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PyQt5 rapid development and actual combat 9.7 Automated testing of UI layer
2022-07-31 12:32:00 【Ding Jiaxiong】
9. 第9章 PyQt5 扩展应用
9.7 UI层的自动化测试
一般来说,UIThe automated testing of the layer is to simulate the process of manual testing by means of tools or scripting,Execute the test case by running the script,Thereby simulating the manual verification of the functions of the software.
PyQt是Qt框架的Python语言实现,对于单元测试,PythonYou can use its built-in unit test moduleunittest.For simulating manual operation,PyQtIt is possible to use the test module inside itQTest.
9.7.1 手工测试与自动化测试
- Manual testing involves the execution of test cases by humans;In automated testing, programs execute test cases instead of humans.
- Manual testing is very time consuming,Continued manual testing can tire testers;Automated testing can replace part of the mechanical repetitive manual testing.
- Manual testing can never be replaced by automated testing.在整个软件开发周期中,手工测试发现 Buga large proportion,大约为80%;And automated tests can only find approx20%的 Bug.
- Manual testing is suitable for testing business logic;Automated testing is suitable for regression testing.Regression tests are used to test existing functionality,rather than adding new features.Automated testing is good for testing the low-level details of a project,For example, software crashes can be tested、API的错误返回值、Business logic exceptions and software memory usage, etc.
9.7.2 A shaker window that simulates a cocktail
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'MatrixWinUi.ui'
# Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.9.2
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
class Ui_MatrixWin(object):
def setupUi(self, MatrixWin):
MatrixWin.resize(742, 461)
self.groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(MatrixWin)
self.groupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 210, 451, 191))
self.gridLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox)
self.speedButton1 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.speedButtonGroup = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup(MatrixWin)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.speedButton3 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton3, 0, 2, 1, 1)
self.speedButton4 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton4, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.speedButton5 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton5, 1, 1, 1, 1)
self.speedButton6 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton6, 1, 2, 1, 1)
self.speedButton9 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton9, 3, 2, 1, 1)
self.speedButton8 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton8, 3, 1, 1, 1)
self.speedButton7 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton7, 3, 0, 1, 1)
self.speedButton2 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox)
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.speedButton2, 0, 1, 1, 1)
self.resultGroup = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(MatrixWin)
self.resultGroup.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(470, 210, 261, 191))
self.resultText = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(self.resultGroup)
self.resultText.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 20, 241, 161))
self.layoutWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MatrixWin)
self.layoutWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 420, 390, 30))
self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.layoutWidget)
self.horizontalLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.okBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.layoutWidget)
self.clearBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.layoutWidget)
self.cancelBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.layoutWidget)
self.groupBox_2 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(MatrixWin)
self.groupBox_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 721, 191))
self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 30, 151, 21))
self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 60, 151, 21))
self.label_7 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_7.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 90, 131, 21))
self.label_4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 120, 151, 22))
self.tequilaScrollBar = QtWidgets.QScrollBar(self.groupBox_2)
self.tequilaScrollBar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 30, 361, 21))
self.tequilaScrollBar.setProperty("value", 8)
self.tripleSecSpinBox = QtWidgets.QSpinBox(self.groupBox_2)
self.tripleSecSpinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 60, 250, 21))
self.tripleSecSpinBox.setProperty("value", 4)
self.limeJuiceLineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2)
