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Android studio AVD

2020-11-09 12:12:00 osc_mra0q9h6

current Android Studio Avd There's a variety of tutorials , Some are not friendly to novices . that , Let me summarize my experience !
Material preparation :
1、Android Studio( The version I use here is 4.2, Because there is Android 11)
Official website :https://developer.android.google.cn/studio?hl=zh-cn
2、 Have a good brain

First create a new project  Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Once created , spot File→Settings
First step , download SDK Platforms( It can be understood as Avd edition )
 Insert picture description here
Android SDK Location You can customize the location ( It's best to customize the location , And it's the English name . If you C It's big enough when I don't say )
Choose what you want Android edition , Ticked on , choice Apply. Wait for download to complete

The second step : Red box is required . The white box is optional, but not . The rest depends on your own needs . Also choose the post Apply. Wait for download to complete
 Insert picture description here
After all the installation, click “OK” that will do .
wait , Do you think it's over ? And yours Avd Location It hasn't changed yet !

Avd Location change method : Right click this computer → attribute → Advanced system setup → environment variable → newly build ( Set... In the system variable )
name :ANDROID_SDK_HOME It can't be changed This name )
Location : Their own decisions , It's better to have an English name ( If you C It's big enough when I don't say )
Original location :C:\Users\ Your account name \ .android\Avd
Turn off the Android Studio Open it again to change Avd Storage location

Start to create Avd( Here we use Pixel 4 For example )

1、 Click on the arrow
 Insert picture description here
2、 It opens at Create Virtual Device…
 Insert picture description here
3、 Choose the phone model you like ( You can add plugins to get more phones , There's no explanation here )
 Insert picture description here
4、 Choose what you want Android edition
 Insert picture description here
5、 Be sure to choose the belt Google Play perhaps No, Suffix , choose Google APls loading apk Software will report a mistake
 Insert picture description here
6、 choice Next
7、 You can choose Show Advanced Settings To set the content of your phone
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
8、 spot Finish Can finish Avd The creation of

Click to start Avd
 Insert picture description here
If the above prompt pops up , Don't worry about him . It will start in a moment

success !
 Insert picture description here
The first time I use it is to tune the language
Method :Settings→ Go to the bottom and find System→Language & input→Languages→Add a language
After selecting, drag the language you just selected to the top  Insert picture description here
Time adjustment method : Time and date → close Use the time zone provided by the network → Point area → Search directly China → choose Shanghai You can adjust the time ( Don't open it again Use the time zone provided by the network , Otherwise, we have to choose again )
 Insert picture description here
Use Ctrl+Shift+M Call up mobile phone information settings ( The Internet , Battery and other information )
use ··· The same effect
 Insert picture description here

notes :1、 If you reset the phone's storage size, the settings will be reset

2、 If there's gesture navigation , Don't choose , It doesn't work even if you click the settings button . Will flash back



Q:Gradle How to do if the download is slow ?
A: Go to https://services.gradle.org/distributions/ download ( To be the same version ), Put the compression package in C:\Users\ Your username \ .gradle, And then restart Android Studio
Recommend to use Xdown / IDM / Thunder download . Don't use the browser to download ( Slow take off )

Q:Pixel How to quickly clean up the background
A: Stroke to the left , Select clear all

More questions can be left below , Blog for the first time , It may be a little bad . Make do with it
( The third party of the first three , Reply as much as possible )
