bot for hearthstone mercenaries



- prevention: Bot is not ready and now on the development stage estimated release date - 21.10.21

The main idea of the bot is to automatically pass the levels and assemble components, simultaneously pumping all your mercenaries level 1 to 30 (so far, then to add) So how does it work? in fact, everything is based on the fact that the bot collects a team of 3 of your heroes of level 30, and then throws 1 level there, and since for pumping the unit does not have to participate in the battle, the bot just passes the location time and time again and shakes the rest of your mercenaries to level 30.

In plans

  1. Finish Project
  2. Add mode selection - collecting fragments/pumping heroes
  3. write a graphical interface for this whole case
  4. It is possible to expand the functionality originally conceived.


  • Download the project
  • Install All Libraries


  • then open Settings.ini and set yr settings
  • Start the game

Possible problem

If this error occurs after all libraries have been installed and the interpreter has been configured, do this:

  • pip install "ahk[binary]"
  • pip install "ahk-binary<2"

Specification, Settings.ini file:

+0.1-the fastest mode , 5-the slowest (not recomending do faster then 0.5) 
number = 1
colour = Red
number = 2
colour = Green
number = 3
colour = Blue
+3 main heroes that you will use for pumping other ones.List of heroes by numbers you can see in in HeroesList.txt

Red = 1
Green = 2
Blue = 2
+number of pages each colour(or type) in section Red - defenders , Green - warriors ,Blue - Wizards
Monitor Resolution = 2560*1440
+could be 2560*1440 or 1920*1080

1 - Cariel Roame /Кариэль Роум
2 -Tyrande / Тиранда
3 -Milhous Manostorm / Милхаус маношторм

For contacts [email protected]

  • Hello! Question about the language.

    Hello! Question about the language.

    I read this code briefly this morning and I am really curious about this. Seems that this is based on opencv. So if I want to use this, the Hearthstones' language option should be Ruassian? Or I should change pictures into my own language?

    opened by Codefmeister 23
  • [Feature Request] use pynput instead of AHK

    [Feature Request] use pynput instead of AHK


    I use Linux and AHK doesn't work (no AHK for Linux, others libraries needed or Wine needed and possibly a lot of headaches). Could you use pynput ?

    It works for Linux, MacOS and Windows :


    opened by Efemache 4
  • easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse movements deleted because of weird behavior

    easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse movements deleted because of weird behavior

    Sometime the bot don't do the right thing because of this 2 movements Example : when it try to create Botwork group, the heroe card is not drop in the correct zone

    opened by Efemache 2
  • OS detection added and screenshot removed from repo

    OS detection added and screenshot removed from repo

    Some tests needed on Windows to be sure nothing is changed (don't have one to test). On Linux, it should catch the window and focus it.

    I also removed screenshot from repo with .gitignore

    Need more work to support mouse/keyboard on Linux (need to use autopygui on both Windows & Linux instead of AHK)

    opened by Efemache 1
  • lost battle detected and image stored in memory

    lost battle detected and image stored in memory

    • small fixes : lost battle detection added and some clicks added too on Rewards
    • improvement : screenshot are stored in memory now instead of disk (HDD/SDD)
    opened by Efemache 0
  • A lot of improvements for Linux, window support, bug fix,

    A lot of improvements for Linux, window support, bug fix,

    • window experience added (you can use fullscreen or window); should close issue #32
    • select a correct enemy when there is an odd number of enemies; should close issue #34
    • heroes card selection (to put on board) improved and debug mod added; should close issue #23
    • little bit of documentation added for tab 'buttons', 'ui', 'chekers' and 'setings'; should help for issue #31
    • Linux has better support with files renamed (case sensitive)
    • some minor changes
    • README updated to clarify AHK is a prerequisite
    opened by Efemache 0
  • Mouse - easeInBounce & easeInElastic removed due to issues

    Mouse - easeInBounce & easeInElastic removed due to issues

    Sometime the bot don't do the right thing because of this 2 movements Example : when it try to create Botwork group, the heroe card is not drop in the correct zone

    opened by Efemache 0
  • Mouse - easeInBounce & easeInElastic removed

    Mouse - easeInBounce & easeInElastic removed

    Sometime the bot don't do the right thing because of this 2 movements Example : when it try to create Botwork group, the heroe card is not drop in the correct zone

    opened by Efemache 0
  • easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse muvements deleted beacause of weir…

    easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse muvements deleted beacause of weir…

    …d behavior with drag&drop (#25)

    Sometime the bot don't do the right thing because of this 2 movements Example : when it try to create Botwork group, the heroe card is not drop in the correct zone

