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The Development and Current Situation of Object Detection
2022-08-04 19:03:00 【InfoQ】
The < div> & amp;nbsp; Target detection as the most fundamental in the field of computer vision is one of the most challenging problems, in recent years received extensive research and exploration of the social from all walks of life.As an important task in the field of computer vision, target detection usually needs to be done is: provide digital images in some sort of visual objects (such as humans, animals, or vehicles) location.In addition, target detection and many other tasks (such as: instance segmentation, image description, target tracking, etc.) the important link.< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; From the application point of view, target detection can be divided into two topics: the general situations of target detection and specific categories of target detection.The difference between the two is that the former is similar to simulate human vision and perception, main purpose is to explore the method to detect the different categories of objects within the framework of the unified;While the latter refers to the specific application scenario testing, such as face detection and pedestrian detection, vehicle detection task.In recent years, the rapid development of deep learning technology brought significant breakthroughs to target detection.Target detection at present has been widely used in many real-world scenarios, such as automatic driving, robot vision, video monitoring, etc.< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; In the past & have spent20 Years, the development of target detection is roughly experienced two historical periods: the traditional target detection period (2014 & have spentYears ago) and detection on the basis of deep learning period (2014 & have spentYears later).Traditional target detection algorithm can be summarized as the following steps: first, take the way of sliding window to traverse the entire image, produce a certain number of candidate box;Secondly, to extract the characteristics of the candidate box;Finally, using support vector machine (SVM) classification method to extract the feature classification, and then get the result.Due to the lack of effective image, says people can design complex characteristics, said and through a variety of accelerated skills to make full use of limited computing resources.The period of the main detection methods are: < / div>< div> (1) Viola Jones Detector: Viola Jones Detector is composed of three core steps, i.e., & have spentHaar features and integral figure, Adaboost Classifier and cascade classifier.< / div>< div> (2) HOG Detector: HOG Detector using the gradient direction histogram (HOG) feature descriptor, through calculation and statistical gradient direction histogram to build the characteristics of local area.HOG Characteristics and & have spentSVM Combination of classifier algorithm, is applied widely in the pedestrian detection task and the effect is remarkable.However, HOG The disadvantage of detector is always need to keep unchanged, the size of the detection window, if the target to be detected sizes so & have spentHOG detector requiring multiple scaling of the input image.< / div>< div> (3) based on the components of the deformable model (DPM) : DPM Follow the thought is "divide and conquer", learning in the process of training is how to correctly decomposition, the target object and the reasoning is different parts together.For example, inspection "car" problem can be decomposed into "the window", "body" and "wheel", etc.< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; Early detection task to extract features, is the main way of artificial extraction, has certain limitations, performance characteristic of manual, tend to be saturated.2012 & have spent, convolution neural network is widely used for target detection also opens a new road.2014 & have spentYears & have spentR. & have spentGirshick Put forward the & have spentR - CNN algorithm, target detection began rapid development with unprecedented speed.Deep learning time, the target detection algorithm based on different usually thought can be divided into two major categories: two phase (two - stage) detection and one phase (one - stage).< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; Two phase detection algorithm based on the proposed candidate box, is a process of "from coarse to fine".Regional candidate box first, then to extract the features of each candidate box, finally produce location box and predict the corresponding category, characterized by high precision but slow.The earliest & have spentR - CNN Algorithm using the method of "selective search" generate candidate box, convolution neural network feature extraction and support vector machine classifier to classify and forecast.Although & have spentR - CNN Algorithm has certain groundbreaking, but generate candidate box of a large number of overlapping, computing redundancy problem.2014 & have spentYears, He Put forward & have spentSPPNet algorithm, the use of space pyramid pooling layer on the scale of different characteristics of the figure of pooling and generate a fixed length characteristics, said by repeated zooming the effects on the test results.SPPNet shortcomings, however, is: the model of training is still more steps;SPPNet It is very hard to & have spentSPP Layer before network parameters fine-tuning, lead to low efficiency.2015 & have spentYears, r. & have spentGirshick Put forward & have spentFast R - CNN algorithm, to & have spentR - CNN With & have spentSPPNet Make further improvement algorithm, layer provides Suggestions for the pooling of interest (ROI), makes the detection speed and accuracy greatly ascend.Soon after, Ren Put forward & have spentFaster R - CNN algorithm, and realized the end-to-end training, use & have spentRPN Instead of selective search network, greatly reduce the training and the test of time.< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; The return of one phase detection algorithm based on bounding box is a "one-step" process.One phase detection network in generate candidate box of classifying and bounding box to return to at the same time, the characteristic is faster but less precision.In 2016, Redmon Put forward the & have spentYOLOv1 [9] algorithm, the algorithm to image segmentation into & have spentS * S Surrounded by a grid, each grid based on the corresponding box directly predicted class probability and return to the location information.That same year, Liu Put forward SSD Algorithm, the algorithm for reference & have spentYOLO The thought of algorithm, and by using multi-scale feature maps.In 2017, Redmon Put forward & have spentYOLOv2 algorithm, using & have spentDarkNet - 19 & have spentTo & have spentYOLOv1 & have spentThe network structure of modified.2018 & have spentYears, Redmon Put forward & have spentYOLOv3 [11] algorithms, improvements are: YOLOv3 & have spentReference & have spentFPN Structure, the multi-scale prediction;Reference & have spentResNet network structure, & have spentDarkNet - 19 & have spentImprovement of DarkNet - 53.Researchers to continuously improve, making the detection performance to improve.< / div>< div> & amp;nbsp; In addition, based on the critical point (anchor - free) for target detection is a relatively recent novel research direction.Mainstream target detection algorithm, such as two-stage & have spentR - CNN Algorithm and a stage & have spentSSD Algorithm, is essentially based on bounding box (anchor - -based).There exist some problems in the design idea based on bounding box: many of the target shape is irregular, the bounding box may contain some non-target areas, cause interference to the test;The Numbers, sizes, and aspect ratio of bounding box super parameters can be set according to the data set and adjust;Large number of bounding box might lead to imbalance of positive and negative samples, lead to poor performance of detection.2018 & have spentYears, Law H Put forward & have spentCornerNet, will target detection problem is converted into a key point.CornerNet , using a single convolution neural network to predict target two key points, the upper left and lower right prediction is obtained.CornerNet Focused on the target edge, and for the target, one of the most recognizable information should be in the interior of the target.As a result, 2019 & have spentYears & have spentDuan K Put forward & have spentCenterNet, increased to detect center, by the position of the center point to return target of other properties.
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