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How to clean up discarded PVs and their corresponding folders
2022-07-02 18:44:00 【Migrant worker Lao Wang】
Blog home page :https://tomcat.blog.csdn.net
Blogger's nickname : Lao Wang of migrant workers
Main areas :Java、Linux、K8S
We look forward to your attention, praise and collection comments
pv yes k8s Important storage resources in . Since it's storage , That involves taking up disk space . In the use of k8s In the process of clustering , If you don't pay attention to cleaning and discarding pv, Then it's easy to accumulate a lot of garbage pv, Not only is it inconvenient k8s Management of , It may also lead to insufficient disk space .
This article is written by storage class Dynamically supplied pv For example , Demo obsolete pv and nfs Clean up the corresponding folder on the server .
If the pv I'm not familiar with the recycling strategy , Can browse k8s in pv Recycling strategy for This article ( The title of the article on the left contains hyperlinks , You can directly click to jump ).
1 Confirm the status before cleaning
Confirm current k8s Clustered pv Number .
Confirm current nfs The number of files under the shared path of the server .
Confirm current nfs Disk usage of the server .
2 Export obsolete pv stay nfs The corresponding path on the server
kubectl get pv \
-o custom-columns=STATUS:.status.phase,PATH:.spec.nfs.path \
|grep Released \
|awk '{print $2}' \
> 156.txt
there 156.txt Text for storing path information , Because of the master Node's intranet IP by, So it's called 156.txt, In their own cleaning process , You can name this file as you like .
Exported text :
3 clear k8s The abandonment of pv
Write the following code to the computer , And run , You can clean it up pv.
whiteList=`kubectl get pv |grep Released |awk '{print $1}'`
echo "${whiteList}" | while read line
kubectl patch pv ${line} -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'
As shown in the figure below , After running the script ,Released State of pv Have been deleted ,pv Quantity from 583 Down to 38.
4 clear nfs Obsolete files on the server
Will be the first 2 The text file generated in step and the following code are written nfs The server , And run ${ Script path } ${ Text path }
, Such as ./cleaner.sh 156.txt
, That is, you can clean up waste files .
whiteList=`cat $1`
echo "${whiteList}" | while read line
rm -rf "$line"
The results are shown in the following figure , Cleaned up 500 Multiple folders , and 60 many G Of disk space .
If you want to reprint , Please indicate the source of this article : Migrant worker Lao Wang's CSDN Blog https://blog.csdn.net/monarch91 .
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