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LTE time domain and frequency domain resources
2022-08-01 20:01:00 【sea breeze】
对于LTETDD in has transport,We first need to determine which resources are used to send the data.本章将对LTEThe time-frequency resources structure introduced,如果没有特别说明,Introduced applies to both the content of theFDD和TDD、上行和下行.
In order to provide a consistent and accurate definition of time,LTEDefines a basic time unit s.The unit of time can be seen as based onFFT(Fast Fourier Transform,快速傅里叶变换)且FFT大小等于2048的发射机/Receiver by using sampling time.
在时域上,上下行传输都被组织成10ms()的系统帧(system frame,Or wireless frame:radio frame).LTE支持2A system frame structure:用于FDD的类型1和用于TDD的类型2.
即FDD:Has data in different frequency transmission,Using frequency spectrum in pairs,支持全双工和半双工
FDD下,Each system frame for10 ms,由10个子帧(subframe)组成.Each child frame for1 ms,由2个连续的slot组成.每个slot长达0.5 ms().
对于FDD而言,Has transmitted through frequency domain separate.在每一个10 ms内,各有10Child frame can be used for the uplink transmission and downlink transmission.
(TDD:Has data in the same frequency transmission,The use of spectrum in pairs)
图1-2:帧结构类型2(TDD,5 ms切换周期)
TDD下,Each system frame for10 ms,由2个长达5 ms的半帧(half-frame)组成.每个半帧由5个长达1 ms的子帧组成.TDD中的子帧包括正常子帧和特殊子帧.
对于TDD而言,Has transmitted by time domain apart.
TDD支持7种不同的上下行配置(uplink-downlink configuration),Ratio of TDD for different has,具体见36.211的Table 4.2-2.其中“D”Corresponds to a downgoing frame,“U”Muck frame corresponds to a,“S”Corresponds to a particular child frame.With special child frame corresponding to the,我们将“D”和“U”Corresponding to the subframe is called normal child frame.
TDDHas configuration is throughRRC消息中的TDD-Config->subframeAssignment字段来设置的.
从Table 4.2-2可以看出,TDDHas configuration support5 ms和10 msDownstream to upstream switch cycle.在5 msSwitching cycle,在2A half frame have special child frame;在10 msSwitching cycle,Only the first one and a half frame exists special child frame.
注意:在本书中,为了描述的方便,我们将TDD的7TDD different has configured for shortTDD 0~6.例如TDD 1表示TDD Uplink-downlink configuration 1.
TDDUnder the normal child of the frame structure and theFDDThe frame structure is the same.
Special child frame contains3个域:DwPTS、GP和UpPTS,这3The domain of time together equals1 ms.Special child frame has9种不同的配置,对应不同的DwPTS和UpPTS长度,见36.211的Table 4.2-1.Special subframe configuration is throughRRC消息中的TDD-Config->specialSubframePatterns字段设置的.
与FDD类似,TDDUnder each child frame(Includes special child frame)长达1 ms,由2个连续的slot组成,每个slot长达0.5 ms().
子帧0、5以及DwPTS总是用于下行传输;UpPTSAnd after special subframe subframe is always used for uplink transmission.
图1-3:LTEThe time domain structure
对于FDD和TDD而言,System frame number in the range of0 ~ 1023;A system frame of the frame number range for0 ~ 9;A system frame ofslot编号范围为0 ~ 19,The child frame containsslot 和.
In the protocol system frame number(System Frame Number,SFN)使用表示,A system frameslotNo use,A system frame of subframe number use.
一个slotBy more than one symbol(symbol)组成,每个符号(用表示)由循环前缀(Cyclic Prefix,简称CP)And the available symbols of time.上行使用SC-FDMA符号(SC-FDMA symbol),下行使用OFDM符号(OFDM symbol).
一个slotContains the number of symbols(下行:;上行:)Depends on the length of cyclic prefix and sub-carrier spacing(The introduction of subcarrier see the next section),如下表所示(The downside to see36.211的Table 6.2.3-1;Upward to see36.211的Table 5.2.3-1).
从上表可以看出,除了TDD中的特殊子帧,When a normal child frame(包括FDD和TDD)Using normal cyclic prefix(normal cyclic prefix,简称为normal CP)时,每个slot由7个符号()组成;When normal child frame using the cyclic prefix extension(extended cyclic prefix,简称为extended CP)时,每个slot由6个符号()组成.
