unofficial pytorch implementation of RefineGAN



unofficial pytorch implementation of RefineGAN ( for CSMRI reconstruction, the official code using tensorpack can be found at

To Do

  • run the original tensorpack code (sorry, can't run tensorpack on my GPU)
  • pytorch implementation and experiments on brain images with radial mask
  • bug fixed. the mean psnr of zero-filled image is not exactly the same as the value in original paper, although the model improvement is similar
  • experiments on different masks


python>=3.7.11 is required with all requirements.txt installed including pytorch>=1.10.0

git clone
cd RefineGAN
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

for training:

cd run_sh

the model will be saved in folder weight, tensorboard information will be saved in folder log. You can change the arguments in script such as --mask_type and --sampling_rate for different experiment settings.

for tensorboard:

check the training curves while training

tensorboard --logdir log

the training info of my experiments is already in log folder

for testing:

test after training, or you can download my trained model weights from google drive.

cd run_sh

for visualization:

cd run_sh

training curves

sampling rates : 10%(light orange), 20%(dark blue), 30%(dark orange), 40%(light blue). You can check more loss curves of my experiments using tensorboard.

loss_G_loss_total loss_recon_img_Aa

PSNR on training set over 500 epochs, compared with results shown in original paper.

my_train_psnr paper_train_psnr

Test results

mean PSNR on validation dataset with radial mask of different sampling rates, batch_size is set as 4;

model 10% 20% 30% 40%
zero-filled 22.296 25.806 28.997 31.699
RefineGAN 32.705 36.734 39.961 42.903

Test cases visualization

rate from left to right: mask, zero-filled, prediction and ground truth error (zero-filled) and error (prediction)

Notes on RefineGAN

  • data processing before training : complex value represents in 2-channel , each channel rescale to [-1,1]; accordingly the last layer of generator is tanh()
  • Generator uses residual learning for reconstruction task
  • Generator is a cascade of two U-net, the U-net doesn't do concatenation but addition when combining the enc and dec features.
  • each U-net is followed by a Data-consistency (DC) module, although the paper doesn't mention it.
  • the last layer of generator is tanh layer on two-channel output, so when we revert output to original pixel scale and calculate abs, the pixel value may exceed 255; we need to do clipping while calculating psnr
  • while training, we get two random image samples A, B for each iteration, RefineGAN calculates a large amount of losses (it may be redundant) including reconstruction loss on different phases of generator output in both image domain and frequency domain, total variantion loss and WGAN loss
  • one special loss is D_loss_AB, D is trained to only distinguish from real samples and fake samples, so D should not only work for (real A, fake A) or (real B, fake B), but also work for (real A, fake B) input
  • WGAN-gp may be used to improve the performance
  • small batch size MAY BE better. In my experiment, batch_size=4 is better than batch_size=16

I will appreciate if you can find any implementation mistakes in codes.

research interest: Medical Image Analysis, Computer Vision
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