self.limeJuiceLineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 90, 257, 21))
self.iceHorizontalSlider = QtWidgets.QSlider(self.groupBox_2)
self.iceHorizontalSlider.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 120, 250, 22))
self.iceHorizontalSlider.setProperty("value", 12)
self.label_6 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(610, 30, 61, 21))
self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(610, 50, 61, 21))
self.label_8 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_8.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(610, 80, 61, 21))
self.label_5 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.label_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(610, 120, 61, 21))
self.selScrollBarLbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.selScrollBarLbl.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 30, 51, 21))
self.selIceSliderLbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2)
self.selIceSliderLbl.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(520, 120, 51, 21))
def retranslateUi(self, MatrixWin):
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
MatrixWin.setWindowTitle(_translate("MatrixWin", "玛格丽特鸡尾酒*调酒器"))
self.groupBox.setToolTip(_translate("MatrixWin", "Speed of the blender"))
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("MatrixWin", "9stirring speed"))
self.speedButton1.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Mix"))
self.speedButton3.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Puree"))
self.speedButton4.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Chop"))
self.speedButton5.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Karate Chop"))
self.speedButton6.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Beat"))
self.speedButton9.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Vaporize"))
self.speedButton8.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Liquefy"))
self.speedButton7.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Smash"))
self.speedButton2.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "&Whip"))
self.resultGroup.setTitle(_translate("MatrixWin", "操作结果"))
self.okBtn.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "OK"))
self.clearBtn.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "Clear"))
self.cancelBtn.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "Cancel"))
self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("MatrixWin", "原料"))
self.label.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "龙舌兰酒"))
self.label_2.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "Triple distilled liquor"))
self.label_7.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "柠檬汁"))
self.label_4.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "冰块"))
self.tequilaScrollBar.setToolTip(_translate("MatrixWin", "Jiggers of tequila"))
self.tripleSecSpinBox.setToolTip(_translate("MatrixWin", "Jiggers of triple sec"))
self.limeJuiceLineEdit.setToolTip(_translate("MatrixWin", "Jiggers of lime juice"))
self.limeJuiceLineEdit.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "12.0"))
self.iceHorizontalSlider.setToolTip(_translate("MatrixWin", "Chunks of ice"))
self.label_6.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "升"))
self.label_3.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "升"))
self.label_8.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "升"))
self.label_5.setText(_translate("MatrixWin", "个"))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from MatrixWinUi import *
class CallMatrixWinUi(QWidget ):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(CallMatrixWinUi, self).__init__(parent)
self.ui = Ui_MatrixWin()
# 初始化窗口
def initUi(self):
scrollVal = self.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value()
self.ui.selScrollBarLbl.setText( str(scrollVal) )
sliderVal = self.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.value()
self.ui.selIceSliderLbl.setText( str(sliderVal) )
# Obtains the weight of a measuring glass,单位:克
def getJiggers(self):
# Return to Margarita for total capacity,以jiggerThe wine measuring device is the unit.
# A wine measuring device can hold0.0444liter of wine.
jiggersTequila = self.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value()
jiggersTripleSec = self.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value()
jiggersLimeJuice = float(self.ui.limeJuiceLineEdit.text())
jiggersIce = self.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.value()
return jiggersTequila + jiggersTripleSec + jiggersLimeJuice + jiggersIce
# Obtains the volume of a measuring glass of wine,单位:升
def getLiters(self):
'''Returns the total capacity of the cocktail(升)'''
return 0.0444 * self.getJiggers()
# Get stirring speed
def getSpeedName(self):
speedButton = self.ui.speedButtonGroup.checkedButton()
if speedButton is None:
return None
return speedButton.text()