OFDMIn the system can be inserted into a blank symbols as protection interval,This can eliminateISI(符号间干扰),但不能消除ICI(Sub-carrier interference between).Cyclic prefix is toOFDMSignal within a certain length of the last part of the extract onOFDMThe signal head,Will join the cyclic prefix after getting longerOFDMSignals as a newOFDM信号,So that you can completely eliminateISI和ICI.
Cyclic prefix has a normal cyclic prefix and extension of cyclic prefix in,The difference between the length of the different.如下表(The downside to see36.211的Table 6.12-1;Upward to see36.211的Table 5.6-1)所示,单位
UEIs in the process of neighborhood search to determine the downward cycle prefix length,And by receivingRRC消息中的UL-CyclicPrefixLengthField to determine the uplink cyclic prefix length.
从前面的2Tables can be seen that,For normal cyclic prefix,每个slotThe first sign of cyclic prefix length is bigger than other symbol.这是因为0.5 ms的slot长度(对应15360个),是不能被7整除的,So the first sign of cyclic prefix longer.For extension of cyclic prefix,就不存在这个问题(15360能被6整除).
每个符号中,Available symbols for2048个.
可以看出,对于一个slot,Its length is equal to allsymbol的长度相加.For normal cyclic prefix,有
.For extension of cyclic prefix,有
.对于TDDUnder the special child frame,DwPTS、GP和UpPTS这3The domain of time together equals1 ms,即
,对于DwPTS和UpPTSThe length of the see36.211的Table 4.2-1,剩下的长度为GP的长度(注意:Although the special child frame structure is different,But we can assume that the number of symbols with normal child frame on the number of symbols are the same).
对照36.211的Table 4.2-1,Can be obtained under the cyclic prefix of normal,特殊子帧的DwPTS/UpPTS/GP所占的symbol数,见表1-1.
DwPTSCan be regarded as normal downgoing frame to look at,即可用于PDSCH传输.但由于DwPTS的长度(所占的symbol数)Less than normal downgoing frame,So the amount of data to carry less(从36.213的7.1.7节可以看出,DwPTSWith the amount of data is muck frame under normal0.75倍).
注:For normal cyclic prefix under special subframe configuration0和5,Or expand under the cyclic prefix of special subframe configuration0和4来说,其DwPTS只占3个symbol,长度太短,所以不能用于PDSCH传输.
定义2A cyclic prefix length of the reason is that:(1)A longer cyclic prefix,While from the view of the overhead of cyclic prefix is less efficient,But in some specific scenarios with extensive propagation delay,As a very large area,It may be beneficial to.但需要注意的是,A longer cyclic prefix will not necessarily for large area benefit,Even if this case delay spread is a very broad.If in the large area,Link performance is mainly restricted by noise,And not be limited to the cyclic prefix can't cover the rest of the time dispersion caused by signal damage,When using a longer cyclic prefix of the additional the reliability of the wireless channel time dispersion,May not be able to demonstrate the extra energy needed to power a longer cyclic prefix overhead is reasonable;(2)在基于MBSFN的多播/Radio transmission,Need to use the extension cycle prefix.
需要注意的是,Within the same system frame different a frame may use different cyclic prefix length.例如:基于MBSFN的多播/Radio transmission will only in limited subframe configuration,In these sub frame will use the extension cycle prefix.And system frame of other child frame may use normal cyclic prefix.
7.5 kHz的子载波间隔()对应2倍长的OFDMSymbol time,This seed specifically targeting carrier spacing configuration based onMBSFN的多播/广播传输(Only exists in the downlink transmission,There is no uplink transmission).LTESpecification has not fully realize7.5 kHz的子载波间隔,至少到Rel-10版本,LTEOnly fully support15 kHz的子载波间隔.后面的介绍中,除非特殊说明,Assume that using the15 kHz的子载波间隔.
从前面的介绍可以看出,LTEIn the time domain resources mainly including the system frame、子帧、slot、symbol等.
LTE中,The basic unit in frequency domain for a child carrier(subcarrier).Uplink and downlink subcarrier spacing are15 kHz(即,这里不考虑
的情况).15 KHzThe sub-carrier spacing corresponding to eachsymbolAvailable within the symbol for
,近似为66.7 us.
LTE中,Frequency domain bandwidth all the resources available on the call(A corresponding relationship with the channel bandwidth shown in table1-3),Downlink system bandwidth use said,Uplink bandwidth using said,其单位是RB(Resource Block).每个RB包含12个子载波.
LTEDownward system bandwidth available in the table2-3所示,eNodeB通过MIB(对应RRC消息MasterInformationBlock的dl-Bandwidth字段)告知UEThe downlink system bandwidth community use.
