`rosbag filter` with Gooey-based GUI



rosbag filter with Gooey-based GUI


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noetic
  • Python 3.8


git clone https://github.com/hibetterheyj/rosbag_filter_gui.git
cd rosbag_filter_gui

conda create -n rosbag_filter_gui python=3.8
conda activate rosbag_filter_gui
# or `source activate rosbag_filter_gui` in ubuntu

pip3 install -U pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python rosbag_filter_gui.py

🚧 To be continued

Test samples downloaded



  • add simple video or gif for guideline
  • support for --print=PRINT-EXPRESSION and t (time of message)
  • add interactive script in command line
  • add script for batch processing
  • apply github CI/CD workflow to test for different system


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Diversity is essential to happiness. MSc at EPFL | Freshman in Robotics
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