Cytotron - Take your server to the next level
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Most of the details are in the website. Go to for more information.
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example-python-bot-discord Clone this repository Grab a token on Discord's devel
GalbiBot Un bot leggero basato su py-cord facile da hostare sul cloud Guida installazione su una macchina Per far funzionare il bot devi aver installa
The Sue Gray Alert System was a 5 minute project that just beeps every time a new article is updated or published on Gov.UK's news pages.
Bromélia HSS bromelia-hss is the second official implementation of a Diameter-based protocol application by using the Python micro framework Bromélia.
Seedr API Unofficial API wrapper for Inspired by theabbie's seedr-api Powered by @harp_tech (Telegram) How to use You can install lib via git
BOOKING IN BERLINS VACCINATION CENTERS This python script books automatically a slot on Doctolib in one of the public vaccination centers in Berlin. T
GG-Dorking GG Dorking is a python tool to generate GitHub and Google dorking links for pentesters and bug bounty hunters. It will help you to find imp A discord bot with a leveling system (like mee6) Pre-requisites Knowing how to get create an app/bot via discord's developer portal. Websit
autopush a simple python program that checks a directory for updates and automatically commits any updated files (and optionally pushes them) installa
GC Spammer [Concept] GC-Spammer for Warning: This is purely a concept. In the past the script worked, however, Discord ratelimite
AWS Data Engineering Pipeline This is a repository for the Duke University Cloud Computing course project on Serverless Data Engineering Pipeline. For
wechatpayv3 介绍 微信支付接口V3版python库。 适用对象 wechatpayv3支持微信支付直连商户,接口说明详见 官网。 特性 平台证书自动更新,无需开发者关注平台证书有效性,无需手动下载更新; 支持本地缓存平台证书,初始化时指定平台证书保存目录即可。 适配进度 微信支付V3版A
8G Discord-Bot A general-purpose discord bot for the 8G Discord-Server To setup: Create a new file called and make it look like this TOKEN=
FerrisWheel An async-ready Python wrapper around FerrisChat's API. Installation Instructions Linux: $ python3.9 -m pip install -U ferriswheel Python 3
Apprentice Apprentice is a framework built for developing Google Actions via Dialogflow and Google Cloud (serverless) Functions. Includes: plug-and-pl
The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts and documents to DeepL's servers and receive high-quality translations. This opens a whole universe of op
Halcyon is a Matrix bot library with the goal of being easy to install and use. The library takes inspiration from and the Slack li
TypeRig TypeRig is a Python library aimed at simplifying the current FontLab API while offering some additional functionality that is heavily biased t
Discord Account Creator This project is still a work in progress. It will be published upon its full completion. About This project is still under dev
SaltConf21: Adding Workflow Approval to Salt Running To run the example, install Docker and docker-compose and run the following commands: docker-comp