Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile created using streamlit and BeautifulSoup python packages


Github Scraper

made-with-python Python Pandas streamlit Heroku terminal vscode

  • Github scraper app is used to scrape data for a specific user profile.
  • Github scraper app gets a github profile name and check whether the given user name is exists or not.
  • If the user name exists, app will scrape the data from that github profile.
  • If the user name doesn't exists, app displays a info message.
  • You can download the scraped data in CSV,JSON and pandas profiling HTML report formats.

Installation :-

To install all necessary requirement packages for the app 👇

pip install -r requirements.txt

Packages Used :-

import requests
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
from streamlit_pandas_profiling import st_profile_report

Function To Scrape the Data :-

def ScrapeData(user_name):
    url = "{}?tab=repositories".format(user_name)
    page = requests.get(url) 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
    info = {"name": soup.find(class_="vcard-fullname").get_text()}
    info["image_url"] = soup.find(class_="avatar-user")["src"]
    info["followers"] = (
    info["following"] = (

        info["location"] = soup.select_one("li[itemprop*=home]").get_text().strip()
        info["location"] = ""

        info["url"] = soup.select_one("li[itemprop*=url]").get_text().strip()
        info["url"] = ""

    repositories = soup.find_all(class_="source")
    repo_info = []
    for repo in repositories:
            name = repo.select_one("a[itemprop*=codeRepository]").get_text().strip()
            link = "{}/{}".format(user_name, name)
            name = ""
            link = ""
            updated = repo.find("relative-time").get_text()
            updated = ""

            language = repo.select_one("span[itemprop*=programmingLanguage]").get_text()
            language = ""

            description = repo.select_one("p[itemprop*=description]").get_text().strip()
            description = ""

                "name": name,
                "link": link,
                "updated ": updated,
                "language": language,
                "description": description,
    repo_info = pd.DataFrame(repo_info)
    return info, repo_info

Demo GIF Image 👇 :-


Siva Prakash
I am a final year BCA student who more fascinated about data analysis and machine learning.
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