Simple application that does transformation with HPF and LPFs.


Simple application that applies Butterworth, Gaussian & Ideal kernels on HPF and LPFs

-aka Frequency Domain Filtering- Upload image from sidebar, set the parameters and it will return the image, kernel and the graph of distance (D(u,v)) against the filter function (H(u,v)).

To run the project:

  • Open a Python environment (preferably 3.7 or 3.8)
  • run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  • Lastly, run "streamlit run", this will serve the application at http://localhost:8501/.

Disclaimer: this is made for my CSE587 assignment has no purpose whatsoever to be used profesionally, the code can probably be optimized.

Merve Noyan
Google Developer Expert on Machine Learning, ML Engineer
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