A CLI tool to transfer, sync, and backup playlists on music streaming services


unitunes PyPI version example workflow


A command-line interface tool to manage playlists across music streaming services.



unitunes manages playlists across streaming services. unitunes can transfer songs between services and keep playlists in sync.

unitunes stores your playlists in plain text, allowing you to version control your music. Playlists can be pushed and pulled from streaming services. Tracks from one service can be searched on another.

Current Supported Streaming Services

Name Pullable Pushable Searchable
Youtube Music

Want to add support for another service? See contributing.





pip install unitunes


unitunes init

This creates a config.json file in the current directory.

Add Services


Follow the instructions at https://spotipy.readthedocs.io/en/2.19.0/#getting-started to obtain client credentials.

Put the credentials in a file like so:

  "client_id": "...",
  "client_secret": "...",
  "redirect_uri": "http://example.com"

Register the service in unitunes:

unitunes service add spotify spotify_config.json

Youtube Music

Follow the instructions at https://ytmusicapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#manual-file-creation to create a ytm_config.json file.

Register the service in unitunes:

unitunes service add ytm ytm_config.json

Add Playlists

Initialize UP's from your existing playlists:

unitunes fetch spotify # use -f to skip confirmation
unitunes fetch ytm

Pull Playlists

Pull all tracks from all playlists.

unitunes pull

Search Playlists

Search for tracks on another service:


Push Playlists

Push all changes to streaming services:

unitunes push


unitunes is in alpha. Contributions are very welcome. I am looking for collaborators to grow unitunes into a foundation for user controlled music software.

Take a look at the open issues!

Development Setup

  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Install poetry.
  3. In the root directory, run poetry shell.
  4. Run poetry install.
  5. unitunes should now be runnable.


Run pytest to run tests. With no arguments, it will skip tests that require service configs.

Add a service config to run more tests.

pytest --spotify spotify_config.json --ytm ytm_config.json # may need to run with -s to paste spotify redirect URL the first time
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