PyTorch framework, for reproducing experiments from the paper Implicit Regularization in Hierarchical Tensor Factorization and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks


Implicit Regularization in Hierarchical Tensor Factorization and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.

Code, based on the PyTorch framework, for reproducing experiments from the paper Implicit Regularization in Hierarchical Tensor Factorization and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.

Install Requirements

Tested with python 3.8.

pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Incremental Hierarchical Tensor Rank Learning

1.1 Generating Data

Matrix Completion/Sensing

python --task_type completion
  • Setting task_type to "sensing" will generate matrix sensing data.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Tensor Completion/Sensing

python --task_type completion
  • Setting task_type to "sensing" will generate tensor sensing data.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

1.2 Running Experiments

Matrix Factorization

python \
--epochs 500000 \
--num_train_samples 2048 \
--outputs_dir "outputs/mf_exps" \
--save_logs \
--save_metric_plots \
--save_checkpoints \
--validate_every 25 \
--save_every_num_val 50 \
--epoch_log_interval 25 \
--train_batch_log_interval -1 

  • dataset_path should point to the dataset file generated in the previous step.
  • A folder with checkpoints, metric plots, and a log file will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Tensor Factorization

python \
--epochs 500000 \
--num_train_samples 2048 \
--outputs_dir "outputs/tf_exps" \
--save_logs \
--save_metric_plots \
--save_checkpoints \
--validate_every 25 \
--save_every_num_val 50 \
--epoch_log_interval 25 \
--train_batch_log_interval -1 

  • dataset_path should point to the dataset file generated in the previous step.
  • A folder with checkpoints, metric plots, and a log file will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Hierarchical Tensor Factorization

python \
--epochs 500000 \
--num_train_samples 2048 \
--outputs_dir "outputs/htf_exps" \
--save_logs \
--save_metric_plots \
--save_checkpoints \
--validate_every 25 \
--save_every_num_val 50 \
--epoch_log_interval 25 \
--train_batch_log_interval -1 

  • dataset_path should point to the dataset file generated in the previous step.
  • A folder with checkpoints, metric plots, and a log file will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

1.3 Plotting Results

Plotting metrics against the number of iterations for an experiment (or multiple experiments) can be done by:

python \

  • plot_config_path should point to a file with the plot configuration. For example, plot_configs/mf_tf_htf_dyn_plot_config.json is the configuration used to create the plot below. To run it, it suffices to fill in the checkpoint_path fields (checkpoints are created during training inside the respective experiment's folder).

Example plot:

2. Countering Locality Bias of Convolutional Networks via Regularization

2.1. Is Same Class

2.1.1 Generating Data

Generating train data is done by running:

python --train --num_samples 5000

For test data use:

python --num_samples 10000
  • Use the output_dir argument to set the output directory in which the datasets will be saved (default is ./data/is_same).
  • The flag train determines whether to generate the dataset using the train or test set of the original dataset.
  • Specify num_samples to set how many samples to generate.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

2.1.2 Running Experiments

python \
--epochs 150 \
--outputs_dir "outputs/is_same_exps" \
--save_logs \
--save_metric_plots \
--save_checkpoints \
--validate_every 1 \
--save_every_num_val 1 \
--epoch_log_interval 1 \
--train_batch_log_interval 50 \
--stop_on_perfect_train_acc \
--stop_on_perfect_train_acc_patience 20 \
--model resnet18 \
--distance 0 \
--grad_change_reg_coeff 0

  • train_dataset_path and test_dataset_path are the paths of the train and test dataset files, respectively.
  • A folder with checkpoints, metric plots, and a log file will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

2.1.3 Plotting Results

Plotting different regularization options against the task difficulty can be done by:

\ --error_bars_opacity 0.5 ">
python \
       .. \
         .. \ --per_experiment_group_label 
           .. \ --x_axis_value_name "distance" \ --plot_title "Is Same Class" \ --x_label "distance between images" \ --y_label "test accuracy (%)" \ --save_plot_to 
            \ --error_bars_opacity 0.5 
  • Set experiments_dir to the directory containing the experiments you would like to plot.
  • Specify after experiment_groups_dir_names the names of the experiment groups, each group name should correspond to a sub-directory with the group name under experiments_dir path.
  • Use per_experiment_group_y_axis_value_name to name the report value for each experiment. Name should match key in experiment's summary.json files. Use dot notation for nested keys.
  • per_experiment_group_label sets a label for the groups by the same order they were mentioned.
  • save_plot_to is the path to save the plot at.
  • Use x_axis_value_name to set the name of the value to use as the x-axis. This should match to a key in either summary.json or config.json files. Use dot notation for nested keys.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Example plots:

2.2. Pathfinder

2.2.1 Generating Data

To generate Pathfinder datasets, first run the following command to create raw image samples for all specified path lengths:

python \
--num_samples 20000 \
--path_lengths 3 5 7 9
  • Use the output_dir argument to set the output directory in which the raw samples will be saved (default is ./data/pathfinder/raw).
  • The samples for each path length are separated to different directories.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Then, use the following command to create the dataset files for all path lengths (one dataset per length):

python \
--dataset_path data/pathfinder/raw \
--num_train_samples 10000 \
--num_test_samples 10000
  • dataset_path is the path to the directory of the raw images.
  • Use the output_dir argument to set the output directory in which the datasets will be saved (default is ./data/pathfinder).
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

2.2.2 Running Experiments

python \
--epochs 150 \
--outputs_dir "outputs/pathfinder_exps" \
--save_logs \
--save_metric_plots \
--save_checkpoints \
--validate_every 1 \
--save_every_num_val 1 \
--epoch_log_interval 1 \
--train_batch_log_interval 50 \
--stop_on_perfect_train_acc \
--stop_on_perfect_train_acc_patience 20 \
--model resnet18 \
--grad_change_reg_coeff 0

  • dataset_path should point to the dataset file generated in the previous step.
  • A folder with checkpoints, metric plots, and a log file will be automatically created under the directory specified by outputs_dir.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

2.2.3 Plotting Results

Plotting different regularization options against the task difficulty can be done by:

\ --error_bars_opacity 0.5">
python \
       .. \
         .. \ --per_experiment_group_label 
           .. \ --x_axis_value_name "dataset_path" \ --plot_title "Pathfinder" \ --x_label "path length" \ --y_label "test accuracy (%)" \ --x_axis_ticks 3 5 7 9 \ --save_plot_to 
            \ --error_bars_opacity 0.5 
  • Set experiments_dir to the directory containing the experiments you would like to plot.
  • Specify after experiment_groups_dir_names the names of the experiment groups, each group name should correspond to a sub-directory with the group name under experiments_dir path.
  • Use per_experiment_group_y_axis_value_name to name the report value for each experiment. Name should match key in experiment's summary.json files. Use dot notation for nested keys.
  • per_experiment_group_label sets a label for the groups by the same order they were mentioned.
  • save_plot_to is the path to save the plot at.
  • Use x_axis_value_name to set the name of the value to use as the x-axis. This should match to a key in either summary.json or config.json files. Use dot notation for nested keys.
  • Use the -h flag for information on the customizable run arguments.

Example plots:


For citing the paper, you can use:

  title={Implicit Regularization in Hierarchical Tensor Factorization and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks},
  author={Razin, Noam and Maman, Asaf and Cohen, Nadav},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11729},
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