    Co-authored-by: Franck M'Hamed [email protected]

    opened by Deopster 0
  • easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse muvements deleted beacause of weir…

    easeInBounce & easeInElastic mouse muvements deleted beacause of weir…

    …d behavior with drag&drop (#25)

    Sometime the bot don't do the right thing because of this 2 movements Example : when it try to create Botwork group, the heroe card is not drop in the correct zone

    Co-authored-by: Franck M'Hamed [email protected]

    opened by Deopster 0
  • Linux support added

    Linux support added

    -- Linux -- The bot is (normally) working on Linux. (I have a bug but I think it exists on Windows, I'll open an issue)

    The bot select Wnck/Gtk for Linux and AHK for Windows to focus on the Hearthstone window. For mouse/keyboard support, I add to use autopygui which is multi-platform (windows, linux & macos) instead of AHK.

    Need some tests on Windows too.

    -- bug -- I solved a bug to with screen resolution when calling partscreen : "partscreen(2560, " => replaced with "partscreen(int(setings[0].split('x')[0])"

    --improvement --

    • removed "part.png" from repo (with .gitignore)
    • mouse random movement added (it is no more linear)
    opened by Efemache 0
  • [New version] a new version of the bot is available

    [New version] a new version of the bot is available


    This repository is "freezed" for some times (no new commit).

    I made a lot of improvements (bugs solved) on a new version. If you want it t (we can all come back here when Deopster will be available), you can use my fork : (for now, my code will only be a fork and not a new project, so you need to use the "improve2" branch, no "main")

    I added a Wiki :

    Feel free to help (code, tests, screenshots, other ?)

    [eidt] post updated with new project URL : All my contribution will be on this bot/version

    opened by Efemache 2
  • [Bug] the bot doesn't start a new battle on the quest map

    [Bug] the bot doesn't start a new battle on the quest map


    Sometimes the bot fail to start a new battle. I found 2 patterns where it happens :

    1. when a task is finished after a fight (the bot try to click to find a new battle but HS didn't move the map at that time).
    2. when there is a button to revive a hero on the map => sometimes the bot click on it but you already on the next track
    opened by Efemache 2
  • [Bug] hero[n]_Number in settings.ini is buggy

    [Bug] hero[n]_Number in settings.ini is buggy

    You can't use a number greater than 6 in the section below : [Heroes] hero1_Number = 1 hero2_Number= 2 hero3_Number = 3 hero4_Number = auto hero5_Number = auto hero6_Number = -

    The bot crashes with an error "out of range"

    opened by Efemache 1
  • [Bug] sometime the bot doesn't click right on enemy when the number of enemies is odd

    [Bug] sometime the bot doesn't click right on enemy when the number of enemies is odd

    The bot check some enemies and sometimes, it doesn't know which one to choose. Then, it clicks in the middle. It works when there is an even number of enemies. If there is an odd number, it click between two enemies.

    opened by Efemache 2
  • [bug][Linux] the bot works in window mod but not when HS is fullscreen

    [bug][Linux] the bot works in window mod but not when HS is fullscreen

    Actually, with Linux, the bot manipulate HS when it is in a window.

    I don't know why but in fullscreen there is a problem :

    • some screenshot doesn't match imagefile (but it works in window mode ...)
    • the bot doesn't interract properly in fullscreen
    opened by Efemache 1
  • v0.1.2-beta(Oct 26, 2021)

    1. Group function has been completely rewritten:
    • the algorithm works 2.5 times faster
    • small bugs removed
    • now, when checking the existing group, it passes through all 6 heroes, checking whether the 3 first ones are those indicated in the files and whether the remaining 30 LVL have reached
    • made a reserve for the future with the ability to choose how many supporting heroes you want to add 1 2 or 3
    • now if one of the heroes of the group is not deleted and then reassembled, then this hero is simply deleted and replaced by another.
    1. Has been done work with the pictures search algorithm:
    • AutoScale Images Added
    • now you don't need 4 screens to find a hero, one is enough, which speeds up work a lot.
    • work has begun on auto-scaling under different Resolutions





    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0-beta(Oct 25, 2021)

    Hay people, after almost a week of development, I can finally say that the bot is led to a workable look and therefore I am launching a pre-release. Download, test, write if you encounter any critical error in the issues branch. And most importantly, this version is far from a release version, this is just the beginning of development, I think 40% of the entire roadmap of the project. There is still a lot to do - to correct the existing errors,

    • [ ] add support not only for these 3 heroes,
    • [ ] start the system of auto-execution of quests,
    • [ ] write GUI,

    Btw this version is for FullHD, if you have 2k wait a little bit more. And so on, In general, there is still a lot of work. the installation tutorial you can find here - Have a nice day, Andrew.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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