Telegram Bot for everyday raffles


SpinEverydayBot v2

Codacy badge wakatime badge Crowdin badge Requirements badge Code style: black License badge

Telegram bot for everyday raffles. HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL! WORK IN PROGRESS!

Setting up


  • Python 3.9+
  • PostgreSQL 13+

Older versions might work, but not tested. If they do work, submit an issue.


  1. (Optional.) Create and set up new virtualenv for the project.
  2. Install requirements from requirements.txt by running pip install -Ur requirements.txt.
  3. Create config.yaml in current directory or in ~/.config/spin_everyday_bot/2.x/.
  4. Open your config.yaml and edit it to match your setup.
      token: ...
      superuser_id: ...
      port: 5432
      user: ...
      database: ...
      password: ...
  5. Migrate database by running alembic upgrade head



It's as easy as python -m spin_everyday_bot


  1. Make sure you've got HTTPS certificate. Please note that self-signed ones are not yet supported, go and create one with Let's Encrypt. If you don't have a domain name, but you have static IP, use to create "fake" domain.
  2. Set up a reverse-proxy like nginx with above certificate and pointing to http://localhost:8880/.
  3. Install additional requirements: pip install -U "FastAPI~=0.68.0" uvicorn.
  4. Run python -m spin_everyday_bot webhook -u "<WEBHOOK_URL>", where <WEBHOOK_URL> is the URL for Telegram to make requests to.


Before you run a new version after updating, make sure your database is up-to-date by running migrations and check whether your config matches (see Setting up section for more info).


Oh, you wanna contribute? That's nice!

  1. Make sure the project is set up and up-to-date.
  2. Install additional requirements from dev-requirements.txt.
  3. Make changes to the code.
  • If you made any changes to db, make sure you created a migration by running alembic revision --autogenerate -m '<description>' and verified it.
  • If you made any changes which require translation changes, make sure you generated a new translation template by running
    pybabel extract \
       --msgid-bugs-address="[email protected]" \
       --copyright-holder="Evgeniy Filimonov <[email protected]>" \
       --project=spin_everyday_bot --version=2.0.0-alpha.0 \
       -o spin_everyday_bot/lang/spin_everyday_bot.pot -w 99 \
  1. Run some tools to make code style better
    isort --py 39 -p spin_everyday_bot --profile black -l 100 --tc --gitignore spin_everyday_bot
    black -l 100 -t py39 spin_everyday_bot
  2. Commit and push changes to your branch/fork.
  3. Create a pull request.


Licensed under GNU AGPL v3, see LICENSE.

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  • v.2.0


    Список дел:

    • [x] Добавить локализацию (#11)

      • [x] Английский
    • [x] Настройки "культурности" бота (см. п.1) (реализуется добавлением локализаций и настраиваемых текстов)

    • [x] Настраиваемые тексты розыгрышей (#15)

    • [ ] Предпочитаемая временная зона чата (для /auto)

    • [x] Кто может запускать розыгрыши (#18)

    • [x] Быстрый розыгрыш

    • [x] Победитель среди всех пользователей чатов (см. п.2)

    • [ ] Статистика в ЛС и в инлайне

    • [x] Время работы (аптайм)

    • [x] Список участвующих в розыгрыше

    • [ ] "Тихий режим" (меньше сообщений в чате)

    • [x] Разный /help в чат и ЛС

    • [ ] Использование @username'ов в /admgroup и /stat

    • [ ] Мультирозыгрыш (#5)

    • [ ] Перезапуск розыгрыша

    • [ ] Сохранение данных (бекапы)

    • [x] Лимит команд

    • [x] Рефакторинг



    Отлично, а тебе не помешает разрабатывать режим, матерный и обычный, если хочешь чтобы бот был масштабным)

    (c) @Alycus


    Проводить ещё один розыгрыш, но среди всех чатов, и выявлять победителя. А потом по команде /winner (допустим) показывать имя этого человека-победителя

    (c) @evgfilim1 совместно с @Yanuch1

    opened by evgfilim1 1
  • Fix usernames with underscores in quiz name

    Fix usernames with underscores in quiz name

    This patch fixes usernames with underscores in quiz name.

