Chess Game using Python




  • Chess Game is a single-player game where the objective is same as the original chess game.

  • You just need to place your chess piece in a correct position.

  • The purpose of the system is to provide some past time with your friends.

About the Project

The Chess Game was created using Python module that contains multiple platforms that utilize the maximum capability for programming. The game is played in a simple windowed interface that comes with a sprites and backgrounds images. The player can play the game via Mouse, you only need to use the Left Mouse Button to move a chess piece by dragging it in a correct position such as(Pawn can move two turn forward in first move and eat enemy piece diagonally, Horse can only move in L shape position, Rook can move all the way forward, backward, left, right, Bishop can only move diagonally, Queen can move anywhere diagonally or straight, king can only move one block away). The game is very hard and challenging you need to think twice before you move. White piece always go first, if you are a white make a winnable first move to increase you chance of winning. You are against with an intelligent AI, try to win the game as you can. This application is for educational purpose only, you are free to modify it as you fit your needs. The Chess Game is a simple arcade style game where your goal is to strategize your move in order to win.

Chess Game using Python Features:

  • AI Controls
    • The project contains an AI enemy that will do anything to beat you.
  • Basic UI
    • The project contains a basic UI that display the game gameplay.
  • User-friendly Interface
    • This project was design with a simple user-friendly interface.
  • Basic Controls
    • This project uses a basic control function so that player can easily be playable.

Built with:

  1. PyCharm 2021.3.1 (Professional Edition)
  2. Python 3.8

Chess Game using Python Installation:

  1. You will have to download & install the Python IDLE's, here's the link "".
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Open the extracted folder
  4. Locate the .py file.
  5. Then open the file via python IDLE.
  6. Run the file to launch the program.

If you have git, and you know how to use it, you can also clone the repository instead of downloading a zip and extracting it and the run the directly.

Important Message :

If you find the error message as the following (when you run :

import pygame, chessModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygame'

So how can we fix that?

  1. Open the folder where your Python is installed.
  2. Open the "Scripts" folder.
  3. Copy the path of the Scripts folder using the Address Bar.
  4. Open Command Prompt/Terminal.
  5. Type "cd (use right click to paste it).
  6. Type pip install pygame and press Enter

Command Prompt Command

  1. It should Download and install the "pygame" Module to your computer.
  2. Now run in the IDE. It works fine :-)

The Chess Game was created using Python programming language. I hope that this system can help you to what you are looking for. Enjoy Coding!!

If you have trouble with this project, please tell me about it, and I'll make this project better. If you like this tutorial, please give it a star.


Yogesh Selvarajan
Studying CSE, 2nd Year at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
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