A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.



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A command line client for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

HomePage: http://mycli.net Documentation: http://mycli.net/docs

Completion CompletionGif

Postgres Equivalent: http://pgcli.com

Quick Start

If you already know how to install python packages, then you can install it via pip:

You might need sudo on linux.

$ pip install -U mycli


$ brew update && brew install mycli  # Only on macOS


$ sudo apt-get install mycli # Only on debian or ubuntu


$ mycli --help
Usage: mycli [OPTIONS] [DATABASE]

  A MySQL terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.

    - mycli my_database
    - mycli -u my_user -h my_host.com my_database
    - mycli mysql://[email protected]_host.com:3306/my_database

  -h, --host TEXT               Host address of the database.
  -P, --port INTEGER            Port number to use for connection. Honors
  -u, --user TEXT               User name to connect to the database.
  -S, --socket TEXT             The socket file to use for connection.
  -p, --password TEXT           Password to connect to the database.
  --pass TEXT                   Password to connect to the database.
  --ssh-user TEXT               User name to connect to ssh server.
  --ssh-host TEXT               Host name to connect to ssh server.
  --ssh-port INTEGER            Port to connect to ssh server.
  --ssh-password TEXT           Password to connect to ssh server.
  --ssh-key-filename TEXT       Private key filename (identify file) for the
                                ssh connection.
  --ssh-config-path TEXT        Path to ssh configuration.
  --ssh-config-host TEXT        Host for ssh server in ssh configurations (requires paramiko).
  --ssl-ca PATH                 CA file in PEM format.
  --ssl-capath TEXT             CA directory.
  --ssl-cert PATH               X509 cert in PEM format.
  --ssl-key PATH                X509 key in PEM format.
  --ssl-cipher TEXT             SSL cipher to use.
  --ssl-verify-server-cert      Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert
                                against hostname used when connecting. This
                                option is disabled by default.
  -V, --version                 Output mycli's version.
  -v, --verbose                 Verbose output.
  -D, --database TEXT           Database to use.
  -d, --dsn TEXT                Use DSN configured into the [alias_dsn]
                                section of myclirc file.
  --list-dsn                    list of DSN configured into the [alias_dsn]
                                section of myclirc file.
  --list-ssh-config             list ssh configurations in the ssh config (requires paramiko).
  -R, --prompt TEXT             Prompt format (Default: "\t \u@\h:\d> ").
  -l, --logfile FILENAME        Log every query and its results to a file.
  --defaults-group-suffix TEXT  Read MySQL config groups with the specified
  --defaults-file PATH          Only read MySQL options from the given file.
  --myclirc PATH                Location of myclirc file.
  --auto-vertical-output        Automatically switch to vertical output mode
                                if the result is wider than the terminal
  -t, --table                   Display batch output in table format.
  --csv                         Display batch output in CSV format.
  --warn / --no-warn            Warn before running a destructive query.
  --local-infile BOOLEAN        Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
  --login-path TEXT             Read this path from the login file.
  -e, --execute TEXT            Execute command and quit.
  --init-command TEXT           SQL statement to execute after connecting.
  --charset TEXT                Character set for MySQL session.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


mycli is written using prompt_toolkit.

  • Auto-completion as you type for SQL keywords as well as tables, views and columns in the database.
  • Syntax highlighting using Pygments.
  • Smart-completion (enabled by default) will suggest context-sensitive completion.
    • SELECT * FROM <tab> will only show table names.
    • SELECT * FROM users WHERE <tab> will only show column names.
  • Support for multiline queries.
  • Favorite queries with optional positional parameters. Save a query using \fs alias query and execute it with \f alias whenever you need.
  • Timing of sql statements and table rendering.
  • Config file is automatically created at ~/.myclirc at first launch.
  • Log every query and its results to a file (disabled by default).
  • Pretty prints tabular data (with colors!)
  • Support for SSL connections


If you're interested in contributing to this project, first of all I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude. I've written a small doc to describe how to get this running in a development setup.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help.

My email: [email protected]

Twitter: @amjithr

Detailed Install Instructions:


Fedora has a package available for mycli, install it using dnf:

$ sudo dnf install mycli

RHEL, Centos

I haven't built an RPM package for mycli for RHEL or Centos yet. So please use pip to install mycli. You can install pip on your system using:

$ sudo yum install python-pip

Once that is installed, you can install mycli as follows:

$ sudo pip install mycli


Follow the instructions on this blogpost: https://www.codewall.co.uk/installing-using-mycli-on-windows/


  1. Make sure the following Cygwin packages are installed: python3, python3-pip.
  2. Install mycli: pip3 install mycli


This project was funded through kickstarter. My thanks to the backers who supported the project.

A special thanks to Jonathan Slenders for creating Python Prompt Toolkit, which is quite literally the backbone library, that made this app possible. Jonathan has also provided valuable feedback and support during the development of this app.

Click is used for command line option parsing and printing error messages.

Thanks to PyMysql for a pure python adapter to MySQL database.


Mycli is tested on macOS and Linux.

Mycli is not tested on Windows, but the libraries used in this app are Windows-compatible. This means it should work without any modifications. If you're unable to run it on Windows, please file a bug.

Configuration and Usage

For more information on using and configuring mycli, check out our documentation.

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