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Instructions for Redux

2022-07-06 17:04:00 Society, you Lei brother, life is hard, don't bend down

Redux The space

 Insert picture description here
The concept is introduced :
redux There are three core concepts
1 action
The object of action
contain 2 Attributes
type: Identity properties , The value is a string , only , Necessary attribute
data: Data attribute , Any value type , Optional attribute

2 reducer

  1. Used to initialize the State 、 Processing status .
  2. When processing , According to the old state and action, Generate new state The pure function of .

3 store
take state、action、reducer Connected objects ,

  1. getState(): obtain state
  2. dispatch(action): distribution action, Trigger reducer call , Generate new state
  3. subscribe(listener): Register to listen , When new state when , Automatically call

redux It can help us manage the state of data in a unified way , First installation redux

 npm install --save redux

establish store.js file , introduce store Builder

import {
    createStore,applyMiddleware} from 'redux';

introduce reducer

import countRecucer from './count_reducer';
/*  introduce redux-thunk Asynchronous Support  */
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
// take store Expose 
export default createStore(countRecucer,applyMiddleware(thunk));

establish count_reducer.js file
reducer The essence of is actually a function , There are two parameters , They are the previous states prestate And action objects action , Under initial conditions prestate by undefined, We can assign parameters

import {
    INCREMENT,DEINCREMENT} from './constant';
let initCount = 0;
function countReducer(prestate=initCount,action){
  const {
    type,data} = action;
      case INCREMENT:
           return prestate+data;
      case DEINCREMENT:
           return prestate-data;
          return prestate;
export default countReducer;

establish constant.js file
Of this module action Object's type Property to set a constant value , The purpose is to standardize and prevent mistakes

export const INCREMENT = 'increment';
export const DEINCREMENT = 'deincrement';

establish count_action.js file

/*  This component is specially designed for count Component generation action object  */
import {
    INCREMENT,DEINCREMENT} from './constant';
// import store from './store'
export const createIcrementAction = data =>({
export const createDeIcrementAction = data =>({
/*  asynchronous action, Is to deal with in the function action, but store General objects are handled by default ,  So we need to introduce redux-thunk Middleware to support the processing of functions  */
export const createAsyncIcrementAction = (data,time)=>{
    /*  The first parameter is store Added for us , Know that you need to handle functions , The default incoming , Avoid introducing additional store */
    return (dispatch)=>{
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, time);   

Used in components redux

import store from './redux/store';
import {
    createIcrementAction,createDeIcrementAction,createAsyncIcrementAction} from './redux/count_actions'
increment =  ()=>{
   let value = this.sel.value;
deincrement = ()=>{
    let value = this.sel.value;
    if(store.getState() % 2 !==0){
        let value = this.sel.value;

It should be noted that if the page responds to updates, you need to manually subscribe in the component


react-redux In combination with

react-Redux Divide all components into two major categories ,UI Components and container components . It will help us automatically redux Data is linked to front-end data , You can realize two-way data binding without manual subscription .

UI Components

  1. Only responsible for UI Presentation , Without any business logic
  2. adopt props receive data ( General data and functions )
  3. Do not use any Redux Of API

Container components

  1. Responsible for managing data and business logic , Not responsible for UI Presentation
  2. Use Redux Of API
    index.js file
    provider It can help us pass in at one time store, It will help us to store Pass on to UI Components to use
      import store from './redux/store';
      import {
    Provider} from 'react-redux';
       <Provider store={

store.js file

const allReducer = combineReducers({

Used in components react-redux

 /* introduce connect Used to connect to UI Components and redux, At the beginning, I received two functions as parameters , The first function can be called  mapStateToProps Mapping , The first argument to the function is state data , The second function can be called mapDispatchToProps Mapping , The first parameter is dispatch Method   I use the abbreviation below .*/
import {
    connect} from 'react-redux'
export default connect((state)=>({
 <p> The current sum is {this.props.count}</p>
  <h4> The current number is :{this.props.personnum}</h4>

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