My Solutions to 120 commonly asked data science interview questions.


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Introduction 👋

Here are the answers to 120 Data Science Interview Questions

The above answer some is modified based on Kojin's original collection: kojino/120-Data-Science-Interview-Questions

Another solution is from: Nitish-McQueen: Data Science Interview Questions

Quera has a good list of questions:

Feel free to send me a pull request if you find any mistakes or have better answers.

Table of contents 📋

No. Name
01 01_120_Python_Basics_Interview_Questions
02 02_Predictive_Modeling
03 03_Programming
04 04_Probability
05 05_Statistical_Inference
06 06_Data_Analysis
07 07_Product_Metrics
08 08_Communication
09 09_Coding
10 10_Linkedin_Skill_Assessment_Python
11 DataScience_Interview_Questions

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  1. Go here and click the big green ➞ Code button in the top right of the page, then click ➞ Download ZIP.

    Download ZIP

  2. Extract the ZIP and open it. Unfortunately I don't have any more specific instructions because how exactly this is done depends on which operating system you run.

  3. Launch ipython notebook from the folder which contains the notebooks. Open each one of them

    Kernel ➞ Restart & Clear Output

This will clear all the outputs and now you can understand each statement and learn interactively.

If you have git and you know how to use it, you can also clone the repository instead of downloading a zip and extracting it. An advantage with doing it this way is that you don't need to download the whole tutorial again to get the latest version of it, all you need to do is to pull with git and run ipython notebook again.

Authors ✍️

I'm Dr. Milaan Parmar and I have written this tutorial. If you think you can add/correct/edit and enhance this tutorial you are most welcome 🙏

See github's contributors page for details.

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If you like this tutorial, please give it a star.

Licence 📜

You may use this tutorial freely at your own risk. See LICENSE.

Milaan Parmar / Милан пармар / _米兰 帕尔马
💼👨‍🏫 Researcher • Python | MATLAB | R • Build🤯 → Test🤞 → Debug✔️ “Change Is the Only Constant in Life" ➶
Milaan Parmar / Милан пармар / _米兰 帕尔马
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