Traffic flow test platform, especially for reinforcement learning


Traffic Flow Test Platform

Traffic flow test platform, especially for reinforcement learning, named TFTP.

A traffic signal control framework that can combine a variety of reinforcement learning algorithms, traditional algorithms and discrete reinforcement learning algorithms. It has two environments: cityflow and sumo. Several algorithms have been implemented.

How to run

check and modify the in the root folder, then run it.

How to use

this is still an on going project, some algorithm might be not implement or occur some error. but the idea is simple, you can use it to test your idea, add new engine except for sumo and cityflow, add your specific map mode, develop new state, action, reward information, and so on.

this project is NOT implement fully, but can be used now

folder describe

folder describtion
algs algorithm
data traffic files and information
configs config class
misc tools maybe used by the project
envs environment including sumo and cityflow
records the output on the running process
tmp for debuging, tesing the gramma, and so on.

file describe

file name information main entrance

Structure of round learner


the UML of the class







Curve example in dqn








Mr. Bai:[email protected]

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