_SOLID, 3) ;
fillrectangle(100, 120, 372, 100);// Draw desktop
fillrectangle (300, 120, 325, 425) ;
fillrectangle (150, 120, 175, 425) ;
for (x = 120; x <= 372; x = x + 2)
fillcircle(x, 72, 25); // Green filled circles with borders
if (x == 120) Sleep(2000);
Sleep(20); // Time delay
// Eliminate traces in time
fillcircle(x, 72, 25);
for (k = 1; k <= 14; k++)
x = 2 * k;
y = (int)sqrt(25 * 25 - x * x);
fillcircle(373 + x, 94 - y, 25);
fillcircle(373 + x, 94 - y, 25);
n = 0;
while (n <= 18)
v += a;
h -= (v - a / 2);
if (h <= 0)
h += (v - a / 2);
v = -v * 0.85;
fillcircle(400, 400 - int(h), 25);
fillcircle(400, 400 - int(h), 25);
fillcircle(400, 400, 25);
return 0;
result :
// Flow display
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
int main()
int d, d1, d2, i, j, k, t, x, y, x1, y1;
initgraph(640, 480);
rectangle(50, 30, 248, 348);
rectangle(18, 30, 250, 350);
bar(30, 25, 77, 35);
bar(63, 25, 77, 60);
bar(30, 25, 40, 472);
bar(40, 162, 50, 472);
bar(248, 202, 260, 206);
rectangle(255, 202, 258, 194);
bar(253, 194, 260, 190);
bar(248, 344, 260, 348);
rectangle(255, 336, 258, 344);
bar(253, 336, 260, 332);
bar(2, 351, 250, 370);
line(50, 374, 50, 472);
line(50, 472, 620, 472);
line(620, 472, 620, 374);
fillpie(30, 0, 45, 30, 0, 6.29);
for (k = 1; k<= 2; k++)
bar(51, 378, 618, 471);
t = _getch();
bar(67, 60, 72, 347);
for (y = 347; y >= 60; y--)
fillpie(30, 0, 45, 30, 0, -y * 10);
for (x = 51; x <= 247; x++)
putpixel(x, y, GREEN);
for (x = 51; x <= 619; x++)
putpixel(x, 375 + (350 - y) / 3, BLACK);
t = _getch();
for (y = 60; y <= 347; y++) // Press any key to run water
for (x = 51; x <= 247; x++)
putpixel(x, y, BLACK);
if (y <= 203)
for (j = 0; j <= 264; j++)
d = (int)sqrt(204 - y);
d1 = (int)(2 * sqrt(j) *d);
d2 = (int)(2 * sqrt(j + 1) *d);
x1 = 260 + d1;
y1 = 204 + j;
d = d2 - d1 + (204 - y) / 70;
// d、dl. d2 Control figure line
for (i = 0; i <= d; i++) // Water flowing from the upper hole
if ((x1 + i) < 618 && y1 < 490 - y / 3)
solidcircle(x1 + i, y1, 1);
for (j = 0; j <= 120; j++)
d = (int)sqrt(348 - y);
d1 = (int)(2 * sqrt(j) *d);
d2 = (int)(2 * sqrt(j + 1) *d);
x1 = 260 + d1;
y1 = 346 + j; d = d2 - d1 + (348 - y) / 70;
for (i = 0; i <= d; i++)
if (y1 < 490 - y / 3 && x1 + i < 618)
solidcircle(x1 + i, y1, 1);
if (y % 3 == 0)
for (x = 51; x <= 619; x++)
putpixel(x, 491 - y / 3, GREEN); // The lower tank water level rises
solidrectangle(260, 200, 618, 490 - y / 3);// Remove traces of water
return 0;
result :
// Rectangle optimization clipping
#ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // Be sure to use , Otherwise scanf Is the compilation failed
#include "list.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
void pra(int a, int b);
int pro(int a, int b);
// Rectangle optimized cutting
int ln, w, a, b, d, x, y, x1, y11, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, max;
long n, min;
int main()
void pra (int a, int b);
int pro (int a, int b) ;
int max1, max2, t, i, wmin, lmin, dw, dl;
printf(" Enter the side length of the large rectangle ln, w = ");
scanf("%d,%d", &ln, &w);
printf(" Enter the side length of the small rectangle a, b = ");
scanf("%d,%d", &a, &b);
if (ln < w) {
t = ln; ln = w; w = t; }
if (a < b) {
t = a; a = b; b = t; }
if (ln >= a && w >= b)
wmin = w;
lmin = ln;
for (i = 0; i <= w / a; i++)
dw = w - i * a - ((w - i * a) / b) * b;
if (dw < wmin) wmin = dw;
for (i = 0; i <= ln / a; i++)
dl = ln - i * a - ((ln - i * a) / b) * b;
if (dl < lmin) lmin = dl;
if (lmin != 0 || wmin != 0)
min = (long)wmin * ln + lmin * w - wmin * lmin;
min = (long)ln * w - ((long)ln * w) / (a * b) * a * b;
n = (long)(ln - lmin) * (w - wmin);
n = n / ((long)a * b);
