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The performance management method OKR is used by all companies
2022-07-30 23:32:00 【research monk】
In-group discussion of the second half of theOKR ,Recently, I also joined two new colleagues and accidentally saw a new colleague in Baidu searchOKR,In fact, the company has only introduced in the past few years.OKR,I know he has probably but can only say it's more superficial understanding,So I also deliberately borrowed two books to systematically look at what isOKR. Here I will share with my own work..It is divided into three parts:
- OKR的背景介绍
- 怎么用OKR
- OKR实践
Mind map of the whole article
Performance Development History
The relationship between time and performance
The following introduces the performance management methods in different eras、Performance characteristics of different eras.
Different performance management corresponds to different job characteristics.
Performance Development History
Our current performance is derived from the usersMBOstep-by-step iteration of ideas,According to the development of time and the use of each company, it can be divided into the following stages.
- MBO :from Peter Drucker1954年书《管理的实践》
- SMART:目标管理由管理学大师彼得·德鲁克在他的著作《管理实践》(The Practice of Management)一书中提出.SMART原则(Specific具体的, Measurable可衡量的,Attainable可实现的,Relevant相关的, Time-based有时限的),用于指导科学、合理的制定目标计划.
- KPI:KPIThe theoretical basis is the rule of twenty-eight.The twenty-eight rule applied to performance management,具体体现在KPI上,即一个企业在价值创造过程中,per department and per employee 80%的工作任务是由 20%的关键行为完成的,抓住20%的关键,grabbed the subject.
- BSC平衡计分卡:It is divided into four indicators,from a financial perspective、顾客角度、Internal business process、学习和成长;
- OKR:Originated from Intel
在用OKRof companies overseas including Amazon、英特尔、谷歌、Adobe、微软、推特和Zynga等,国内腾讯、阿里、百度、字节跳动、阿里蚂蚁、小米、滴滴、Chuangmengtiandi and Zhihu, etc..
Take overseas Google as an exampleOKRProvides a basic framework for the successful operation of Google's surface products、包括7Classes have their own10products with 100 million or more users such as the Google search engine、Chrome浏览器、安卓操作系统、谷歌地图、YouTube视频网站、google store andGmail等明星产品.
OKROriginated from Intel by the founder of the companyMBO基础上升级而来,With John*Doerr invests in Google,and thrive at Google.
- 彼得德鲁克: 1954年,Druck Zhu famous《管理的实践》The book defines the principle as“目标管理和自我控制”,目标管理(management by objectives,MBO),“He wrote that every element of the business has a different contribution,But contributions must have the same goal”;
- 安迪*格鲁夫: Three veterans of Intel,戈登摩尔(提出摩尔定律)、安迪*格鲁夫(OKR之父、英特尔CEO)meaning with robertno.英特尔在1872年启动OKR系统,The company was only three years old(The character is a bit paranoid,可见《只有偏执狂才能生存》一书);
- 约翰杜尔:风险投资家,1999年的某一天,Yuhan Durr teaches Google executives a lesson,详细介绍OKR的相关知识.
MBO目标管理法 | 英特尔OKR |
目标是什么 | what is the goal how to achieve |
年度 | 季度和月度 |
不公开、不透明 | 公开、透明 |
自上而下 | Bottom-up or negotiation team |
linked to remuneration | Most of them have nothing to do with compensation and benefits |
规避风险 | 进取精神 |
OKR 反面教材
Here is an example of a negative,Problems with overriding goals,推荐看《疯狂目标》(Goals Gone Wild) 是2009Papers published by Harvard Business School,The article explains with a series of examples“The destructiveness of transitional pursuit of goals”,譬如:
- When the target is too clear
- 狭窄的目标
- too many goals
- goals that are too short
- When goals are too challenging
The following is one of the cases.
The harms of over-setting goals far outweigh the benefits
在20世纪60年代后期,As foreign competitors continue to eat into Ford's market share,福特汽车公司CEO李·Iacocca announces a clear and challenging goal:produce a“不足2000pounds and the price is less than2000美元”new car,并于1970年投放市场.The goal of deadline is very urgent,Departments at all levels have to reduce security inspections,to accelerate the introduction of new vehicles to the market.As a result they ignored the safety inspection of the product tank,Missed a major flaw in the design,Although the company eventually discovered the flaw,But in order to achieve the goal on time,Executives did not take any remedial action in a timely manner.After the car enters the market,Frequent major accidents,Ford's reputation plummeted.由上面的例子可以看出,Inappropriate goals sometimes may cause harm.当前,Many managers are greatly admired the target management,他们认为,如果目标明确、富有挑战性,will bring good results,但事实却并非如此!
Related negative cases are also recommended here《绩效主义毁了索尼》
中文“目标与关键结果法” (Objectives and Key Results,简称OKR) is a company、How teams and individuals set goals,OKR并非万能,He is no substitute for sound judgment、Nor is it strong leadership or a creative corporate culture,But if the basic elements are in place,OKRCan help an individual or team reach the top.
OKRThe panorama of the application
OKRIt is divided into two processes: the initial stage and the execution process.As shown in the screenshot below, the ordinate is the start time of setting the goal,这时我们需要基于SMART原则,The abscissa is the process of execution,我们需要基于PCDA原则,并搭配CFR.
OKRcan be divided into two parts as“目标(O)”和“关键结果(KR)”,First, a look at the target(Objectives)的规则,它有以下几个特征:
- highly focused :只设置2-5个目标,It is recommended that a maximum of5个目标;Support the development direction of share;
- 优先级: 重要的、具体的、鼓舞人心的;
- 具有挑战性:Every goal is challenging.
