'I' am not responsible for the 'damage or harm' caused by this 'Software'!!!
Use at your own risk!!!
After you input the number, go and select the text field to spam.
Vac-Man in Python This is my personal version of Vax-man game using python, which is the first task of EA Software Engineering Virtual Experience Prog
Discord Selfbot Xyno Discord Selfbot Xyno is a simple but useful selfbot for Discord. It has currently limited useful features but it will be updated
Yui Yui, is a simple telegram chat bot made using OpenAI and Luna Chat bot Deployment 👀 Deploying is easy 🤫 ! You can deploy this bot in Heroku or i
A simple bot that looks for names and cpfs in the vaccination list made available by the government Fortaleza - CE
This is a very simple botnet with a CnC server, made by me. Feel free to change anything
Public APIs A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. A public API for this project can be found here! For information o
Axie Scholars Utilities This software's intent is to automate all activities related to manage Scholars. It is specially aimed to mangers with large s
- Este processo já foi concluído. Obrigado pelo seu interesse! Processo Seletivo para a bolsa de migração de conteúdo de Design de Software Primeirame
Elgato Light Controller I'm really happy with my Elgato Key Light from an illumination perspective. However, their control software has been glitchy f
Input the message.
After you input the number, go and select the text field to spam.
Now that text field will be spammed.
Source code(tar.gz)This is a collection of bot account names NamelistMASTER contains all the names we reccomend you ban in your channel Sometimes people get on that list
NAUKRI RESUME AUTO UPDATER I am using poetry for dependencies. you can check or change in data.txt file for username and password Resume file must be
Auto Dank Memer Voter An automatic dank memer voter that sends votes onto every 12 hours, unless their is captcha. I am working on a captcha de
Channel trought Google Drive Google Drive API In this case, "Google Drive App" is the program. To install everything you need(has some extra things),
PyImgur The simple way of using Imgur. You can upload images, download images, read comments, update your albums, message people and more. In fact, yo
MultiRaidBotnet Start multiple bots using one script. VK RAID BOTNET Русский - главный скрипт, запускающий весь ботнет - в нём х
Image captioning service for healthcare domains in Vietnamese using VLP This service is a web service that provides image captioning services for heal
Telegram Bot to Connect Strangers How to Run Set your telegram bot token as environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=your_t
NostalgiaForInfinity Trading strategy for the Freqtrade crypto bot Change strategy Add strategies to the user_data/strategies folder and also in the d
Heater Heat up a Discord bot in a blink What is Heater? Heater is a Command Line Interface tool which allows you to generate a barebones Python Discor
PyFronius - a very basic Fronius python bridge A package that connects to a Fronius device in the local network and provides data that is provided via
PS4_Remote_PKG_Sender Used with the remote PKG installer on PS4 Thanks to the au
s3-credentials A tool for creating credentials for accessing S3 buckets For project background, see s3-credentials: a tool for creating credentials fo
SIMBF + PREMIUM PRINTAH PENGINSTALAN ON TERMUX $ pkg update && upgrade $ termux-setup-storage $ pkg install python $ pkg install git $ pip install bs4
Original Repo mirror-leech-telegram-bot This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram.
😈 Discord RAGE Python tool that allows you to automatically spam messages in Discord 🏹 Setup Make sure you have Python installed and PIP is added to
CrashW A WhatsApp Crashing Tool For Termux Users Installing : apt update && apt upgrade -y pkg install python3 pkg install git git clone git://gith
RSI Crypto Trading Bot - Binance A Crypto Trading Bot on Binance trading BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT using RSI in 25 Lines of Code Getting Started Note Python
cryptoart-footprint Estimate the total CO2 footprint for popular CryptoArt platforms. The goal is to accurately quantify the ecological damage of Ethe
Directory Backup Moved to S3 (Pyscript) Description Here it's a python script that needs to use this script simply create a directory backup and moved