This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though the Brave browser to allow me to continuously improve the script.


Binance Volitility Trading Bot

This Binance trading bot analyses the changes in price across all coins on Binance and place trades on the most volatile ones. In addition to that, this Binance trading algorithm will also keep track of all the coins bought and sell them according to your specified Stop Loss and Take Profit.

The bot will listen to changes in price accross all coins on Binance. By default we're only picking USDT pairs. We're excluding Margin (like BTCDOWNUSDT) and Fiat pairs

Information below is an example and is all configurable

  • The bot checks if the any coin has gone up by more than 3% in the last 5 minutes
  • The bot will buy 100 USDT of the most volatile coins on Binance
  • The bot will sell at 6% profit or 3% stop loss
  • The bot works with both Main and Testnet

You can follow the Biance volatility bot guide for a step-by-step walkthrough


  1. If you use the mainnet, you will be using REAL money.
  2. To ensure you do not do this, ALWAYS check the TESTNET variable in the script.
  3. This might change when you pull / rebase. Always review (we're hoping to param this.)


  1. Install Dependencies

    • Easy mode (might clash with current depends)
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Prefered Method (venv)
      python3 -m venv .venv
      source .venv/bin/activate # linux
      .\.venv/scripts/activate # windows
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Copy creds.example.yml to creds.yml (or whatever you want.) and update the creds.

    cp creds.example.yml > creds.yml
    # MAIN NET
        access_key: replace_me
        secret_key: replace_me
    # TEST NET
        access_key: replace_me
        secret_key: replace_me
  3. Configure input params as in config.yml

  4. Run the script

    • Standard
      python3 Binance\ Detect\
    • Background process (linux only)
      nohup python3 -u Binance\ Detect\ >> log.txt 2>&1 &
      The logs are stored in log.txt. To stop the process either look in your process list with ps aux | grep -i python3 and kill with kill PROCESS_ID or killall python3 when you know what you're doing.
  5. Use the --help flag if you want to see supported arguments


  1. Read the FAQ
  2. Open an issue / check us out on #troubleshooting at Discord 🚀
    • Do not spam, do not berate, we are all humans like you, this is an open source project, not a full time job.
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