GUI for visualization and interactive editing of SMPL-family body models ie. SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME.


Body Model Visualizer


This is a simple Open3D-based GUI for SMPL-family body models. This GUI lets you play with the shape, expression, and pose parameters of SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME body models. Features include:

  • Interactive editing of shape, expression, pose parameters
  • Visualize body model joints and joint names
  • Simple IK solver to match an input pose
  • Save edited model parameters
  • View controls
  • Lighting controls
  • Material settings

Even though there are existing Blender/Unity plugins for these models, our main audience here is researchers who would like to quickly edit/visualize body models without the need to install a graphics software.


Clone the repo and install the requirements (use python3.9).

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME body models:

Copy downloaded files under data/body_models, this folder should look like:

└── body_models
    ├── flame
    │   ├── FLAME_FEMALE.pkl
    │   ├── FLAME_MALE.pkl
    │   ├── FLAME_NEUTRAL.pkl
    │   ├── flame_dynamic_embedding.npy
    │   └── flame_static_embedding.pkl
    ├── mano
    │   ├── MANO_LEFT.pkl
    │   └── MANO_RIGHT.pkl
    ├── smpl
    │   ├── SMPL_FEMALE.pkl
    │   ├── SMPL_MALE.pkl
    │   └── SMPL_NEUTRAL.pkl
    └── smplx
        ├── SMPLX_FEMALE.npz
        ├── SMPLX_MALE.npz
        └── SMPLX_NEUTRAL.npz

Finally, run:



Saved model parameters

File > Save Model Params lets you save the edited body model parameters. Output is a pickled python dictionary with below keys:

dict_keys(['betas', 'expression', 'gender', 'body_model', 
           'joints', 'body_pose', 'global_orient'])
  • Follow the instructions, encounter segmentation error after running

    Follow the instructions, encounter segmentation error after running "python"

    Hi, thanks for the great work. I set the environment as the instructions. But when I run the file, it reports "Segmentation Fault" Here is the packages I've installed as following

    addict               2.4.0
    anyio                3.4.0
    argon2-cffi          21.3.0
    argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
    attrs                21.2.0
    Babel                2.9.1
    backcall             0.2.0
    bleach               4.1.0
    certifi              2021.10.8
    cffi                 1.15.0
    charset-normalizer   2.0.9
    chumpy               0.70
    cycler               0.11.0
    debugpy              1.5.1
    decorator            5.1.0
    defusedxml           0.7.1
    deprecation          2.1.0
    entrypoints          0.3
    fonttools            4.28.5
    idna                 3.3
    ipdb                 0.13.9
    ipykernel            6.6.0
    ipython              7.30.1
    ipython-genutils     0.2.0
    ipywidgets           7.6.5
    jedi                 0.18.1
    Jinja2               3.0.3
    joblib               1.1.0
    json5                0.9.6
    jsonschema           4.3.2
    jupyter-client       7.1.0
    jupyter-core         4.9.1
    jupyter-packaging    0.11.1
    jupyter-server       1.13.1
    jupyterlab           3.2.5
    jupyterlab-pygments  0.1.2
    jupyterlab-server    2.10.1
    jupyterlab-widgets   1.0.2
    kiwisolver           1.3.2
    loguru               0.5.3
    MarkupSafe           2.0.1
    matplotlib           3.5.1
    matplotlib-inline    0.1.3
    mistune              0.8.4
    nbclassic            0.3.4
    nbclient             0.5.9
    nbconvert            6.3.0
    nbformat             5.1.3
    nest-asyncio         1.5.4
    notebook             6.4.6
    numpy                1.21.5
    open3d               0.14.1
    packaging            21.3
    pandas               1.3.5
    pandocfilters        1.5.0
    parso                0.8.3
    pexpect              4.8.0
    pickleshare          0.7.5
    Pillow               8.4.0
    pip                  21.2.4
    prometheus-client    0.12.0
    prompt-toolkit       3.0.24
    ptyprocess           0.7.0
    pycparser            2.21
    Pygments             2.10.0
    pyparsing            3.0.6
    pyrsistent           0.18.0
    python-dateutil      2.8.2
    pytz                 2021.3
    PyYAML               6.0
    pyzmq                22.3.0
    requests             2.26.0
    scikit-learn         1.0.2
    scipy                1.7.3
    Send2Trash           1.8.0
    setuptools           58.0.4
    six                  1.16.0
    smplx                0.1.28
    sniffio              1.2.0
    terminado            0.12.1
    testpath             0.5.0
    threadpoolctl        3.0.0
    toml                 0.10.2
    tomlkit              0.8.0
    torch                1.10.1
    tornado              6.1
    tqdm                 4.62.3
    traitlets            5.1.1
    typing_extensions    4.0.1
    urllib3              1.26.7
    wcwidth              0.2.5
    webencodings         0.5.1
    websocket-client     1.2.3
    wheel                0.37.0
    widgetsnbextension   3.5.2
    opened by AndyVerne 2
  • Installation error -- no matching distribution found for open3d