# 点击ok按钮后,Display the result of the responseresultText文本框里
def uiAccept(self):
print('* CallMatrixWinUi accept ')
print('The volume of drinks is {0} liters ({1} jiggers).'.format(self.getLiters() , self.getJiggers() ))
print('The blender is running at speed "{0}"'.format(self.getSpeedName() ))
msg1 = 'The amount of drinks is : {0} 升 ({1} A wine measuring device).'.format(self.getLiters() , self.getJiggers() )
msg2 = 'The mixer speed is : "{0}".'.format(self.getSpeedName() )
# 点击cancel按钮,关闭窗口
def uiReject(self):
print('* CallMatrixWinUi reject ')
# 点击clear按钮,Clear the operation result
def uiClear(self):
print('* CallMatrixWinUi uiClear ')
def uiScrollBarValueChanged(self):
print('* uiScrollBarValueChanged ---------')
pos = self.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value()
self.ui.selScrollBarLbl.setText( str(pos) )
def uiIceSliderValueChanged( self):
print('* uiIceSliderValueChanged ---------')
pos = self.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.value()
self.ui.selIceSliderLbl.setText( str(pos) )
if __name__=="__main__":
from pyqt5_plugins.examples.exampleqmlitem import QtCore
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
demo = CallMatrixWinUi()
9.7.3 单元测试程序
class MatrixWinTest(unittest.TestCase): # 初始化工作 def setUp(self): print('*** setUp ***') self.app = QApplication(sys.argv) self.form = CallMatrixWinUi.CallMatrixWinUi() self.form.show() # 新建对象,传入参数.每5Execute a test case in seconds TestCase. self.bkThread = BackWorkThread(int( 5 )) # Signal and slot functions that connect the child process self.bkThread.finishSignal.connect(self.closeWindow) #self.bkThread.finishSignal.connect(self.app.exec_) # 启动线程,开始执行run()函数里的内容 self.bkThread.start() # 退出清理工作 def tearDown(self): print('*** tearDown ***') self.app.exec_()
# 继承 QThread 类 class BackWorkThread(QThread): # 声明一个信号,同时返回一个str finishSignal = pyqtSignal(str) # 构造函数里增加形参 def __init__(self, sleepTime,parent=None): super(BackWorkThread, self).__init__(parent) # 储存参数 self.sleepTime = sleepTime #重写run()函数,It executes business regularly. def run(self): # 休眠一段时间 time.sleep(self.sleepTime) # 休眠结束,Send a signal to tell the main thread window self.finishSignal.emit('ok , begin to close Window')
Test the default value of the shaker window
# 测试用例-Test in default stateGUI
def test_defaults(self):
'''测试GUIin the default state'''
print('*** testCase test_defaults begin ***')
self.form.setWindowTitle('Start the test case test_defaults ')
self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value(), 8)
self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value(), 4)
self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.limeJuiceLineEdit.text(), "12.0")
self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.value(), 12)
self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.speedButtonGroup.checkedButton().text(), "&Karate Chop")
print('*** speedName='+ self.form.getSpeedName() )
# Press with the left mouse buttonOK
okWidget = self.form.ui.okBtn
QTest.mouseClick(okWidget, Qt.LeftButton)
# Even without pressingOK,ClassAlso in the default state
self.assertEqual(self.form.getJiggers() , 36.0)
self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Karate Chop")
print('*** testCase test_defaults end ***')
# Sets the value of all widgets in the window0,状态为初始状态. def setFormToZero(self): print('* setFormToZero *') self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue(0) self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(0) self.form.ui.limeJuiceLineEdit.setText("0.0") self.form.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.setValue(0) self.form.ui.selScrollBarLbl.setText("0") self.form.ui.selIceSliderLbl.setText("0")
# 测试用例-测试滚动条 def test_moveScrollBar(self): '''测试用例test_moveScrollBar''' print('*** testCase test_moveScrollBar begin ***') self.form.setWindowTitle('Start the test case test_moveScrollBar ') self.setFormToZero() # The test sets the value of the scroll bar for tequila to 12 ,uiIts actual maximum value is 11 self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue( 12 ) print('* 当执行self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue(12) 后,ui.tequilaScrollBar.value() => ' + str( self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value() ) ) self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value(), 11 ) # The test sets the value of the scroll bar for tequila to -1 ,uiIts actual minimum value is 0 self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue(-1) print('* 当执行self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue(-1) 后,ui.tequilaScrollBar.value() => ' + str( self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value() ) ) self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.value(), 0) # Reset the value of the tequila scroll bar to 5 self.form.ui.tequilaScrollBar.setValue(5) # Press with the left mouse buttonOK按钮 okWidget = self.form.ui.okBtn