max1 = pro(a, b);
max2 = pro(b, a);
if (max1 >= max2)
pro(a, b);
pra(a, b);
pro(b, a);
pra(b, a);
printf(" Cannot cut !\n");
return 0;
int pro(int a, int b)
int l1, w1, s, i, j, i1, j1, i2, j2, i3, j3, i4, j4;
max = 0;
for (i = ln / a; i >= 0; i--)
for (j = w / b; j >= 0; j--)
for (i3 = 0; i3 <= ln / a - 1; i3++)
for (j3 = 0; j3 <= w / b; j3++)
i1 = (ln - i * a) / b;
j1 = (w - j3 * b) / a;
i2 = (ln - 13 * a) / b;
j2 = (w - j * b) / a;
s = i * j + i1 * j1 + i2 * j2 + i3 * j3;
l1 = (i1 + 12) * b - ln;
w1 = (j1 + j2) * a - w;
i4 = 0;
j4 = 0;
if (11 > 0 && w1 > 0 && i1 * j1 > 0 && 12 * j2 > 0)
i4 = 11 / b;
j4 = 11 / a;
if (l1 % b != 0) i4++;
if (w1 % a != 0) j4++;
s = s - i4 * j4;
if (s > max)
max = s;
x = i;
x1 = i1;
x2 = i2;
x3 = i3;
x4 = i4;
y = j;
y11 = j1;
y2 = j2;
y3 = j3;
y4 = j4;
return max;
void pra(int a, int b)
int i, j, t, f, g;
initgraph(640, 180);
printf(" Rectangular shearing problem : stay %dx%d On the rectangular plate ", ln, w);
printf(" shear % dx % d The little rectangle of .\n", a, b);
printf(" The upper bound of the number of small cut rectangles is :%1d individual ", n);
printf(" You can cut %d A small pitch :\n", max);
if (ln > 560 || w > 400)
t = ln / 560;
f = w / 400;
g = f + 1;
if (t > f)
g = t + 1;
ln = ln / g;
w = w / g;
a = a / g;
b = b / g;
bar(60, 60, 60 + ln, 60 + w);
printf(" You can cut % d A little rectangle :/n", max);
if (ln > 560 || w > 400) // , When the size is too large, the graphics are scaled down
t = ln / 560;
f = w / 400;
g = f + 1;
if (t > f)
g = t + 1;
ln = ln / g;
w = w / g;
a = a / g;
b = b / g;
bar(60, 60, 60 + ln, 60 + w); // Yellow filling material large rectangle // Brown fill cut small rectangle
for (i = 1; i <= x; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= y; j ++)
bar(61 + (i - 1) * a, 61 + (j - 1) * b, 59 - i * a, 59 + j * b);
for (i = 1; i <= x3; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= y3; j++)
bar(59 + ln - (i - 1) * b, 59 + w - (j - 1) * b, 61 + ln - i * a, 61 + w - j * b);
for (i = 1; i <= x1; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= y11; j ++)
bar(59 + ln - (i - 1) * b, 61 + (j - 1) * a, 61 + ln - i * b, 59 + j * 0);
for (i = 1; 1 <= x2; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= y2; j++)
if (!(x4 * y4 > 0) && i > x2 - x4 && j > y2 - y4)
bar(61 + (i - 1) * 6, 59 + w - (j - 1) * a, 59 + i * b, 61 + w - j * a);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
void pra(int n);
int p(int k);
int g();
//r All queens control nxn The board
int r, m, n, a[30];
long s = 0;
int main()
int p(int k);
printf(" R All queens nxn The board , Please enter r,n");
printf(" The first m Solution output graph , Please make sure m");
scanf("%d", &m); // Call from 1 The number begins
printf("\n %d Full control after three stars %d x %d The board , More than %ld A solution .\n", r, n, n, s);
return 0;
// Queen fully controlled recursive function
int p(int k)
int h, i, j, u;
int g();
if (k <= n)
for (i = 0; i < -n; i++)
a[k] = i;
for (u = 0, j = 1; j <= k - 1; j++)
if (a[j] != 0 && a[k] == a[j] || a[k] * a[j] > 0 && abs(a[k] - a[j]) == k - j)
u = 1;// If there is the same or the same oblique period of non-zero elements
if (u == 0) // Ruodi k Number can be set i, Check whether n Number Lif(fe = n)
if(k ==n)
for (h = 0, j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (a[i] == 0) h++;
if (h == n - r)
if (g() == 0)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
printf("%d", a[j]);
if (s % 5 == 0)
if (s == m) pra(n); // Output graphic solution
else p(k + 1);
return s; // Check whether the chessboard fully controls the function
int g()
int c, f, j, t, b[20][20];
t = 0;
