The RWKV Language Model



We propose the RWKV language model, with alternating time-mix and channel-mix layers:

\text{Time-mix :} && \text{TM}_{t,c} &&=&&\text{sigmoid}(\text{R}_{t,c}) &&\cdot&& &&\textstyle\sum_{u} &&\textbf{W}_{t,u,c} &&\cdot&& \text{softmax}_t(\text{K}_{u,c}) &&\cdot&& \text{V}_{u,c}\\
\text{Channel-mix :} && \text{CM}_{t,c} &&=&&\text{sigmoid}(\text{R}_{t,c}) &&\cdot&& &&\textstyle\sum_d &&\textbf{W}_{c,d} &&\cdot&& \text{gelu}(\text{K}_{t,d}) &&\cdot&& \text{V}_{t,d}

  • The R, K, V are generated by linear transforms of input, and W is parameter. The idea of RWKV is to decompose attention into R(target) * W(src, target) * K(src). So we can call R "receptance", and sigmoid means it's in 0~1 range.

  • The Time-mix is similar to AFT ( There are two differences.

(1) We changed the normalization (denominator). For masked language models, we define:

\text{softmax}_t(\text{K}_{u,c}) = \frac{\exp(\text{K}_{u,c})}{\sum_{v \leq t}\exp(\text{K}_{v,c})}

(2) We decompose W_{t,u,c} and introduce multi-head W (here h is the corresponding head of c):

W_{t,u,c}=f_h(t-u)\cdot \alpha_h(u) \cdot \beta_h(t)

(3) You don't need LayerNorm for Time-mix. In fact, the model converges faster when LayerNorm is removed.

Moreover we multiply the final output of Time-mix layer by γ(t). The reason for the α β γ factors, is because the context size is smaller when t is small, and this can be compensated using the α β γ factors.

We also propose a new sampling method (as in src/

(1) Find the max probability p_max after softmax.

(2) Remove all entries whose probability is lower than 0.02 * pow(p_max, 2)

(3) Feel free to tune the 0.02 and 2 factor.

Training loss, RWKV vs MHA+Rotary+GeGLU:


(this is character-level loss with simplebooks-92 dataset

  • Sequence to Sequence?

    Sequence to Sequence?

    Hey @BlinkDL! Awesome project!

    I was wondering if you have performed any Seq-2-Seq experiments with it? Any reason for going with GPT model in the first place as opposed to something like T5 (standard Transformer)? Any direction on what changes will be required to make a standard encoder-decoder architecture with RWKV?

    Also, is there any report on in-context-learning/FSL capability of the latest trained model?

    opened by SushantDaga 2
  • v4 vs

    v4 vs

    Hi, Thanks for this awesome repo! I'm trying to understand the code and found that in the v4 folder, there's this and, which contains GPT and RWKV_GPT respectively which all uses different initialization methods. Could you elaborate on when should which one be used? Thanks in advnace!

    opened by jingweiz 3
  • RWKV-4 169m/430m in browser with ORT Web / TF.js / tfjs-tflite?

    RWKV-4 169m/430m in browser with ORT Web / TF.js / tfjs-tflite?

    Hi, really exciting project! I'm wondering if you've published the model conversion script that you used to create the js_models files from the .pth model file? It would be awesome to see how the larger and newer models like RWKV-4 169m/430m perform in the browser! I think the inference speed of RWKV opens up many new possibilities for language models on the web.

    opened by josephrocca 32
  • CUDA compilation error with Ctx Length>2000

    CUDA compilation error with Ctx Length>2000

    Hello, I am trying out RWKV with audio modality and when I set T_MAX>>1000, it throws this error:

    Emitting ninja build file /root/.cache/torch_extensions/py39_cu116/timex/
    Building extension module timex...
    Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
    [1/2] /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc  -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=timex -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DPYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE=\"_gcc\" -DPYBIND11_STDLIB=\"_libstdcpp\" -DPYBIND11_BUILD_ABI=\"_cxxabi1013\" -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/TH -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/THC -isystem /usr/local/cuda/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/include/python3.9 -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_BFLOAT16_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ --expt-relaxed-constexpr -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=compute_80 -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 --compiler-options '-fPIC' --use_fast_math --extra-device-vectorization -DTmax=10000 -DBF=8 -DBB=2 -std=c++14 -c cuda/ -o timex_cuda.cuda.o 
    FAILED: timex_cuda.cuda.o 
    /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc  -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=timex -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DPYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE=\"_gcc\" -DPYBIND11_STDLIB=\"_libstdcpp\" -DPYBIND11_BUILD_ABI=\"_cxxabi1013\" -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/TH -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/THC -isystem /usr/local/cuda/include -isystem /root/anaconda3/envs/surya-env/include/python3.9 -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_BFLOAT16_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ --expt-relaxed-constexpr -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=compute_80 -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 --compiler-options '-fPIC' --use_fast_math --extra-device-vectorization -DTmax=10000 -DBF=8 -DBB=2 -std=c++14 -c cuda/ -o timex_cuda.cuda.o 
    ptxas error   : Entry function '_Z15kernel_backwardIfEvPKT_S2_S2_PS0_S3_iii' uses too much shared data (0x30d40 bytes, 0xc000 max)
    ptxas error   : Entry function '_Z14kernel_forwardIfEvPKT_S2_PS0_S0_iii' uses too much shared data (0x57e40 bytes, 0xc000 max)
    ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

    GPU: A100, VRAM: 42GB, CUDA 11.6

    I am okay if the training takes a bit long. But I need this to work. Don't know any CUDA. Can you suggest some workarounds?

    Thanks for the incredible work btw!

    opened by ojus1 8
  • 关于调用模型做分类任务


    你好作者!我对此工作很感兴趣,因为我现在在用基于transformer的模型做分类任务,transformer或者RNN在分类任务里通常采用最后一个模块的每个通道的最后一个元素作为输出,并通过全连接层映射到几个类别。 请问你觉得RWKV原理类似吗?依旧提取最后一个元素作为输出是否稳妥呢?希望您能给出一些建议,我将很感激!

    opened by louisinhit 2
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