Telegram Video Chat Video Streaming bot 🇱🇰


🧪 Get SESSION_NAME from below:

GenerateString Pyrogram

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  • Music & Video stream support
  • MultiChat support
  • Playlist & Queue support
  • Skip, Pause, Resume, Stop feature
  • Music & Video downloader feature
  • Inline Search support
  • YouTube direct search support
  • YouTube/Local/Live/m3u8 stream support
  • Inline Search support
  • Control With Button support
  • Volume Control
  • Userbot Auto Join

Heroku Deployment

The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku, Change the app country to Europe (it will help to make the bot stable).


- 👋 Hi, I’m @doozylab-lk - 👀 I’m interested in ... - 🌱 I’m currently learning ... - 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... - 📫 How to reach me ...
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