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
b[c][j] = 0;
for (f = 1; f <= n; f++)
if (a[f] != 0)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
b[f][j] = 1;
b[j][a[f]] = 1;
if (f + abs(a[f] - j) <= n)
b[f + abs(a[f] - j)][j] = 1;
if (f - abs(a[f] - j) >= 1)
b[f - abs(a[f] - j)][j] = 1;
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (b[c][j] == 0)
t = 1;
c = n;
return t;// There is a space in the chessboard that cannot be controlled .
//r All queens control nxn Chessboard graphics function
void pra (int n)
int c,d;
initgraph (640, 480) ;
setcolor (BROWN) ; // Draw a checkerboard border
setlinestyle (PS_SOLID, 1) ;
rectangle(160, 20, 161 + n * 46, 20 + n * 40);
rectangle(158, 18, 163 + n * 16, 22 + n * 40);
for (c=1;c<=n;c++)
for (d = 1; d <= n; d++)
setcolor(BLACK); // Draw checkerboard squares
if ((c + d) % 2 == 0)
setfillcolor(CYAN); // Checkerboards are filled with each other
bar(160 + (d - 1) * 46, 20 + (c - 1) * 40, 160 + d * 46, 20 * c * 40);
Sleep(200); // Proper delay
if (a[c] == d) // Face the Queen's crown of the line
rectangle(123 + d * 46, c * 40, 151 + d * 46, 5 + c * 40);
rectangle(123 + d * 46, 5 + c * 10, 151 + d * 16, 10 + c * 10);
line(123 + d * 46, c * 40, 118 + d * 16, c * 40 - 10);
line(129 + d * 46, c * 40, 118 + d * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(129 + d * 46, c * 40, 133 + d * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(137 + d * 16, c * 40, 133 + d * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(137 + d * 16, c * 40, 141 + d * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(145 + d * 46, c * 40, 141 + d * 16, c * 40 - 10);
line(145 + d * 16, c * 40, 156 + d * 16, c * 10 - 10);
line(151 + d * 46, c * 40, 156 + d * 46, c * 40 - 10);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include "function.h"
void pra(int n, int m);
//int p(int k);
int g();
//r All queens control nxm The board
int m, n, a[20];
//long s = 0;
int main()
int i, h, k, d, j, p, r, s, x;
printf(" R All queens nxm The board , Please enter n,m");
scanf("%d,%d", &n, &m);
printf("%d %d", n, m);
printf("R A queen controls , Please enter R R <= N,M");
scanf("%d", &r);
printf(" The first p Solution output graph , Please make sure the P");
scanf("%d", &p);
i = 1;
s = 0;
a[1] = 0;
while (1)
d = 1;
for (k = i - 1; k >= 1; k--)
x = a[i] - a[k];
if (a[k] != 0 && x == 0 || a[i] * a[k] > 0 && abs(x) == i - k)
d = 0;
// printf("1\r\n");
if (i == n && d == 1)
h = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (a[j] == 0)
if (h == n - r)
if (g() == 0)
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
printf("%d", a[j]);
printf(" ");
if (s % 5 == 0)
if (s == p) pra(n, m); // Output graphic solution
if (i < n && d == 1)
a[i] = 0;
while (a[i] == m && i > 1)
//printf("%d\r\n", i);
if (a[i] == m && i == 1)
printf(" Jump out of while");
a[i] = a[i] + 1;
if (s > 0)
printf("%d A queen controls %d x %d The board , There are more than %d A solution ", r, n, m, s);
printf(" The problem has no solution ");
if (p > s)
printf(" Unable to output graphic solution ");
int g()
//printf(" call G");
int c, f, j, t, b[20][20];
t = 0;
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
b[c][j] = 0;
for (f = 1; f <= n; f++)
if (a[f] != 0)
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
b[c][a[f]] = 1;
//b[j][a[f]] = 1;
for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
b[f][j] = 1;
if (f + abs(a[f] - j) <= n)
b[f + abs(a[f] - j)][j] = 1;
if (f - abs(a[f] - j) >= 1)
b[f - abs(a[f] - j)][j] = 1;
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
if (b[c][j] == 0)
t = 1;
// c = n;
return t;// There is a space in the chessboard that cannot be controlled .
