A minimalistic library designed to provide native access to YNAB data from Python



A minimalistic library designed to provide native access to YNAB data from Python.


The simplest way is to install the latest version from PyPI index:

> pip install -U pynab

or install from the latest source:

git clone https://github.com/aldanor/pynab.git
cd pynab
python setup.py install


Load the shared YNAB budget:

>>> from ynab import YNAB
>>> ynab = YNAB('~/Dropbox/YNAB', 'MyBudget')

Get the list of accounts:

>>> ynab.accounts
[<Account: Cash>, <Account: Checking>]

Query the balance, the cleared balance and the reconciled balance for cash account:

>>> cash = ynab.accounts['Cash']
>>> cash.balance, cash.cleared_balance, cash.reconciled_balance
(15.38, 24.38, 41.88)

Find the total of all reconciled cash transactions starting 2 weeks ago:

>>> cash = ynab.accounts['Cash']
>>> sum(cash.transactions.since('2 weeks ago').filter('reconciled').amount)

Find the average amount of all Starbucks purchases in 2015:

>>> starbucks = ynab.payees['Starbucks']
>>> starbucks.transactions.between('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31').amount.mean()
  • Add monthly budgets to the models

    Add monthly budgets to the models

    The monthly budgets are useful to see how much you're putting aside each month in each category. This PR add access though the ynab library to this data.

    opened by intiocean 5
  • Unicode characters in category names

    Unicode characters in category names

    £ sign in category names is causing an error in category handling. Removing the £ sign from category names is a workaround.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ynab/models.py", line 326, in __str__
        return str(self._elements)
      File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ynab/models.py", line 248, in __repr__
        info += ' ({})'.format(self.category.name)
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa3' in position 16: ordinal not in range(128)
    opened by rob-carruthers 2
  • Initial go at adding some functional (integration) tests

    Initial go at adding some functional (integration) tests

    I expect I don't need all the .ydiff files but for simplicity & as I don't fully understand the internal structure I just copied a budget folder across.

    Depends on #5

    opened by intiocean 1
  • Quick and dirty patch for getting transactions from a category

    Quick and dirty patch for getting transactions from a category

    Hi, didn't think it was worth branching just for this. Very quick patch for another bit of functionality, just made it by poking around. See what you think. The methods of Transaction work too. Thanks

    diff --git a/ynab/models.py b/ynab/models.py
    index 1e0b3b4..4f9bf53 100644
    --- a/ynab/models.py
    +++ b/ynab/models.py
    @@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ class Category(CategoryModel):
         def full_name(self):
             return '{}/{}'.format(self.master_category.name, self.name)
    +    @property
    +    def transactions(self):
    +        return self._ynab.transactions.filter('category', self)
     class MasterCategory(CategoryModel):
         _entity_type = schema.MasterCategory
    opened by rob-carruthers 1
  • Fix for line of credit

    Fix for line of credit

    The line of credit account type is mis-capitalized in the AccountType class. Here's a fix:

    diff --git a/ynab/models.py b/ynab/models.py
    index 6013a3e..9ab79b0 100644
    --- a/ynab/models.py
    +++ b/ynab/models.py
    @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class AccountType(Enum):
         SAVINGS = 'Savings'
         CREDIT_CARD = 'CreditCard'
         CASH = 'Cash'
    -    LINE_OF_CREDIT = 'LineOfCredit'
    +    LINE_OF_CREDIT = 'LineofCredit'
         PAYPAL = 'Paypal'
         MERCHANT_ACCOUNT = 'MerchantAccount'
         INVESTMENT_ACCOUNT = 'InvestmentAccount'
    opened by WoodWireAndFood 0
  • nYNAB


    The new YNAB (aka YNAB 5, release imminent) is going to be web-based, with all the data hosted on their servers. Do you have any idea whether this will work with nYNAB?

    opened by mjpost 1
  • Its confusing that you can find transactions that aren't in any category

    Its confusing that you can find transactions that aren't in any category

    I realise this is an artefact of the way the data is structured but it would be good to have a note in the docs to make people aware of this. IMHO it would be even nicer if when iterating over transactions in a category (or even always) the sub-transactions relevant to said category also appeared in the list just as any other normal transaction.

    >>> t = budget.transactions.filter('date', date(2014, 10, 28))[-2]
    >>> # t in this case is a transaction with sub transactions (in my budget file)
    >>> # t is not in any of the transactions when iterating by category
    >>> print any([t in c.transactions for c in budget.categories])
    >>> print t.category
    >>> print len(t.sub_transactions)
    opened by intiocean 0
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