    Installation error -- no matching distribution found for open3d

    Running through the installation instructions yields an error in my WSL env:

    (test) [email protected]:~/body-model-visualizer# pip install -r requirements.txt
    Collecting ipdb==0.13.9
      Using cached ipdb-0.13.9.tar.gz (16 kB)
    Collecting joblib==1.1.0
      Using cached joblib-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (306 kB)
    Collecting loguru==0.5.3
      Using cached loguru-0.5.3-py3-none-any.whl (57 kB)
    Collecting matplotlib==3.5.1
      Using cached matplotlib-3.5.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl (11.3 MB)
    Collecting numpy==1.21.5
      Using cached numpy-1.21.5-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (15.7 MB)
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement open3d==0.14.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) (from versions:, 0.11.0, 0.11.1, 0.11.2,0.12.0, 0.13.0)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for open3d==0.14.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
    (test) [email protected]:~/body-model-visualizer# 

    I can manually run pip install open3d, but that installs version 0.13.0. I assume this has something to do with my janky WSL setup, but I've been trying to debug it for a while and have not had any luck yet. I'm wondering if this is a bug in your repo's latest version?

    opened by domattioli 0
  • How to use saved .pkl parameters file?

    How to use saved .pkl parameters file?

    I have modified the smpl model and saved the pkl file,but i not load it in SMPL code. `def ready_arguments(fname_or_dict):

    if not isinstance(fname_or_dict, dict):
        #dd = pickle.load(open(fname_or_dict))
        dd = pickle.load(open(fname_or_dict,"rb"),encoding='iso-8859-1')
        dd = fname_or_dict
    backwards_compatibility_replacements(dd) `

    UnpicklingError invalid load key, '\x27'. File "/home/lrd/data/lrd/body-model-visualizer-filer/SMPL_python_v.1.1.0/smpl/smpl_webuser/", line 81, in ready_arguments dd = pickle.load(open(fname_or_dict,"rb"),encoding='iso-8859-1') File "/home/lrd/data/lrd/body-model-visualizer-filer/SMPL_python_v.1.1.0/smpl/smpl_webuser/", line 117, in load_model dd = ready_arguments(fname_or_dict) File "/home/lrd/data/lrd/body-model-visualizer-filer/SMPL_python_v.1.1.0/smpl/smpl_webuser/hello_world/", line 48, in <module> m = load_model( '/home/lrd/data/lrd/body-model-visualizer-filer/abc.pkl' )

    sometimes,it is other error. I don't konw how to use this saved parameters.

    opened by LRuid 0
  • Not able to load the saved parameters

    Not able to load the saved parameters


    I successfully run the GUI, change the joint rotation, and saved the parameters. However, I cannot load the .pkl file.

    Tried using

    import pickle
    file_name = '../subject2_Tpose.pkl'
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:  
        subject2_Tpose = pickle.load(f)  


    import torch
    subject2_Tpose = torch.load(file_name)

    Both return the same error:

    UnpicklingError: A load persistent id instruction was encountered,
    but no persistent_load function was specified.

    The torch version is the same as where I ran the Any solution for this?

    opened by SizheAn 0
  • How can I visualize my own smpl model?

    How can I visualize my own smpl model?

    I already have some smpl pkl file and I want to use this application to view the model. It seems the codes can only modify based on the original smpl model. Thank you so mush if you could help with this!

    opened by kkpetra 0
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