Demonstration that AWS IAM policy evaluation docs are incorrect


The flowchart from the AWS IAM policy evaluation documentation page, as of 2021-09-12, and dating back to at least 2018-12-27, is the following:


The flowchart indicates that an Allow in a resource policy causes a final decision of Allow, before permissions boundaries have a chance to cause an implicit Deny. This would mean a resource policy could unilaterally grant access to a principal, circumventing its permissions boundary. However, this is only partially correct.

Resource policies cannot unilaterally grant access to an IAM role but can unilaterally grant access to particular role sessions, that is, the thing that is created by calling AssumeRole. This is mentioned in the docs here, illustrated with the following diagram, though this information is excluded from subsequent diagrams about SCPs and session policies.


This is true for assumed role sessions created with AssumeRole (and presumably AssumeRoleWithSAML and AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity), where the principal in the resource policy is the assumed role session ARN, which is retrievable through the GetCallerIdentity API, which does not require permissions.

The documentation is unclear on IAM users. In adjacent paragraphs here, the documentation states:

Within an account, an implicit deny in a permissions boundary does not limit the permissions granted to an IAM user by a resource-based policy.

Within an account, an implicit deny in a permissions boundary does limit the permissions granted to the ARN of the underlying [...] IAM user by the resource-based policy.

It's possible the latter statement about an "IAM user" is actually about a federated user in an IAM role (using a "Federation" principal? Or is this about session for an IAM user through GetFederationToken? What's the behavior with GetSessionToken for an IAM user?


For an IAM role with a permissions boundary, role policy, and resource policy, none with any Denys, the possible combinations of Allows in the policy have the following results:

Role as resource policy principal

Permissions Boundary Role Policy Resource Policy Result
- - Allow Deny
- Allow Allow Deny
Allow Allow - Allow
Allow - Allow Allow
Allow Allow Allow Allow
Allow - - Deny
- Allow - Deny

Assumed role session as resource policy principal

Permissions Boundary Role Policy Resource Policy Result
- - Allow Allow
- Allow Allow Allow
Allow Allow - Allow
Allow - Allow Allow
Allow Allow Allow Allow
Allow - - Deny
- Allow - Deny

The code in this repo verifies this.

Run pipenv install and then Use --profile on to make it use a config profile.

This will create a stack named permissions-boundary-test with a role, and managed policy (for the role's permissions boundary), and an S3 bucket. It will run the tests against the stack using the role as the principal in the bucket policy, and then create an assumed role session, update the stack to use the assumed role session as the principal in the bucket policy, and run the tests.

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