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Appendix A printf, varargs and stdarg A.1 printf family of functions
2022-08-01 21:10:00 【weixin_Guest time】
Coften misunderstood in language3个常用工具:printflibrary function family、varargs和stdarg工具.The latter two are mainly used to write those that are not used with the calling occasion.,The number and type of its parameters are also different function.
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
printf("Hello world\n");
printfThe first parameter to the function about the output format,It is a describes the output format string.This string follows the usualCLanguage practice,以空字符(即\0)结尾.We write this string in the form of a string constant(即用双引号括起来),automatically guarantees that it is null terminated.
printffunction that writes data to standard input,fprintffunction can write data to any file.specific file that needs to be written,将作为fprintf函数的第一个参数,it must be a file pointer.因此
is equivalent to
fprintf(stdout, stuff);
sprintf函数的第1A parameter is a pointer to a character array,sprintfThe function will write its output data to this character array.Programmers should ensure that this array is large enough to holdsprintfoutput data generated by the function.sprintfThe remaining parameters of the function are the same asprintf函数的参数相同.sprintfThe output data generated by the function is always null-terminated,If you want a null character to appear in the output data,We can explicitly use%cformat item to print it.
这3A function return values are passed the number of characters.对于sprintf的情形,Null characters as end-of-output data are not counted in the total number of characters.如果printf或fprintfWhen trying to write oneI/O错误,将返回一个负值.because the format string determines the type of the remaining parameters,And can set up the format string until runtime,所以要检查printfWhether the parameter type of a function is correct is exceptionally difficult.
printf("%d\n", 0.1);
printf("%g\n", 2);
The final result may be meaningless,And before the program actually runs,These errors may not be detected by the compiler,而成为“漏网之鱼”.
本意是使用fprintfThe function outputs a line of error message tostderr,But I forgot to writestderr,而fprintfThe function treats the format string as a file structure,In this case, the consequences of a core dump are likely to occur!
A.1.1 simple format type
Each format item ends with a format code.
%dThe meaning is to print an integer in decimal form,例如
printf("2 + 2 = %d\n", 2 + 2);
%uAsk to print unsigned decimal integer.
printf("%u\n", -37);
char类型和shortType is automatically extended toint类型,在把charon machines where the type is treated as a signed type integer,This often leads to surprising consequences. 例如下面的例子:
char c;
c = -37;
printf("%u\n", c);
%oprint octal integer
%xUsed for printing the hexadecimal integer
Octal and hexadecimal are always treated as unsigned numbers.
%sFormat items are used to print strings:The corresponding parameter should be a character pointer,The character to be output starts at the address pointed to,直到出现一个空字符('\0')才终止.
int n = 108;
printf("%d decimal = %o octal = %x hex\n", n, n, n);
printf("There %s %d item%s in the list.\n", n != 1 ? "are" : "is",
n, n != 1 ? "s" : "");
printf("%s", s);
两者的含义并不相同.第一个例子将把字符串s中的任何%字符视为一个格式项的标志,因而其后的字符会被视为格式码.如果除%%any format code other than the strings中出现,而后面又没有对应的参数,将会带来麻烦.while the second example will print out any null-terminated string.
一个NULLThe pointer doesn't point to any actual memory so far,It certainly could not have pointed to a string.
printf("%s\n", NULL);
printf("%c", c);
%g、%f、%e这3format items for printing floating point values.%gThe format item is especially useful when printing floating point numbers that do not need column alignment.
printf("The decimal equivalent of '%c' is %d\n", '*', '*');
But the former is more adaptable and flexible,能够把字符cThe value of is embedded in some larger context.
When it prints out the corresponding value,will remove the trailing zeros from the value,保留6位有效数字.
printf("Pi = %g\n", 4 * atan(1.0));
printf("%g %g %g %g\n", 1/1.0, 1/2.0, 1/3.0, 1/4.0, 0.0);
注意,Because leading zeros in a number do not contribute to precision,The output value is rounded,rather than truncate directly:
printf("%g\n", 2.0/3.0);
printf("%g\n", 123456789.0);
If the absolute value of a number is greater than999999,%gScientific notation is used to print such values.
当指数是-4时,The lengths of the two forms are exactly equal.例如,0.000314159与3.14159e-04Take up the same amount of space.for small values,unless the exponent of the number is less than or equal to-5,%gFormat items will be represented in scientific notation.因此,
printf("%g %g %g\n", 3.14159e-3, 3.14159e-4, 3.14159e-5);
%eRequire explicit use of exponential form always:%eThe format item will be printed out after the decimal point6位有效数字,rather than as%gThe number printed as format item is the total6位有效数字.
%fThe format item is just the opposite,It enforces the prohibition of using exponential form to represent floating point numbers.
printf("%f\n", 1e38);
printf("%%d prints a decimal value\n");
A.1.2 修饰符
整数有3种类型:short、long(l)and normal length
long size;
printf("%d\n", size);
works on some machines,Does not work on some machines.
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
printf("%2d %2d *\n", i, i * i);
The width modifier is valid for all format codes.