LTEAvailable in the uplink system bandwidth as table2-3所示,eNodeB通过SIB2(对应RRC消息SystemInformationBlockType2的ul-Bandwidth字段)告知UEPlot the uplink bandwidth used by.对于TDD而言,Don't need to sendul-Bandwidth字段,Because of the up and down the system bandwidth is the same.
一个slotOn the transmission signal can be described as being contained on one or more of the frequency domain is the carrier,On the time domain contains a symbol(symbol)The time-frequency resources grid(resource grid).图1-4Corresponding downward time-frequency resource grid,For ascending time-frequency resource grid,将图中的DL改为UL即可.(The downside is visible36.211的Figure 6.2.2-1,The upside also visible36.211的Figure 5.2.1-1)
Said system bandwidth,对于下行,其值等于;对于上行,其值等于.表示每个slotContains the number of symbols(See the previous section is introduced),对于下行,其值等于;对于上行,其值等于.表示每个RBThe subcarrier number contains.对于下行,And the value of visible36.211的Table 6.2.3-1;对于上行,And the value of visible36.211的Table 5.2.3-1.(Due to consider only the case,Can be thought of as the value of the fixed as12)
图1-4:Downward time-frequency resource grid
Grid resources on each element is called aRE(Resource Element),并且通过(k, l)The only designated,其中(Every subcarrier index on the corresponding frequency domain)且(对应slotThe index of each symbol within).Antenna ports index forREThe value of the corresponding use.If don't cause misunderstanding,Or does not specify a particular antenna port,则可以省略,Which can be use.
RE是LTEThe minimum physical resources.一个RECan deposit a modulated symbol(modulation symbol),The modulation symbols can be usedQPSK(对应一个RE存放2比特数据)、16QAM(对应一个RE存放4比特数据)或64QAM(对应一个RE存放6比特数据)调制.
注意:Modulation symbols(modulation symbol,Sometimes referred to as "as symbolicsymbol)Emphasis is placed on aRE上的数据,The previous section introduced the symbol(symbol)Emphasis is on the time domain concept,而非数据.
一个RB(Resource Block)在时域上包含(其值为6或7)Consecutive symbol,In the frequency domain contain consecutive subcarrier.因此一个RB由个RE组成,Corresponding to the time domain on the1个slotAnd on the frequency domain12个连续的子载波(180 kHz).可以看出,For normal cyclic prefix,每个RB包含7 * 12 = 84个RE;For extension of cyclic prefix,每个RB包含6 * 12 = 72个RE.
RB的编号范围为0 ~ .频域上的RBNumber and aslot上索引为(k, l)的RE的对应关系为
注意:这里介绍的RBWith the system bandwidth used inRB是有区别的:这里的RBContains both the time domain information on the(1个slot)Contains information on the frequency domain again(12个子载波),1个RB由多个RE组成;, and bandwidth of the systemRBSpecifically to frequency domain information on the,即1个RB包含12个子载波.
虽然RB是基于一个slot(0.5 ms)定义的,但LTEScheduling is the basic unit of time of a child in the frame(1 ms,对应2个slot),称为一个TTI.一个TTI内的调度(调度PDSCH和PUSCH资源)The smallest unit of on time, in fact, by the same child frame connected2个RB(每个slot对应一个RB)组成,并被称为RB pair.
在一个slot上定义RB的原因在于“Downlink distributed transmission”和“上行PUSCH跳频”是基于一个slot或者说是一个RB定义的(即同一RB pair在2个slot间进行“分布式”或“跳频”传输).
从上面的介绍可以看出:LTEIntermediate frequency domain resources including the whole system bandwidth、RB、Subcarrier, etc.如表2-4所示.
表2-4:LTEIn the frequency domain resources
LTEIn the frequency domain resources
一个REContains both the time domain information(所在的symbol),And the frequency domain information(The subcarrier).如表2-5所示.
表2-5:LTEThe time-frequency resources
LTEThe time-frequency resources
调度的基本单位:1 TTI = 1 ms = 1 subframe = 2 slots
注:对于1个UE,最小分配2个RB(1个RB pair)
1个RB(时频资源)= = 84 REs(Normal cyclic prefix)或72 REs(Extension of the cyclic prefix)
1个RE = 1 subcarrier * 1 symbol
三、Physical channel is mapped to a hollow physical resources
1、Downlink physical channel map
Do a simple physical map below,Professional corresponding see agreement36.211的第6节.
2、Uplink physical channel map
Do a simple physical map below,Professional corresponding see agreement36.211的第5章节.
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