QTest.mouseClick(okWidget, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.form.getJiggers() , 5) print('*** testCase test_moveScrollBar end ***')
# 测试用例-测试滚动条 def test_tripleSecSpinBox(self): '''测试用例 test_tripleSecSpinBox ''' print('*** testCase test_tripleSecSpinBox begin ***') self.form.setWindowTitle('Start the test case test_tripleSecSpinBox ') '''测试修改spinBoxThe maximum and minimum values of the component Test its minimum and maximum values as an exercise for the reader. ''' self.setFormToZero() # tripleSecSpinBoxThe value range in the interface is 0 到 11, Set its maximum value to 12,看是否显示正常. self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(12) print('* 当执行self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(12) 后,ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value() => ' + str( self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value() ) ) self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value(), 11 ) # tripleSecSpinBoxThe value range in the interface is 0 到 11, Set its minimum value to -1, 看是否显示正常. self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(-1) print('* 当执行self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(-1) 后,ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value() => ' + str( self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value() ) ) self.assertEqual(self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.value(), 0 ) self.form.ui.tripleSecSpinBox.setValue(2) # Press with the left mouse buttonOK按钮 okWidget = self.form.ui.okBtn QTest.mouseClick(okWidget, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.form.getJiggers(), 2) print('*** testCase test_tripleSecSpinBox end ***')
# 测试用例-Test the lemonade single-line text box def test_limeJuiceLineEdit(self): '''测试用例 test_limeJuiceLineEdit ''' print('*** testCase test_limeJuiceLineEdit begin ***') self.form.setWindowTitle('Start the test case test_limeJuiceLineEdit ') '''测试修改juice line editThe maximum and minimum values of the component Test its minimum and maximum values as an exercise for the reader. ''' self.setFormToZero() # 清除lineEditwidget value,然后在lineEditType in the widget“3.5” self.form.ui.limeJuiceLineEdit.clear() QTest.keyClicks(self.form.ui.limeJuiceLineEdit, "3.5") # Press with the left mouse buttonOK按钮 okWidget = self.form.ui.okBtn QTest.mouseClick(okWidget, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.form.getJiggers() , 3.5) print('*** testCase test_limeJuiceLineEdit end ***')
# 测试用例-测试iceHorizontalSlider def test_iceHorizontalSlider(self): '''测试用例 test_iceHorizontalSlider ''' print('*** testCase test_iceHorizontalSlider begin ***') self.form.setWindowTitle('Start the test case test_iceHorizontalSlider ') '''测试ice slider. Test its minimum and maximum values as an exercise for the reader. ''' self.setFormToZero() self.form.ui.iceHorizontalSlider.setValue(4) # Press with the left mouse buttonOK按钮 okWidget = self.form.ui.okBtn QTest.mouseClick(okWidget, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.form.getJiggers(), 4) print('*** testCase test_iceHorizontalSlider end ***')
def test_blenderSpeedButtons(self): print('*** testCase test_blenderSpeedButtons begin ***') '''Test the Select Agitation Speed button''' self.form.ui.speedButton1.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Mix") self.form.ui.speedButton2.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Whip") self.form.ui.speedButton3.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Puree") self.form.ui.speedButton4.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Chop") self.form.ui.speedButton5.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Karate Chop") self.form.ui.speedButton6.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Beat") self.form.ui.speedButton7.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Smash") self.form.ui.speedButton8.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Liquefy") self.form.ui.speedButton9.click() self.assertEqual(self.form.getSpeedName(), "&Vaporize") print('*** testCase test_blenderSpeedButtons end ***')
9.7.4 运行测试用例
All test cases are executed by default
Execute the test cases in the specified order
9.7.5 生成测试报告
""" A TestRunner for use with the Python unit testing framework. It generates a HTML report to show the result at a glance. The simplest way to use this is to invoke its main method. E.g. import unittest import HTMLTestRunner ... define your tests ... if __name__ == '__main__': HTMLTestRunner.main() For more customization options, instantiates a HTMLTestRunner object. HTMLTestRunner is a counterpart to unittest's TextTestRunner. E.g. # output to a file fp = file('my_report.html', 'wb') runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner( stream=fp, title='My unit test', description='This demonstrates the report output by HTMLTestRunner.' ) # Use an external stylesheet. # See the Template_mixin class for more customizable options runner.STYLESHEET_TMPL = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="my_stylesheet.css" type="text/css">' # run the test runner.run(my_test_suite) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Wai Yip Tung All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name Wai Yip Tung nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """
