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Pytest testing framework
2022-07-02 02:03:00 【Lao Xiao of Buddhism】
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brief introduction
pytest be based on unittest Encapsulated third-party testing framework , Easy to learn and easy to use , Very good compatibility , Support UI Automated script development , Support interface automation script development , Support continuous integration jenkins, Support distributed execution , Support error debugging , Support error rerun mechanism , Support allure Reporting framework
Environment configuration ( install )
pip install pytest
— Script development and executionpip install pytest-html
— The script runs to generate the test reportpip install pytest-xdist
— Script runs distributed execution
Rule of grammar
- pytest Script name naming : With test Beginning or test ending
- pytest Class name in script : With Test start
- pytest Functions in scripts / Method name : With test start
- pytest The package of the script must have __init__.py
- pytest Constructors are not allowed in classes in scripts __init__
- pytest Scripts act on functions , It can also act on classes and methods
- pytest When script running is not set , Install functions or classes and methods ASCII Sequential execution
Example :
- Guide pack import pytest
- Defining classes / function test
- Assertion :assert
- perform :pytest.main([‘test005.py’]), The execution parameter must be list Tabular form
Way of execution
pytest.main(['[ Script name ]','-s'])
Execute the use case under the current script , Print printpytest.main(['[ Script name ]:: The name of the class under the script :: Method name under class ','-v'])
Specify the method execution use case under the classpytest.main(['[ Script name ]:: The name of the class under the script ', '-v','--html=report.html'])
Specify the test class to execute the use casepytest.main([__file__])
# Specify the current module to perform the test
Execution parameter
: perform print()pytest.main(['[ Package name ]:: Class name ','-s'])
: Detailed output logpytest.main(['[ Package name ]:: Class name :: Method name ','-v'])
: Specify the number of distributed executions ‘-n’ ‘2’pytest.main(['[ Package name ]','-n','2'])
: Quiet mode , Minimalist mode , Do not load environment configuration information and log information , Try to be with -v Don't use... At the same timepytest.main(['[ Package name ]','-q'])
: Mark execution , Support for logical operators-k
: Mark execution , Fuzzy matching Support for logical operators-x
: If the execution fails once, the test will be terminated--maxfail=1
: Set the maximum number of failures--rerun=2
: The specified number is twice Need to install pytest-rerunfailures
A parameterized
Single parameter
@pytest.mark.parametrize(' Parameters ',[' The corresponding value of the parameter '])
Example :
@pytest.mark.parametrize('username',['admin'])--- Single parameter
A set of parameters
@pytest.mark.parametrize(' Parameters 1, Parameters 2',[[' Parameters 1 Corresponding value ',' Parameters 2 Corresponding value ']])
Example :
@pytest.mark.parametrize('username,password',[['admin','milor123']]) A set of parameters
Multiple sets of parameters
@pytest.mark.parametrize(' Parameters 1, Parameters 2',[[' Parameters 1 Corresponding value ',' Parameters 2 Corresponding value '],[' Parameters 1 Corresponding value ',' Parameters 2 Corresponding value ']])
Example :
Skip execution
- Jump unconditionally :@pytest.mark.skip(reason=‘ There is no reason to ’)
- Conditional skip :@pytest.mark.skipif(1<2,reason=‘ When 1<2 when , skip ’)
- Unconditionally skip inside a method or function :pytest.skip(msg=‘skip’)
Mark execution
Fuzzy match mark Mark the test case containing a string to perform the operation ( Support for logical operators and or )example
pytest.main([__file__,'-s','-k','login']) # The name of the execution case contains login Test cases for pytest.main([__file__, '-s', '-k', 'login and index ']) # The name of the execution case contains login and index Test cases for pytest.main([__file__, '-s', '-k', 'login or index ']) # The name of the execution case contains login or index Test cases for
Mark Set up markers , In profile pytest.ini Set up markers, Support setting multiple tags , Application scenarios : Smoke testing 、 Regression tests, etc , Support for logical operators and or1、
Put in pytest In the working directory , Create this file , Edit content2、 Use decorators on test cases that need to be marked
3、 During test execution , Input
Parameters are marked for executionTips : If the following warnings appear during operation, it is not pytest Set the marker in
ytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.smoke
Code instance :
Parameters can also be written like this :
Front and back
setup / teardown
unittest Test the front and rear in the framework , stay pytest compatible ,function and method The function is similar to the structure __init__ And Deconstruction __del__
Each test case should be executed once before execution setup
Each test case should be executed once after execution teardown
Applicable to methods under functions or classes — The test case
setup_function /teardown_function
Apply to functions , Before each test function is executed setup initialization , After execution teardown Recycle resources , Restore the scene
setup_module / teardown_module
Apply to functions , For the current module , Before all test functions are executed setup initialization , After execution teardown Recycle resources , Restore the scene
setup_class / teardown_class
Apply to classes , Before all test functions are executed setup initialization , After execution teardown Recycle resources , Restore the scene
setup_method / teardown_methon
Apply to classes , Before the execution of each test method setup initialization , After execution teardown Recycle resources , Restore the scene
summary :
- Test scenarios : The repeated actions to be done before the execution of each test case , Repeated actions to be performed after execution , such as : When the same preconditions are required for testing a single module , This method can be applied . Test login , Login use cases cover 10 Use cases , You need to open the browser before each execution , You need to close the browser after execution setup setup_function setup_method
Test scenarios : An object is required for the execution of all test cases dr Or some kind of state session, Need continuous use , This method can be applied , such as : Test the module after login , Need to log in driver Or conversation session setup_module setup_class
The firmware
grammar :
- scope: Scope of application , Default function, Support class,method,module
- autouse: The default value is False, Set to True, Will automatically execute the firmware decorator
- name: Alias firmware decorator -
Code :
- Application scenarios : Similar to the pre post usage , such as :UI In automated testing driver And resource recycling , Initialization and resource recovery in interface automation testing
Code demonstration :
Script execution mode
In the tools run Script , go main entrance
Run in command line mode pytest Script name
pytest [ Script name .py]::test_login -s -m smoke
The test case under the specified module is marked for execution , And print print Content
Execution order
From top to bottom , have access to order Parameters to sort
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