Telegram Voice Chat UserBot made with Pyrogram and MarshalX/tgcalls with playlist and Heroku support


Telegram Voice Chat UserBot

A Telegram UserBot to Play Audio in Voice Chats.

This is also the source code of the userbot which is being used for playing DJ/Live Sets music in VC DJ/Live Sets group.

Made with tgcalls and Pyrogram Smart Plugin

It's recommended to use tgmusicbot along with this userbot.

Deploy to Heroku


  • Session string can be exported by using Pyrogram
    # pip install Pyrogram TgCrypto
    from pyrogram import Client
    api_id = 1234567
    api_hash = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
    with Client(":memory:", api_id, api_hash) as app, open("session.txt", "w+") as s_file:
        session_string = app.export_session_string()
        print("Session string has been saved to session.txt")
  • Enable the worker after deploy the project to Heroku
  • Send !join to a voice chat enabled group chat from userbot account itself or its contacts
  • Reply to an audio with /play to start playing it in the voice chat, every member of the group can use the !play and other common commands now, check !help for more commands

There are some other branchs for other plugins, you can press the "Deploy to Heroku" button there to deploy it as well.



  • Playlist, queue
  • Loop one track when there is only one track in the playlist
  • Automatically downloads audio for the first two tracks in the playlist to ensure smooth playing
  • Automatically pin the current playing track
  • Show current playing position of the audio

How to Use the Player plugin

  1. Start the userbot
  2. send !join to a voice chat enabled group chat from userbot account itself or its contacts, be sure to make the userbot account as group admin and give it at least the following permissions:
    • Delete messages
    • Manage voice chats (optional)
  3. reply to an audio with /play to start playing it in the voice chat, every member of the group can use common commands such like /play, /current and !help now.
  4. check !help for more commands


The main plugin is vc.player which has the following command commands and admin commands. After start the bot, send !join to a voice chat enabeld group chat from userbot account itself or its contacts, and then common commands like /play and /current will be available to every member of the group. send !help to check more commands.

  • Common commands, available to group members of current voice chat
  • starts with / (slash) or ! (exclamation mark)
Common Commands Description
/play reply with an audio to play/queue it, or show playlist
/current show current playing time of current track
/repo show git repository of the userbot
!help show help for commands
  • Admin commands, available to userbot account itself and its contacts
  • starts with ! (exclamation mark)
Admin Commands Description
!skip [n] ... skip current or n where n >= 2
!join join voice chat of current group
!leave leave current voice chat
!vc check which VC is joined
!stop stop playing
!replay play from the beginning
!clean remove unused RAW PCM files
!pause pause playing
!resume resume playing
!mute mute the VC userbot
!unmute unmute the VC userbot
  • Commands from other plugins, available only to userbot account itself
Plugin Commands Description
ping !ping show ping time
uptime !uptime show userbot uptime
sysinfo !sysinfo show system info


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • A Telegram API key and a Telegram account
  • Choose plugins you need, install dependencies which listed above and run pip install -U -r requirements.txt to install python package dependencies as well
  • FFmpeg


Choose one of the two methods and run the userbot with python, stop with CTRL+c. The following example assume that you were going to use vc.player and ping plugin, replace api_id, api_hash to your own value.

Method 1: use config.ini

Create a config.ini file

api_id = 1234567
api_hash = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

root = plugins
include =

Method 2: write your own

Replace the file content of

from pyrogram import Client, idle

api_id = 1234567
api_hash = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

plugins = dict(

app = Client("tgvc", api_id, api_hash, plugins=plugins)
print('>>> USERBOT STARTED')
print('\n>>> USERBOT STOPPED')


  • Read module docstrings of plugins/ you are going to use at the beginning of the file for extra notes



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