Segmentation for medical image.




EfficientSegmentation is an open source, PyTorch-based segmentation framework for 3D medical image.


  • A whole-volume-based coarse-to-fine segmentation framework. The segmentation network is decomposed into different components, including encoder, decoder and context module. Anisotropic convolution block and anisotropic context block are designed for efficient and effective segmentation.
  • Pre-process data in multi-process. Distributed and Apex training support. Postprocess is performed asynchronously in inference stage.


Task Architecture Parameters(MB) Flops(GB) DSC NSC Inference time(s) GPU memory(MB)
FLARE21 BaseUNet 11 812 0.908 0.837 0.92 3183
FLARE21 EfficientSegNet 9 333 0.919 0.848 0.46 2269


Installation by docker image

  • Download the docker image.
  • Put the abdomen CT image in current folder $PWD/inputs/.
  • Run the testing cases with the following code:
docker image load < fosun_aitrox.tgz
nvidia-docker container run --name fosun_aitrox --rm -v $PWD/inputs/:/workspace/inputs/ -v $PWD/outputs/:/workspace/outputs/ fosun_aitrox:latest /bin/bash -c "sh"'

Installation step by step


  • Ubuntu 16.04.12
  • Python 3.6+
  • Pytorch 1.5.0+
  • CUDA 10.0+

1.Git clone

git clone

2.Install Nvidia Apex

  • Perform the following command:
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir ./

3.Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get Started


  1. Download FLARE21, resulting in 361 training images and masks, 50 validation images.
  2. Copy image and mask to 'FlareSeg/dataset/' folder.
  3. Edit the 'FlareSeg/data_prepare/config.yaml'. 'DATA_BASE_DIR'(Default: FlareSeg/dataset/) is the base dir of databases. If set the 'IS_SPLIT_5FOLD'(Default: False) to true, 5-fold cross-validation datasets will be generated.
  4. Run the data preprocess with the following command:
python FlareSeg/data_prepare/

The image data and lmdb file are stored in the following structure:

DATA_BASE_DIR directory structure:
├── train_images
   ├── train_000_0000.nii.gz
   ├── train_001_0000.nii.gz
   ├── train_002_0000.nii.gz
   ├── ...
├── train_mask
   ├── train_000.nii.gz
   ├── train_001.nii.gz
   ├── train_002.nii.gz
   ├── ...
└── val_images
    ├── validation_001_0000.nii.gz
    ├── validation_002_0000.nii.gz
    ├── validation_003_0000.nii.gz
    ├── ...
├── file_list
├── db
    ├──seg_raw_train         # The 361 training data information.
    ├──seg_raw_test          # The 50 validation images information.
    ├──seg_train_database    # The default training database.
    ├──seg_val_database      # The default validation database.
    ├──seg_pre-process_database # Temporary database.
├── coarse_image
          ├── train_000.npy
          ├── train_001.npy
          ├── ...
├── coarse_mask
          ├── train_000.npy
          ├── train_001.npy
          ├── ...
├── fine_image
          ├── train_000.npy
          ├── train_001.npy
          ├──  ...
├── fine_mask
          ├── train_000.npy
          ├── train_001.npy
          ├── ...

The data information is stored in the lmdb file with the following format:

    series_id = {
        'image_path': data.image_path,
        'mask_path': data.mask_path,
        'smooth_mask_path': data.smooth_mask_path,
        'coarse_image_path': data.coarse_image_path,
        'coarse_mask_path': data.coarse_mask_path,
        'fine_image_path': data.fine_image_path,
        'fine_mask_path': data.fine_mask_path


Remark: Coarse segmentation is trained on Nvidia GeForce 2080Ti(Number:8) in the experiment, while fine segmentation on Nvidia A100(Number:4). If you use different hardware, please set the "ENVIRONMENT.NUM_GPU", "DATA_LOADER.NUM_WORKER" and "DATA_LOADER.BATCH_SIZE" in 'FlareSeg/coarse_base_seg/config.yaml' and 'FlareSeg/fine_efficient_seg/config.yaml' files.

Coarse segmentation:

  • Edit the 'FlareSeg/coarse_base_seg/config.yaml'
  • Train coarse segmentation with the following command:
cd FlareSeg/coarse_base_seg

Fine segmentation:

  • Edit the 'FlareSeg/fine_efficient_seg/config.yaml'.
  • Edit the 'FlareSeg/fine_efficient_seg/', set the 'tune_params' for different experiments.
  • Train fine segmentation with the following command:
cd  FlareSeg/fine_efficient_seg


  • The model weights are stored in 'FlareSeg/model_weights/'.
  • Run the inference with the following command:


This repository is currently maintained by Fan Zhang ([email protected]) and Yu Wang ([email protected])



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