The role of the precision modifier is to control the number of digits that will appear in the representation of a number,or to limit the number of characters that should appear in the string that will be printed.Precision modifiers include a decimal point and a string of digits after the decimal point.Precision modifiers appear in%after sign and width modifiers,before format code and length modifier.The exact meaning of the precision modifier depends on the format code.
对于整数类型%d、%o、%x和%u,The precision modifier specifies the minimum number of digits to print a number.If to print numerical don't need so large number,will be added in front of it0.
printf("%.2d/%.2d/%.4d\n", 7, 14, 1789);
对于%e、%E和%f格式项,精度修饰符制定了小数点后应该出现的数字位数.除非标志(Flag,We will discuss to immediately)另有说明,否则仅当精度大于0时打印的数值中才会实际出现小数点.
double pi;
pi = 4 * atan(1.0);
printf("%.0f %.1f %.2f %.3f %.6f %.10f\n", pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi);
printf("%.0e %.1e %.2e %.10e\n", pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi);
对于%g和%G格式项,The precision modifier specifies the number of significant digits in the printed value.unless otherwise stated in the standard,否则非有效数字的0将被去掉.If not heel after not decimal places with Numbers,则小数点也将被删除.
printf("%.1g %.2g %.4g %.8g\n", 10/3.0, 10/3.0, 10/3.0, 10/3.0);
char name[14];
printf("... %.14s ...", ..., name, ...);
对于%c和%%格式符,Accuracy modifiers will be ignored.
A.1.3 标志:
可以在%Insert flag characters between symbols and field width modifiers,to fine-tune the effect of formatting items.
When the display width is larger than the displayed digits,Data tails are aligned to the right of the display area,The left end is filled with blank characters.
*标志字符-的作用是,The display method is required to be changed to left-aligned,Padding with blank characters at the right end.因此,only if the field width
存在时,标志字符-才有意义(否则,Filling blank characters is impossible).
char name[14];
printf("... %-14s ...", ..., name, ...);
*标志字符+的作用是,规定每个待打印的数值在输出时都应该以它的符号(just or sign)作为
第一个字符.因此,After the negative number printed,应该在最前面有一个正号.标志字符+with flag characters-
There is no link between.
printf("%+d %+d %+d\n", -5, 0, 5);
*空白字符作为标志字符时,它的含义是:如果某数是一个非负数,insert a blank just before it
字符.If we want to align the values in the fixed column to the left,and don't want to use flag characters+,This is especially useful.
int i;
for (i = -3; i <= 3; i++) {
print("% d\n", i);
If we want to print the value in scientific notation in a fixed column,格式项% e和%+e要比正常的格式项%e有用的多.因为这时出现在非负数前面的正号(或者空白)保证了所有输出数值的小数点都会对齐.例如:
double x;
for (x = -3; x <= 3; x++) {
printf("% e %+e %e\n", x, x, x);
标志字符#的作用是对数值输出的格式进行微调,The specific way is related to the specific format item.
%#oThe effect is to print numbers starting with0开头,%#xThe effect is to print numbers starting with0x或者0X开头.
The effect of the flag character on the floating-point number format is two-fold:其一,它要求小数点必须被打印出来,即使小数点后没有数字也是如此;其二,如果用于%g或%G格式项,打印出的数值尾缀的0将不会被去掉.例如:
printf("%.0f %#.0f %g %#g\n", 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0);
除了+和空白字符,The rest of the flag characters are separate.
A.1.4 可变域宽与精度
#define NAMESIZE 14
char name[NAMESIZE];
printf("... %.14s ....", ...., name, ...);
printf("... %.NAMESIZE ...", ..., name, ...); //no use,Because the scope of the preprocessor cannot reach the interior of the string.
printfThe function thus allows indirect specification of field width and precision.要做到这一点,我们只需用*Replace one of the field width modifier or precision modifier,or replace both.在这种情况下,printf函数首先从参数列表中取得将要使用的域宽或精度的实际数值,Then use that value to complete the print job.
printf("... %.*s ...", ..., NAMESIZE, name, ...);
printf("%*.*s\n", 12, 5, str);
And the type completely equivalent
printf("%12.5s\n", str);
printf("%*%\n", n);
如果*用于替换域宽修饰符,while the corresponding parameter has a negative value,then the effect is quite equivalent to the negative sign as-flag characters to handle.因此,上例中如果n为负数,输出结果首先是一个%符号,后面再跟n-1个空格.
A.1.5 new format code
%pUsed to print a pointer in some form,specific form and specificClanguage implementation(译注:Usually print out the address pointed to by the pointer)
%nThe number of characters that have been printed where used,This number is stored in the corresponding parameters(一个整型指针)
int n;
printf("hello\n%n", &n);
A.1.6 obsolete format code
过去,To print a numeric value and fill in front of it0,The only way is to use flag characters0.标志字符0The role is to specify that the value to be printed should be filled before0而不是空白字符.因此,
printf("%06d %06d\n", -37, 37);
Using accuracy modifiers can also achieve this effect:
printf("%.6d %.6d\n", -37, 37);
在大多数场合,我们都可以用%.来替换%0,The effect is also very close.
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