This is the remake of the program PYOBD. It works on Python3 and all new libraries. It was tested on Linux, Windows, and it should work on MAC too.



This is the remake of the program PYOBD. It works on Python3 and all new libraries. It was tested on Linux, Windows, and it should work on MAC too. You just need an ELM327 USB or bluetooth device and a PC(laptop preferably).

NOTE: On Windows you will need a suitable driver for your ELM327 device(on Linux it is not needed). You can download drivers from here:

pyOBD (aka pyOBD-II or pyOBD2) is an OBD-II compliant car diagnostic tool. It is designed to interface with low-cost ELM 32x OBD-II diagnostic interfaces such as ELM327. It will basically allow you to talk to your car's ECU,... display fault codes, display measured values, read status tests, etc. All cars made since 1996 (in the US) or 2001 (in the EU) must be OBD-II compliant, i.e. they should work with pyOBD.

Video presentation on YouTube(click on it):

PYOBD Youtube video 2021

On Debian 10 type these commands to install the requirements:

sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev build-essential libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libsdl1.2-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0 libnotify-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libsm-dev libgtk-3-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libxtst-dev

pip3 install wxpython==4.1.1

pip3 install pyserial==3.5

pip3 install obd==0.7.1

The program is run by typing:


The ignition must be on, to connect to the car and display data(key turned one level before engine start). Although most of the sensors are visible only when the engine is running. If you connected and then turn the engine on, you must connect to the car again.

The program works nice and I will also add new functionalities to it.


  • How to debug first connection?

    How to debug first connection?

    @barracuda-fsh, many thanks for maintaining and enhancing this cool piece of software. I just received a brand new Chinese ELM327 v1.5. It works just fine on Ubuntu 20.04 by using OBD commands with 'sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 38400': I was among others able to retrieve trouble codes. I can't get it to connect with pyobd with the below error messages. Where should I get started to debug the connection?

    Thank you.

    [obd.obd] No OBD-II adapters found [obd.obd] Cannot load commands: No connection to car [obd.obd] No OBD-II adapters found [obd.obd] Cannot load commands: No connection to car [obd.obd] No OBD-II adapters found [obd.obd] Cannot load commands: No connection to car [obd.obd] No OBD-II adapters found [obd.obd] Cannot load commands: No connection to car [obd.obd] No OBD-II adapters found [obd.obd] Cannot load commands: No connection to car

    opened by laurentbacall 9
  • check if connecting to the car works with practically any ELM327 adapter

    check if connecting to the car works with practically any ELM327 adapter

    I need to check if connecting to the car works with practically any ELM327 adapter and possibly fix it if some don't work. If someone has issues, feel free to comment and I will try to fix them also.

    It probably works on all USB ELM327 adapters(especially original ones, not copies).

    So far these have been confirmed to work: -OBDPro USB Scantool ( -OBDLink SX ( -Chinese USB ELM OBD2 (1.5a) ...

    opened by barracuda-fsh 9
  • Changing One Setting in Configure Overwrites All Settings in .pyobdrc

    Changing One Setting in Configure Overwrites All Settings in .pyobdrc

    Regarding menu OBDII > Configure

    If you change one setting in configure, all settings in .pyobdrc are overwritten.

    This was problematic for me because neither AUTO in baud rate or in comport worked. The configure UI has no option to manually enter a comport. I manually edited .pyobrc to set comport=/dev/cuaU0. Later I edited baudrate in the configure dialog and did not realize that the value of comport was overwritten to the hardcoded value of AUTO.

    If one does not ever use the configure dialog, then one avoids their configuration being overwritten.

    opened by jcw73 2
  • Some UI Elements Seem to Have No Effect

    Some UI Elements Seem to Have No Effect

    Regarding menu OBDII > Disconnect and menu File > Exit

    Neither of these UI elements seems to have any effect. The only way to exit pybobd is to use CTRL-C in the terminal where I started pyobd.

    opened by jcw73 1
  • Pkg mac support

    Pkg mac support

    Hello, This application is interesting, but you need an easy way to deploy this application if you want to attract simple users without describing them how to install Python. My decision is not the best one but at least it will give users a simple way to run application. I suggest to use pyInstall and github action for auto deploy.

    opened by shizacat 0
  • option to record & save the data

    option to record & save the data


    First of all I'm so happy i found this new version that rely works...

    It would be super nice if it was possible to record some graphs to be able to analyze it later and to keep it as documentation of my car.

    opened by datamaskinen 3
  • AUR build

    AUR build

    Thank you for supporting this valuable app!

    Are there any plans to provide an Arch User Repository "package" (the PKGBUILD script)?

    There is already an original package with no maintainer. If you're serious with the development the package could be repurposed.

    opened by drws 6
  • Flatpak support

    Flatpak support

    Currently there are only limited amount of linux support that may cause issues on some popular distributions.

    Please introduce a modern Flatpak package and publish it on FlatHub.

    Having this project in a Flatpak package, would enable your project to work on basically all distributions.

    See some of the reasons to use Flatpak.

    opened by aha999 1
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