# URL: http://tungwaiyip.info/software/HTMLTestRunner.html
__author__ = "Wai Yip Tung"
__version__ = "0.8.2"
""" Change History Version 0.8.2 * Show output inline instead of popup window (Viorel Lupu). Version in 0.8.1 * Validated XHTML (Wolfgang Borgert). * Added description of test classes and test cases. Version in 0.8.0 * Define Template_mixin class for customization. * Workaround a IE 6 bug that it does not treat <script> block as CDATA. Version in 0.7.1 * Back port to Python 2.3 (Frank Horowitz). * Fix missing scroll bars in detail log (Podi). """
# TODO: color stderr
# TODO: simplify javascript using ,ore than 1 class in the class attribute?
import datetime
import io
import sys
import time
import unittest
from xml.sax import saxutils
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The redirectors below are used to capture output during testing. Output
# sent to sys.stdout and sys.stderr are automatically captured. However
# in some cases sys.stdout is already cached before HTMLTestRunner is
# invoked (e.g. calling logging.basicConfig). In order to capture those
# output, use the redirectors for the cached stream.
# e.g.
# >>> logging.basicConfig(stream=HTMLTestRunner.stdout_redirector)
# >>>
class OutputRedirector(object):
""" Wrapper to redirect stdout or stderr """
def __init__(self, fp):
self.fp = fp
def write(self, s):
def writelines(self, lines):
def flush(self):
stdout_redirector = OutputRedirector(sys.stdout)
stderr_redirector = OutputRedirector(sys.stderr)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Template
class Template_mixin(object):
""" Define a HTML template for report customerization and generation. Overall structure of an HTML report HTML +------------------------+ |<html> | | <head> | | | | STYLESHEET | | +----------------+ | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | </head> | | | | <body> | | | | HEADING | | +----------------+ | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | REPORT | | +----------------+ | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | ENDING | | +----------------+ | | | | | | +----------------+ | | | | </body> | |</html> | +------------------------+ """
0: 'pass',
1: 'fail',
2: 'error',
DEFAULT_TITLE = 'Unit Test Report'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HTML Template
HTML_TMPL = r"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>%(title)s</title> <meta name="generator" content="%(generator)s"/> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> %(stylesheet)s </head> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- output_list = Array(); /* level - 0:Summary; 1:Failed; 2:All */ function showCase(level) { trs = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) { tr = trs[i]; id = tr.id; if (id.substr(0,2) == 'ft') { if (level < 1) { tr.className = 'hiddenRow'; } else { tr.className = ''; } } if (id.substr(0,2) == 'pt') { if (level > 1) { tr.className = ''; } else { tr.className = 'hiddenRow'; } } } } function showClassDetail(cid, count) { var id_list = Array(count); var toHide = 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { tid0 = 't' + cid.substr(1) + '.' + (i+1); tid = 'f' + tid0; tr = document.getElementById(tid); if (!tr) { tid = 'p' + tid0; tr = document.getElementById(tid); } id_list[i] = tid; if (tr.className) { toHide = 0; } } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { tid = id_list[i]; if (toHide) { document.getElementById('div_'+tid).style.display = 'none' document.getElementById(tid).className = 'hiddenRow'; } else { document.getElementById(tid).className = ''; } } } function showTestDetail(div_id){ var details_div = document.getElementById(div_id) var displayState = details_div.style.display // alert(displayState) if (displayState != 'block' ) { displayState = 'block' details_div.style.display = 'block' } else { details_div.style.display = 'none' } } function html_escape(s) { s = s.replace(/&/g,'&'); s = s.replace(/</g,'<'); s = s.replace(/>/g,'>'); return s; } /* obsoleted by detail in <div> function showOutput(id, name) { var w = window.open("", //url name, "resizable,scrollbars,status,width=800,height=450"); d = w.document; d.write("<pre>"); d.write(html_escape(output_list[id])); d.write("\n"); d.write("<a href='javascript:window.close()'>close</a>\n"); d.write("</pre>\n"); d.close(); } */ --></script> %(heading)s %(report)s %(ending)s </body> </html> """
# variables: (title, generator, stylesheet, heading, report, ending)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Stylesheet
