Pytorch implementation of MixNMatch


MixNMatch: Multifactor Disentanglement and Encoding for Conditional Image Generation

Yuheng Li, Krishna Kumar Singh, Utkarsh Ojha, Yong Jae Lee
UC Davis
In CVPR, 2020

1/31/2020 update: Code and models released.

Demo Video


This is our CVPR2020 presentation video link

Web Demo

For interactive web demo click here. This web demo is created by Yang Xue.


  • Linux
  • Python 3.7
  • Pytorch 1.3.1

Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone
cd MixNMatch

Setting up the data

Download the formatted CUB data from this link and extract it inside the data directory

Downloading pretrained models

Pretrained models for CUB, Dogs and Cars are available at this link. Download and extract them in the models directory.

Evaluating the model

In code

  • Run python --z path_to_pose_source_images --b path_to_bg_source_images --p path_to_shape_source_images --c path_to_color_source_images --out path_to_ourput --mode code_or_feature --models path_to_pretrained_models
  • For example python --z pose/pose-1.png --b background/background-1.png --p shape/shape-1.png --c color/color.png --mode code --models ../models --out ./code-1.png
    • NOTE:(1) in feature mode pose source images will be ignored; (2) Generator, Encoder and Feature_extractor in models folder should be named as G.pth, E.pth and EX.pth

Training your own model

In code/

  • Specify the dataset location in DATA_DIR.
    • NOTE: If you wish to train this on your own (different) dataset, please make sure it is formatted in a way similar to the CUB dataset that we've provided.
  • Specify the number of super and fine-grained categories that you wish for FineGAN to discover, in SUPER_CATEGORIES and FINE_GRAINED_CATEGORIES.
  • For the first stage training run python output_name
  • For the second stage training run python output_name path_to_pretrained_G path_to_pretrained_E
    • NOTE: output will be in output/output_name
    • NOTE: path_to_pretrained_G will be output/output_name/Model/G_0.pth
    • NOTE: path_to_pretrained_E will be output/output_name/Model/E_0.pth
  • For example python Second_stage ../output/output_name/Model/G_0.pth ../output/output_name/Model/E_0.pth


1. Extracting all factors from differnet real images to synthesize a new image

2. Comparison between the feature and code mode

3. Manipulating real images by varying a single factor

4. Inferring style from unseen data

Cartoon -> image Sketch -> image

5. Converting a reference image according to a reference video


If you find this useful in your research, consider citing our work:

  title = {MixNMatch: Multifactor Disentanglement and Encoding for Conditional Image Generation},
  author = {Yuheng Li and Krishna Kumar Singh and Utkarsh Ojha and Yong Jae Lee},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year = {2020}
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