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C Language Lectures from Scratch Part 6: Structure

2022-08-04 08:03:00 Gaoyou Wu Shao






We have now learnedchar、int、short、float等等类型,But these types are isolated.
If you want to describe a complex object,Say you describe a book,Books have a price、书名、作者、出版号…

To be able to describe complex objects,There is a structure.
And because complex objects have different properties,So there are different member variables,Different member variables may have different types


struct tag


struct Book
	char name[20];
	char author[15];
	float price;
};//There is a semicolon here,别忘记了




2.1The definition of the variables of the structure

struct Book
	char name[20];
	char author[15];
	float price;
}b1,b2;//Can be created directly behind the struct(一个或多个)变量
int main()
    //struct Book 看做一个类型
	struct Book b3;//也可以在mainCreate variables in the function
	return 0;

If you think it's too hard to write every time “struct 结构体名” to create variables hassle,可以使用typedefto rename the type

typedef struct Student
	char name[20];
	int age;
	char id[20];
}Stu;//把类型struct Student重命名为Stu
//StuYou can no longer follow variables(After the rename, no variable list is allowed)

int main()
	struct Student s1;
	Stu s2;//s1和s2是一个类型
	return 0;

2.2Initialization of variables of a structure

struct Student
	char name[20];
	int age;
	char id[20];
int main()
	struct Student s1 = {
	struct Student s2 = {
	return 0;

It is possible to encounter nested definitions,Then our initialization also needs to be nested

struct M
	int a;
	char b;

struct N
	struct M m;
	float c;
int main()
	struct N t = {
    1,'x'},3.14 };
	return 0;

Declarations do not take up space,Definitions take up space.
Statements are like drawings for building a house,The definition is to build the house according to the drawings.


结构体变量访问成员 结构变量的成员是通过点操作符(.)访问的.

struct M
	int a;
	char b;

struct N
	struct M m;
	float c;
int main()
	struct N t = {
    1,'x'},3.14 };
	printf("%d\n", t.m.a);//The dot can be used again“.”to access the members of the inner structure
	printf("%c\n", t.m.b);
	printf("%f\n", t.c);
	return 0;


但有时,What we get is not the structure itself,but the address of the structure.
这时,What if we want to access struct members?

struct M
	int a;
	char b;

struct N
	struct M m;
	float c;
int main()
	struct N t = {
    1,'x'},3.14 };

	//printf("%d\n", t.m.a);//You can also use the dot again“.”to access the members of the inner structure
	//printf("%c\n", t.m.b);
	//printf("%f\n", t.c);

	struct N* pt = &t;//获取结构体t的地址
	printf("%d %c %f\n",(*pt).m.a, (*pt).m.b, (*pt).c);

	printf("%d %c %f\n", (pt->m).a, (pt->m).b,pt->c);
	//We prescribe a way of writingpt->m就相当于t.m
	return 0;




struct S
	int data[1000];
	int num;
struct S s = {
    1,2,3,4}, 1000 };
void print1(struct S s)
	printf("%d\n", s.num);
void print2(struct S* ps)
	printf("%d\n", ps->num);
int main()
	print1(s);  //传结构体
	print2(&s); //传地址
	return 0;

上面的 print1 和 print2 函数哪个好些?
答案是:首选print2函数. 原因:

函数传参的时候,参数是需要压栈的. 如果传递一个结构体对象的时候,结构体过大,参数压栈

But if the parameter you pass is just an address,也就是4个字节(64位下8字节)啊,This is much more performance friendly


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