Github project for Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting.

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Deep LearningTCVOM

Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting

This is the Github project for our paper Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting (arXiv:2105.11427). We provide our code, the supplementary material, trained model and VideoMatting108 dataset here. For the trimap generation module, please see TCVOM-TGM.

The code, the trained model and the dataset are for academic and non-commercial use only.

The supplementary material can be found here.

Table of Contents

VideoMatting108 Dataset

VideoMatting108 is a large video matting dataset that contains 108 video clips with their corresponding groundtruth alpha matte, all in 1080p resolution, 80 clips for training and 28 clips for validation.

You can download the dataset here. The total size of the dataset is 192GB and we've split the archive into 1GB chunks.

The contents of the dataset are the following:

  • FG: contains the foreground RGBA image, where the alpha channel is the groundtruth matte and RGB channel is the groundtruth foreground.
  • BG: contains background RGB image used for composition.
  • flow_png_val: contains quantized optical flow of validation video clips for calculating MESSDdt metric. You can choose not to download this folder if you don't need to calculate this metric. You can refer to the _flow_read() function in for usage.
  • *_videos*.txt: train / val split.
  • frame_corr.json: FG / BG frame pair used for composition.

After decompressing, the dataset folder should have the structure of the following (please rename flow_png_val to flow_png):



Currently our method supports four different image matting methods as base.

  • gca (GCA Matting by Li et al., code is from here)
  • dim (DeepImageMatting by Xu et al., we use the reimplementation code from here)
  • index (IndexNet Matting by Lu et al., code is from here)
  • fba (FBA Matting by Forte et al., code is from here)
    • There are some differences in our training and the original FBA paper. We believe that there are still space for further performance gain through hyperparameter fine-tuning.
      • We did not use the foreground extension technique during training. Also we use four GPUs instead of one.
      • We used the conventional adam optimizer instead of radam.
      • We used mean instead of sum during loss computation to keep the loss balanced (especially for L_af).

The trained model can be downloaded here. We provide four different weights for every base method.

  • *_SINGLE_Lim.pth: The trained weight of the base image matting method on the VideoMatting108 dataset without TAM. Only L_im is used during the pretrain. This is the baseline model.
  • *_TAM_Lim_Ltc_Laf.pth: The trained weight of base image matting method with TAM on VideoMatting108 dataset. L_im, L_tc and L_af is used during the training. This is our full model.
  • *_TAM_pretrain.pth: The pretrained weight of base image matting method with TAM on the DIM dataset. Only L_im is used during the training.
  • *_fe.pth: The converted weight from the original model checkpoint, only used for pretraining TAM.


This is the quantitative result on VideoMatting108 validation dataset with medium width trimap. The metric is averaged on all 28 validation video clips.

We use CUDA 10.2 during the inference. Using CUDA 11.1 might result in slightly lower metric. All metrics are calculated with

Method Loss SSDA dtSSD MESSDdt MSE*(10^3) mSAD
GCA+F (Baseline) L_im 55.82 31.64 2.15 8.20 40.85
GCA+TAM L_im+L_tc+L_af 50.41 27.28 1.48 7.07 37.65
DIM+F (Baseline) L_im 61.85 34.55 2.82 9.99 44.38
DIM+TAM L_im+L_tc+L_af 58.94 29.89 2.06 9.02 43.28
Index+F (Baseline) L_im 58.53 33.03 2.33 9.37 43.53
Index+TAM L_im+L_tc+L_af 57.91 29.36 1.81 8.78 43.17
FBA+F (Baseline) L_im 57.47 29.60 2.19 9.28 40.57
FBA+TAM L_im+L_tc+L_af 51.57 25.50 1.59 7.61 37.24




Inference and automatically use all CUDA devices available. uses cuda:0 device as default.

  • Inference on VideoMatting108 validation set using our full model

    • python --model {gca,dim,index,fba} --data /path/to/VideoMatting108dataset --load /path/to/weight.pth --trimap {wide,narrow,medium} --save /path/to/outdir
  • Inference on VideoMatting108 validation set using the baseline model

    • python --dataset vmd --model {gca,dim,index,fba} --data /path/to/VideoMatting108dataset --load /path/to/weight.pth --trimap {wide,narrow,medium} --save /path/to/outdir
  • Calculating metrics

    • python --pred /path/to/prediction/result --data /path/to/VideoMatting108dataset
    • The result will be saved in metric.json inside /path/to/prediction/result. Use tail to see the final averaged result.

  • Inference on test video clips

    • First, prepare the data. Make sure the workspace folder has the structure of the following:

    • python --gpu CUDA_DEVICES_NUMBER_SPLIT_BY_COMMA --model {gca,vmn_gca,dim,vmn_dim,index,vmn_index,fba,vmn_fba} --data /path/to/workspace --load /path/to/weight.pth --save /path/to/outdir [video1] [video2] ...
      • The model parameter: vmn_BASEMETHOD corresponds to our full model, BASEMETHOD corresponds to the baseline model.
      • Without specifying the name of the video clip folders in the command line, the script will process all video clips under /path/to/workspace.


PY_CMD="python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUMBER_OF_CUDA_DEVICES"
  • Pretrain TAM on DIM dataset. Please see cfgs/pretrain_vmn_BASEMETHOD.yaml for configuration and refer to dataset/ for dataset preparation.

    $PY_CMD --cfg cfgs/pretrain_vmn_index.yaml
  • Training our full method on VideoMatting108 dataset. This will load the pretrained TAM weight as initialization. Please see cfgs/vmd_vmn_BASEMETHOD_pretrained_30ep.yaml for configuration.

    $PY_CMD --cfg /path/to/config.yaml
  • Training the baseline method on VideoMatting108 dataset without TAM. Please see cfgs/vmd_vmn_BASEMETHOD_pretrained_30ep_single.yaml for configuration.

    $PY_CMD --cfg /path/to/config.yaml


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected].

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