2022-07-01 22:20:00 【InfoQ】
- 容器环境下,由于镜像比较轻量,每次变更后,可以快速创建本次变更对应的镜像,同时可以基于本次镜像快速创建多个完全相同的测试环境,容器镜像封装了所有运行应用程序所必需的相关细节,比如应用依赖以及操作系统。这就使得镜像从一个环境移植到另外一个环境更加灵活,有力地支撑了微服务快速迭代场景下的测试。
- 微服务架构下微服务个数比较多,并且每个服务的变更非常频繁,运维的工作量很大,借助容器镜像,可以把环境交付提前。每个研发多付出5%的工作量,换取运维200%的工作量,可以加速微服务变更的快速部署和落地。
- 容器网络和物理机网络打通
- 认清物理机和容器环境上的差异
- 容器资源隔离
- 故障容灾
- SAP GUI 里的收藏夹事务码管理工具
- [image segmentation] 2021 segformer neurips
- OpenVINO 模型性能评估工具—DL Workbench
- Talk about what parameters ZABBIX monitors
- 今日睡眠质量记录71分
- 转--拿来即用:分享一个检查内存泄漏的小工具
- Cisco exam -- redundant network
- 104. SAP ui5 table control supports multi select and how to select multiple table row items at a time with code
- "Trust machine" empowers development
- Business visualization - make your flowchart'run'up
SAP GUI 里的收藏夹事务码管理工具
Single step debugging analysis of rxjs observable of operator
正则系列之组和范围(Groups and Ranges)
Cisco exam -- redundant network
Congratulations on the release of friends' new book (send welfare)
Deadlock handling strategies - prevent deadlock, avoid deadlock, detect and remove deadlock
Multiple smart pointers
Groups and ranges of regular series
Use and function of spark analyze command map join broadcast join
Metauniverse may become a new direction of Internet development
General use of qstringlist
104. SAP UI5 表格控件的支持复选(Multi-Select)以及如何用代码一次选中多个表格行项目
Share some feelings of a programmer who has experienced layoffs twice a year
leetcode - 287. Find duplicates
[kotlin third party] coil koltin collaboration picture loading library coil glide like picture loading third party
Happy number [fast and slow pointer of ring PROBLEMS]
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received
【Kotlin 第三方 】coil koltin协程图片加载库Coil类似Glide的图片加载第三方
SAP intelligent robot process automation (IRPA) solution sharing
Congratulations on the release of friends' new book (send welfare)
MySQL -- deduction of index storage model
软件测试之「 性能测试」总结,新手上路必会知识点
[target tracking] | single target tracking indicator
[QT widget] encapsulates a simple thread management class
Friendly serial assistant tutorial_ How to configure friendly serial port debugging assistant - tutorial on using friendly serial port debugging assistant