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convolution 연산 정리
파이토치 논문 재구현
resnet 구현
cnn 설명 자료
파이토치 레퍼런스
activation function 신경망의 출력을 결정하는 식
loss function
visualize activation function
뉴런 , 네트퉈크 조절 해볼 수 있음
미분 계산기
손실 함수
RNN , LSTM 정리 자료
좋은 batch_size


파이토치 튜토리얼 한글/영어 기본 , 예제 잘 들어있지만 개념 적인 부분 부족
모두를 위한 딥러닝 한글 //정리 잘 안되어 있음
김성훈 박사 영어 240분 분량 유튭, 유튭 영어를 한글로 정리 한 자료
파이토치로 시작하는 딥러닝 입문 위키 형식 참고 자료로 쓰면 좋을듯
coursera /중급 이상으로 보임,
논문으로 짚어보는 딥러닝의 맥 추후에 보면 도움이 될것
딥러닝의 교과서 스탠포드대 수업 영어 //중급 강의 유튭 한글강의 노트
코세라에서 가장 유명한 강의 기계학습 (스탠퍼드) 입문 , //영어 //한글 자막 코세라 창립, 구글 브레인팀 Andrew Ng 교수 앤듀르 응 강의 파이썬 작성 코드
신경망 강의 한글 자막 // 신경망에대한 강의
유다 시티 영어 , 짧은 500개 강의
인프런, 혼공 박해선 무료 /한글 //완전 초급 부족한 부분만 골라 들으면서 참고하기 좋을 것 같다
파이썬 3 강의*TrzAA&ranSiteID=nbJH6.TrzAA-TVGpUDsLQh5FLSPSwhTqsw&siteID=nbJH6.TrzAA-TVGpUDsLQh5FLSPSwhTqsw&utm_content=10&utm_medium=partners&utm_source=linkshare&utm_campaign=nbJH6*TrzAA

injae hwang
Robotics Engineer
injae hwang
A comprehensive and FREE Online Python Development tutorial going step-by-step into the world of Python.

FREE Reverse Engineering Self-Study Course HERE Fundamental Python The book and code repo for the FREE Fundamental Python book by Kevin Thomas. FREE B

Kevin Thomas 7 Mar 19, 2022
Lightweight, configurable Sphinx theme. Now the Sphinx default!

What is Alabaster? Alabaster is a visually (c)lean, responsive, configurable theme for the Sphinx documentation system. It is Python 2+3 compatible. I

Jeff Forcier 670 Dec 19, 2022
[Unofficial] Python PEP in EPUB format

PEPs in EPUB format This is a unofficial repository where I stock all valid PEPs in the EPUB format. Repository Cloning git clone --recursive Mickaël Schoentgen 9 Oct 12, 2022

Autolookup GUI Plugin for Plover

Word Tray for Plover Word Tray is a GUI plugin that automatically looks up efficient outlines for words that start with the current input, much like a

Kathy 3 Jun 08, 2022
Spin-off Notice: the modules and functions used by our research notebooks have been refactored into another repository

Fecon235 - Notebooks for financial economics. Keywords: Jupyter notebook pandas Federal Reserve FRED Ferbus GDP CPI PCE inflation unemployment wage income debt Case-Shiller housing asset portfolio eq

Adriano 825 Dec 27, 2022
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python

Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python

Microsoft 1.5k Dec 29, 2022
python package sphinx template

python-package-sphinx-template python-package-sphinx-template

Soumil Nitin Shah 2 Dec 26, 2022
Numpy's Sphinx extensions

numpydoc -- Numpy's Sphinx extensions This package provides the numpydoc Sphinx extension for handling docstrings formatted according to the NumPy doc

NumPy 234 Dec 26, 2022
A markdown wiki and dashboarding system for Datasette

datasette-notebook A markdown wiki and dashboarding system for Datasette This is an experimental alpha and everything about it is likely to change. In

Simon Willison 19 Apr 20, 2022
Minimal reproducible example for `mkdocstrings` Python handler issue

Minimal reproducible example for `mkdocstrings` Python handler issue

Hayden Richards 0 Feb 17, 2022
Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder

Sphinx Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of mul

5.1k Jan 04, 2023
Clases y ejercicios del curso de python diactodo por la UNSAM

Programación en Python En el marco del proyecto de Inteligencia Artificial Interdisciplinaria, la Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología de la UNSAM vuelve a

Maximiliano Villalva 3 Jan 06, 2022
A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills

A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills

PYTHON WORLD 12.1k Jan 05, 2023
CoderByte | Practice, Tutorials & Interview Preparation Solutions|

CoderByte | Practice, Tutorials & Interview Preparation Solutions This repository consists of solutions to CoderByte practice, tutorials, and intervie

Eda AYDIN 6 Aug 09, 2022
A simple flask application to collect annotations for the Turing Change Point Dataset, a benchmark dataset for change point detection algorithms

AnnotateChange Welcome to the repository of the "AnnotateChange" application. This application was created to collect annotations of time series data

The Alan Turing Institute 16 Jul 21, 2022
A `:github:` role for Sphinx

sphinx-github-role A github role for Sphinx. Usage Basic usage MyST: :caption: See {github}`astrojuanlu/sphinx-github-role#1`. reStructuredT

Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez 4 Nov 22, 2022
BakTst_Org is a backtesting system for quantitative transactions.

BakTst_Org 中文reademe:传送门 Introduction: BakTst_Org is a prototype of the backtesting system used for BTC quantitative trading. This readme is mainly di

18 May 08, 2021
Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats

Poetry export plugin This package is a plugin that allows the export of locked packages to various formats. Note: For now, only the requirements.txt f

Poetry 90 Jan 05, 2023
A set of Python libraries that assist in calling the SoftLayer API.

SoftLayer API Python Client This library provides a simple Python client to interact with SoftLayer's XML-RPC API. A command-line interface is also in

SoftLayer 155 Sep 20, 2022
Loudchecker - Python script to check files for earrape

loudchecker python script to check files for earrape automatically installs depe

1 Jan 22, 2022