//r All queens control nxn Chessboard graphics function
void pra(int n, int m)
//printf(" Call the graph ");
int c, j;
initgraph(640, 480);
setcolor(BROWN); // Draw a checkerboard border
setlinestyle(PS_SOLID, 2);
rectangle(156, 16, 164 + m * 46, 24 + n * 40);
rectangle(158, 18, 162 + m * 46, 22 + n * 40);
for (c = 1; c <= n; c++)
for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
setcolor(BLACK); // Draw checkerboard squares
if ((c + j) % 2 == 0)
setfillcolor(CYAN); // Checkerboards are filled with each other
bar(160 + (j - 1) * 46, 20 + (c - 1) * 40, 160 + j * 46, 20 * c * 40);
Sleep(200); // Proper delay
if (a[c] == j) // Face the Queen's crown of the line
bar(123 + j * 46, c * 40, 151 + j * 46, 5 + c * 40);
// Sleep(100);
bar(123 + j * 46, 5 + c * 40, 151 + j * 46, 10 + c * 40);
// Sleep(100);
line(123 + j * 46, c * 40, 118 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(129 + j * 46, c * 40, 118 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
// Sleep(100);
fillcircle(118 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10, 2);
line(129 + j * 46, c * 40, 133 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(137 + j * 16, c * 40, 133 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
fillcircle(133 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10, 2);
// Sleep(100);
line(137 + j * 16, c * 40, 141 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
line(145 + j * 46, c * 40, 141 + j * 16, c * 40 - 10);
fillcircle(141 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10, 2);
// Sleep(100);
line(145 + j * 16, c * 40, 156 + j * 16, c * 10 - 10);
line(151 + j * 46, c * 40, 156 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10);
fillcircle(156 + j * 46, c * 40 - 10, 2);
// Sleep(100);
result :


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[optics] dielectric constant calculation based on MATLAB [including Matlab source code 1926]
第一章:简化同码小数和s(d, n)
QT -- qfileinfo file information reading
Nous avons fait une plateforme intelligente de règlement de détail
Smart wax therapy machine based on STM32 and smart cloud
Dynamic planning -- expansion topics
【水质预测】基于matlab模糊神经网络水质预测【含Matlab源码 1923期】
EGO Planner代码解析bspline_optimizer部分(1)
Bad mentality leads to different results
Yolov3 network model building
Summary of 90 day learning materials and notes of Zhang Fei's actual electronic hardware engineer
Web Security (VIII) what is CSRF attack? Why can token prevent csdf attacks?
第一章:求同吗小数和s(d, n)
Luogu-p1107 [bjwc2008] Lei Tao's kitten
Why should the gradient be manually cleared before back propagation in pytorch?
[free sharing] kotalog diary2022 plan electronic manual ledger
第二章:基于分解的求水仙花数,基于组合的求水仙花数, 兰德尔数,求[x,y]内的守形数,探求n位守形数,递推探索n位逐位整除数
第一章: 舍罕王失算
Comments on flowable source code (37) asynchronous job processor
High concurrency Architecture - separate databases and tables