当前位置:网站首页>y83. Chapter 4 Prometheus Factory Monitoring System and Actual Combat -- Advanced Prometheus Alarm Mechanism (14)
y83. Chapter 4 Prometheus Factory Monitoring System and Actual Combat -- Advanced Prometheus Alarm Mechanism (14)
2022-08-01 04:49:00 【Raymond LInuxOperations】
12.prometheus advanced alarm mechanism
12.1 DingTalk Notices
12.1.1 Dingding Group Creation Robot – Keyword Authentication DingTalk-Keywords
[email protected]:~# mkdir /data/scripts[email protected]:~# cat /data/scripts/dingding-keywords.sh#!/bin/bash##************************************************************************************************#Author: Raymond#QQ: 88563128#Date: 2022-05-30#FileName: /data/scripts/dingding-keyword
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