An opinionated Django CMS setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon


Aldryn CMS

|PyPI Version|

An opinionated django CMS setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon.

This package will auto configure django CMS including some extra tools. It includes django-filer, a default set of plugins, django-parler, aldryn-boilerplates and some more. A future goal is to split some of those other tools into separate Addons.

Installation & Updates

Aldryn Platform Users

Nothing to do. aldryn-django-cms is part of the Aldryn Platform.

Manual Installation


Please follow the setup instructions for installing aldryn-addons and aldryn-django first!

Add aldryn-django-cms to your projects requirements.txt or pip install it.:

pip install aldryn-django-cms

The version is made up of the django CMS release with an added digit for the release version of this package itself.

If you followed the aldryn-addons and aldryn-django installation instructions, you should already have a ALDRYN_ADDONS setting. Add aldryn-django-cms to it.:


Create the addons/aldryn-django-cms directory at the same level as your Then copy addon.json, from the matching sourcecode into it. Also create a settings.json file in the same directory with the following content:

  "cms_templates": "[[\"default.html\", \"Default\"]]"


The above settings.json assume you have a default.html cms template installed.


The need to manually copy and addon.json is due to legacy compatibility with the Aldryn Platform and will no longer be necessary in a later release of aldryn-addons.

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