Nyon-stream - A python script that uses webtorrent to stream nyaa videos directly to mpv



A rather shitty script that uses webtorrent to stream nyaa videos directly to mpv.




python3 nyaascraperpy <search for nyaa>


For now the script only works on Linux with dmenu and webtorrent (webtorrent-cli) installed.

It's really not hard to make it compatible with windows but i'll just let someone do it for me.


python dependencies


external dependencies

dmenu (https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/dmenu/)
webtorrent (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/webtorrent-cli)


You can edit the 16th line of the script to have it scrap default/danger (white/red) entries on nyaa

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