- 明确的语言,以动词开头: 不要模棱两可;begins with the verb as vigorously raises/success etc.(公式:goal writing formula = what(动词)+why (动词+名词) ;
- Level-by-level alignment:Group Alignment Departments、department to the company、Company around the vision、Goals and Values.
- 有时限的: 半年、quarterly or reading goals.
- 具体的(Specific) : KRshould be specifically described;
- 可衡量的(Measurable): KRShould be measured by numerical and qualitative criteria;
- 可实现的 (Attainable):KR有一定的挑战,but it is possible;
- 有相关性的 (Relevant):KR应该与O(目标)直接相关;
- 有时限的(Time-Bound):KRThere should be a specific period(月、bimonthly quarterly)
案例2 Youtube案例
案例3 比尔盖茨基金会
与PDCDcombination of principles.
Usually a companyOKR一年两次,at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year,The time line at the beginning of the year is as follows.
如果说OKR是催化剂,Support real work;那CFRis a nurturing agent,Support interpersonal cooperation.CFR是(Conversation、Feedback、Recognition)三个单词的缩写:
- 对话
- 反馈
- 建议
与员工1 v1 沟通,Communication covers the following aspects:
- Goal Setting and Review
- Current target tracking
- two-way coaching
- 职业成长
- Lightweight Performance Evaluation
Exchange impressions of each other based on facts and experience.more specific feedback,The more constructive feedback.Two key questions in feedback:
- 为了你的成功,我可以做些什么?
- for my success,你可以做些什么?
Recognition of existing achievements.
- Institutionalized Peer Recognition
- Establish clear standards
- Make recognition public
- make recognition more frequent
- Link recognition to company goals and strategies
effect score
在谷歌,OKRs通常以0.0到1.0grading,1.0means that the target is100%achieve.Each Key Result is scored individually,The target is then scored accordingly using the rough average,The purpose is to evaluate the finalOKR效果.
I personally use the online form three blocks to checkKRsEvaluate the effect,as exceeded expectations、In line with expectations and room for improvement.
create healthyOKR文化
健康的OKRThe essence of culture is honesty、Abandoning personal interests and being loyal to the team,This is also the core idea of Grove.OKRBefore problem is the basic elements of success,As well as quality engineer. Here's Intel'sOKRabstraction of cultural practice:
- 少即是多:He tells us what to do and what not to do、Prioritize things at the same time;
- 自下而上设定目标:Negotiate with employees,并最终制定OKR;
- 共同参与:Prioritize through collaboration;
- 保持灵活: 如果大环境发生变化,Set goals that seem unrealistic or difficult to achieve,you can abandon or modify the target;
- 敢于失败:Set more challenging goals.
- OKR是工具,not a weapon:
- 长期主义: 做时间的朋友.
OKRCheck a bunch of tools online,However, most of them are charged as shown in the screenshot below. 我简单用了一下“源目标”(https://app.okrt.com/classroom)This product is good, recommend it.
就个人OKRManage I recommend online documentation,For example, Tencent documents(https://docs.qq.com/desktop)He can also collaborate easily online.Here's what I use for online document management onlineOKR的案例
The following are the cases I personally encountered at work and organized.
- ask the right question do the right thing
- How to identify high-value tasks
- Periodically based onOKR进行反馈
- Process sharing and year-end summary
ask the right question do the right thing
Asking the right question and doing the right thing is a book,But he can express the problems I have at work,That is all the problems we encounter at work,both thinking and presentOKR的关联关系,OKReach goal is weighted,So everything you do has to be with yourselfOKRThe association is to be associated with the weight,In this way, communication between teams can be more targeted,Ask the right questions and do the right things,He is also a mind,因为思维决定行为,行为养成习惯,Habits influence thinking.
How to identify high-value tasks
Relate tasks as much as possible at work,即“复利”. In the mathematical formula of compound interest,Principal and return are still multipliers,And time is an exponent.This means that development over time,The compounding response will become more pronounced.
what is at work“复利”,like i doA事儿,他可以把Bthings can be realized together,同时Bthings can be counteredAgain,As in the tencent cloud in the process of the optimization process,We are online in the cloud server console“教学场景”取得了很好的效果,This feature can be replicated continuously in other products,also have a responsive effect,最终“教学场景”The effect and benefits are also reflected in the award application process,这就是复利.
Periodically based onOKR进行反馈
Feedback is divided into“主动”和“被动”,That is, supervisors and employees communicate in a timely manner,If employees encounter problems, they can also report to the supervisor in a timely manner.
Process sharing and year-end summary
围绕OKRwe can discuss、Intergroup discussion、cross-organizational discussion,process we can do it by something likewikitools to record,Process can be replayed,year-end summary,The following is my personal passwikiedited screenshots.
- Many industry benchmark companies are usedOKR;
- OKR的演变过程,Created by Peter DruckerMBO , 安迪*Grove willMBO改造为OKR , John Doerr willOKR发扬光大;
- OKR反面教材《疯狂目标》《绩效主义毁了索尼》;
- OKRRequires suitable soil for growth,即OKR文化;
- OKR规则,vertical basedSMART原则,constant direction based onPCDA原则;
- 做好过程管理、Share and summarize;
- 切记OKR并非万能,He is no substitute for sound judgment、Strong leadership and innovative culture.
- 遇到问题,要想和OKRIs the relationship strongly related?,OKRThe target priority in the strong association,并定期复盘;
- The task of focusing on high value;Find out more at work“复利”的案例;
这就是OKR : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13a411c7MT?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=6a7bdbb04103243c7c1ab278e053ee47
OKR与CFR: https://www.jianshu.com/p/c6c8fb4389e1
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