# alternatively use a <link> for external style sheet, e.g.
# <link rel="stylesheet" href="$url" type="text/css">
STYLESHEET_TMPL = """ <style type="text/css" media="screen"> body { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 80%; } table { font-size: 100%; } pre { } /* -- heading ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ h1 { font-size: 16pt; color: gray; } .heading { margin-top: 0ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; } .heading .attribute { margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 0; } .heading .description { margin-top: 4ex; margin-bottom: 6ex; } /* -- css div popup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ a.popup_link { } a.popup_link:hover { color: red; } .popup_window { display: none; position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; /*border: solid #627173 1px; */ padding: 10px; background-color: #E6E6D6; font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; text-align: left; font-size: 8pt; width: 500px; } } /* -- report ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #show_detail_line { margin-top: 3ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; } #result_table { width: 80%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #777; } #header_row { font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #777; } #result_table td { border: 1px solid #777; padding: 2px; } #total_row { font-weight: bold; } .passClass { background-color: #6c6; } .failClass { background-color: #c60; } .errorClass { background-color: #c00; } .passCase { color: #6c6; } .failCase { color: #c60; font-weight: bold; } .errorCase { color: #c00; font-weight: bold; } .hiddenRow { display: none; } .testcase { margin-left: 2em; } /* -- ending ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ending { } </style> """
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Heading
HEADING_TMPL = """<div class='heading'> <h1>%(title)s</h1> %(parameters)s <p class='description'>%(description)s</p> </div> """ # variables: (title, parameters, description)
HEADING_ATTRIBUTE_TMPL = """<p class='attribute'><strong>%(name)s:</strong> %(value)s</p> """ # variables: (name, value)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Report
REPORT_TMPL = """ <p id='show_detail_line'>Show <a href='javascript:showCase(0)'>Summary</a> <a href='javascript:showCase(1)'>Failed</a> <a href='javascript:showCase(2)'>All</a> </p> <table id='result_table'> <colgroup> <col align='left' /> <col align='right' /> <col align='right' /> <col align='right' /> <col align='right' /> <col align='right' /> </colgroup> <tr id='header_row'> <td>Test Group/Test case</td> <td>Count</td> <td>Pass</td> <td>Fail</td> <td>Error</td> <td>View</td> </tr> %(test_list)s <tr id='total_row'> <td>Total</td> <td>%(count)s</td> <td>%(Pass)s</td> <td>%(fail)s</td> <td>%(error)s</td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> """ # variables: (test_list, count, Pass, fail, error)
REPORT_CLASS_TMPL = r""" <tr class='%(style)s'> <td>%(desc)s</td> <td>%(count)s</td> <td>%(Pass)s</td> <td>%(fail)s</td> <td>%(error)s</td> <td><a href="javascript:showClassDetail('%(cid)s',%(count)s)">Detail</a></td> </tr> """ # variables: (style, desc, count, Pass, fail, error, cid)
