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SimpleOSS third-party library libcurl and engine libcurl error solution
2022-07-30 19:01:00 【man's house】
SimpleOSS provides a wealth of APIs for accessing OSS object servers, which are also directly adopted by many companies.With the upgrade of UE version, UE integrates many third-party libraries into its own system, such as libcurl library:
The earliest version of SimpleOSS can only support UE4.25 packaging, but UE4.26 and above cannot be packaged, and a packaging error libcur library error will be reported. At this time, the independent program can be packaged, but when the official version of UE5 is reached, the independent program cannot be packaged.Packaging, even compiling, is difficult, and will report libcurl conflict errors.How to solve it?
The solution we use here is to change the library:
It is not to replace the latest library of Alibaba Cloud API, but to replace the conflicting libcurl library with a third-party library of UE5, and this problem can be solved.
This is a third-party library for UE5.
This is the location of the third-party libcurl library for UE5:
Copy it to the following location, delete the original libcurl.lib and change it to UE5's libcurl_a.lib
Replace the header file with UE5's curl
This is the location of UE5's third-party library libcurl.h. Copy it directly to Alibaba Cloud's third-party library location
Of course it's not over yet. At this time, there is no problem in the compilation of the independent program, but the compilation of the UE5 engine will still report an error:
If you need to go to a third-party library, re-link under build and cs
Of course it's not over yet. At this time, there is no problem with the independent program compilation, but the UE5 engine compilation will still report an error:
We need to open oss_c_sdk and add the following:
This step is very critical, because it involves third-party export:
We have to enable _declspec(dllexport) so that it can be truly exported and perfectly integrated with UE5.
If the configuration is so troublesome, just download the configured content directly:
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