    For example, before this patch, command of:

    /setname @user_name_example_with_underscores

    leads to output like:

    Согласно сегодняшнему розыгрышу, @user\_name\_example\_with\_underscores дня ...

    Now, it is fixed.

    opened by foxtran 0
  • [Feature request] Возможность создания алиасов для команды /spin

    [Feature request] Возможность создания алиасов для команды /spin

    Было бы неплохо, скажем разыгрываем мы пидора дня. Почему бы не делать это командой /pidor, а не /spin? Разумеется это всё должно настраиваться по-чатово.

    /spinalias add pidor
    /spinalias del pidor
    /spinalias list
    opened by ghost 0
  • Усовершенствовать /settings в ЛС

    Усовершенствовать /settings в ЛС

    Можно проверять чаты на наличие в них человека, а там уже проверять есть ли у него права администратора. Затем составлять интерфейс с выбором, настройки какого чата хочет изменить пользователь. Отдалённо что-то похожее делает GitHub бот.

    by @HexwellC

    opened by evgfilim1 0
  • v.1.5.4-beta(Aug 5, 2021)

    • Moved data and log to data/ subdirectory
    • Added settings (#14)
    • Added /uptime command
    • Added translation ability
    • Added "Winner of the day" via /winner command
    • Added custom spin texts for chats
    • Other fixes and minor improvements

    This branch is running on @spin_everyday_betabot

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.5.3(May 29, 2017)

  • v.1.5.2(May 29, 2017)

    + Added '/feedback' command + Added some useful '/sudo' commands + New spin feature * Moved to python-telegram-bot 6.0.1 * Fixed bug with loading spin jobs * Now unexpected updates are not allowed * Cleaning updates when working via TeleSocket * Code fixes and other improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.5.1(Apr 15, 2017)

    + Now using webhooks (powered by TeleSocket Service) for bot, but you can still use LongPoll + Now help is sending by pages (#13) + Added install script * Changed logging levels * Fixed bug when bot creator can't change spin name in chat * Now ignoring KeyError when unknown user leaves chat * Code fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.5(Mar 30, 2017)

    + Automatic spins! + Added logging to telegram chat or channel and to file + Now deleted users are removed from user list * Fixed mention in one of textpacks * Fixed bug with stats and spin * Code fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.4(Mar 25, 2017)

    + Added new feature for bot creators ("/sudo help") + Now you can see who can change spin name + Now there are pages in "/stat" command * Fixed issue #12 * Textpacks changes: 2 new, 1 fixed, 1 removed

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.3(Feb 1, 2017)

    + Added creator's command that resets spin result in the current chat + Added '/sudo md_announce' and '/sudo announce' + Added feature of listing top chat users + Added one more "textpack" + Added feature of giving rights to change spin name * Now showing spin name on empty '/setname' (a.k.a. '/setsn') * Fixed issue #7 * A bit updated 'TEXT_ALREADY' * Now if spin name in '/setname' ends on 'дня', this word will be deleted * Code fixes - Removed '-sn' suffix in commands - Removed feature of manual refreshing admin list

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.2(Jan 25, 2017)

    + '/sudo reset' feature + Checking if user is in the chat + Choosing one of three spin "textpacks" * Using Python 3.6 with its formatting feature * fixed * Some code improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.1.1(Jan 25, 2017)

    + Markdown escape (Issue #3) + Checking command destination (Issue #4) + Clean start * Fixed announcement * Some code fixes * Now /start and /help commands are sent in PM

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.1(Jan 25, 2017)

    + Added announcement to all chats + Added documentation * Bot is now splitted into different files * Fixed bug with /setsn (issue #1) * /admin was renamed to /sudo

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v.1.0(Mar 30, 2017)

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