REPORT_TEST_WITH_OUTPUT_TMPL = r""" <tr id='%(tid)s' class='%(Class)s'> <td class='%(style)s'><div class='testcase'>%(desc)s</div></td> <td colspan='5' align='center'> <!--css div popup start--> <a class="popup_link" οnfοcus='this.blur();' href="javascript:showTestDetail('div_%(tid)s')" > %(status)s</a> <div id='div_%(tid)s' class="popup_window"> <div style='text-align: right; color:red;cursor:pointer'> <a οnfοcus='this.blur();' οnclick="document.getElementById('div_%(tid)s').style.display = 'none' " > [x]</a> </div> <pre> %(script)s </pre> </div> <!--css div popup end--> </td> </tr> """ # variables: (tid, Class, style, desc, status)
REPORT_TEST_NO_OUTPUT_TMPL = r""" <tr id='%(tid)s' class='%(Class)s'> <td class='%(style)s'><div class='testcase'>%(desc)s</div></td> <td colspan='5' align='center'>%(status)s</td> </tr> """ # variables: (tid, Class, style, desc, status)
REPORT_TEST_OUTPUT_TMPL = r""" %(id)s: %(output)s """ # variables: (id, output)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENDING_TMPL = """<div id='ending'> </div>"""
# -------------------- The end of the Template class -------------------
TestResult = unittest.TestResult
class _TestResult(TestResult):
# note: _TestResult is a pure representation of results.
# It lacks the output and reporting ability compares to unittest._TextTestResult.
def __init__(self, verbosity=1):
self.stdout0 = None
self.stderr0 = None
self.success_count = 0
self.failure_count = 0
self.error_count = 0
self.verbosity = verbosity
# result is a list of result in 4 tuple
# (
# result code (0: success; 1: fail; 2: error),
# TestCase object,
# Test output (byte string),
# stack trace,
# )
self.result = []
def startTest(self, test):
TestResult.startTest(self, test)
# just one buffer for both stdout and stderr
self.outputBuffer = io.StringIO()
stdout_redirector.fp = self.outputBuffer
stderr_redirector.fp = self.outputBuffer
self.stdout0 = sys.stdout
self.stderr0 = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = stdout_redirector
sys.stderr = stderr_redirector
def complete_output(self):
""" Disconnect output redirection and return buffer. Safe to call multiple times. """
if self.stdout0:
sys.stdout = self.stdout0
sys.stderr = self.stderr0
self.stdout0 = None
self.stderr0 = None
return self.outputBuffer.getvalue()
def stopTest(self, test):
# Usually one of addSuccess, addError or addFailure would have been called.
# But there are some path in unittest that would bypass this.
# We must disconnect stdout in stopTest(), which is guaranteed to be called.
def addSuccess(self, test):
self.success_count += 1
TestResult.addSuccess(self, test)
output = self.complete_output()
self.result.append((0, test, output, ''))
if self.verbosity > 1:
sys.stderr.write('ok ')
def addError(self, test, err):
self.error_count += 1
TestResult.addError(self, test, err)
_, _exc_str = self.errors[-1]
output = self.complete_output()
self.result.append((2, test, output, _exc_str))
if self.verbosity > 1:
sys.stderr.write('E ')
def addFailure(self, test, err):
self.failure_count += 1
TestResult.addFailure(self, test, err)
_, _exc_str = self.failures[-1]
output = self.complete_output()
self.result.append((1, test, output, _exc_str))
if self.verbosity > 1:
sys.stderr.write('F ')
class HTMLTestRunner(Template_mixin):
""" """
def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=1, title=None, description=None):
self.stream = stream
self.verbosity = verbosity
if title is None:
self.title = self.DEFAULT_TITLE
self.title = title
if description is None:
self.description = self.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION
self.description = description
self.startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
def run(self, test):
"Run the given test case or test suite."
result = _TestResult(self.verbosity)
self.stopTime = datetime.datetime.now()
self.generateReport(test, result)
# print >> sys.stderr, '\nTime Elapsed: %s' % (self.stopTime-self.startTime)
print(sys.stderr, '\nTime Elapsed: %s' % (self.stopTime-self.startTime))
return result
def sortResult(self, result_list):
# unittest does not seems to run in any particular order.
# Here at least we want to group them together by class.
rmap = {
classes = []
for n,t,o,e in result_list:
cls = t.__class__
if not cls in rmap:
rmap[cls] = []
r = [(cls, rmap[cls]) for cls in classes]
return r
def getReportAttributes(self, result):
""" Return report attributes as a list of (name, value). Override this to add custom attributes. """
startTime = str(self.startTime)[:19]
duration = str(self.stopTime - self.startTime)
status = []
if result.success_count: status.append('Pass %s' % result.success_count)
if result.failure_count: status.append('Failure %s' % result.failure_count)
if result.error_count: status.append('Error %s' % result.error_count )
if status:
status = ' '.join(status)
status = 'none'
return [
('Start Time', startTime),
('Duration', duration),
('Status', status),
def generateReport(self, test, result):
report_attrs = self.getReportAttributes(result)
generator = 'HTMLTestRunner %s' % __version__
stylesheet = self._generate_stylesheet()
heading = self._generate_heading(report_attrs)
report = self._generate_report(result)
ending = self._generate_ending()
output = self.HTML_TMPL % dict(
title = saxutils.escape(self.title),
generator = generator,
stylesheet = stylesheet,
heading = heading,
report = report,
ending = ending,
def _generate_stylesheet(self):
def _generate_heading(self, report_attrs):
a_lines = []
for name, value in report_attrs:
line = self.HEADING_ATTRIBUTE_TMPL % dict(
name = saxutils.escape(name),
value = saxutils.escape(value),
heading = self.HEADING_TMPL % dict(
title = saxutils.escape(self.title),
parameters = ''.join(a_lines),
description = saxutils.escape(self.description),
return heading
def _generate_report(self, result):
rows = []
sortedResult = self.sortResult(result.result)
for cid, (cls, cls_results) in enumerate(sortedResult):
# subtotal for a class
np = nf = ne = 0
for n,t,o,e in cls_results:
if n == 0: np += 1
elif n == 1: nf += 1
else: ne += 1
# format class description
if cls.__module__ == "__main__":
name = cls.__name__
name = "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
doc = cls.__doc__ and cls.__doc__.split("\n")[0] or ""
desc = doc and '%s: %s' % (name, doc) or name
row = self.REPORT_CLASS_TMPL % dict(
style = ne > 0 and 'errorClass' or nf > 0 and 'failClass' or 'passClass',
desc = desc,
count = np+nf+ne,
Pass = np,
fail = nf,
error = ne,
cid = 'c%s' % (cid+1),
for tid, (n,t,o,e) in enumerate(cls_results):
self._generate_report_test(rows, cid, tid, n, t, o, e)
report = self.REPORT_TMPL % dict(
test_list = ''.join(rows),
count = str(result.success_count+result.failure_count+result.error_count),
Pass = str(result.success_count),
fail = str(result.failure_count),
error = str(result.error_count),
return report
def _generate_report_test(self, rows, cid, tid, n, t, o, e):
# e.g. 'pt1.1', 'ft1.1', etc
has_output = bool(o or e)
tid = (n == 0 and 'p' or 'f') + 't%s.%s' % (cid+1,tid+1)
name = t.id().split('.')[-1]
doc = t.shortDescription() or ""
desc = doc and ('%s: %s' % (name, doc)) or name
# o and e should be byte string because they are collected from stdout and stderr?
if isinstance(o,str):
# TODO: some problem with 'string_escape': it escape \n and mess up formating
# uo = unicode(o.encode('string_escape'))
# uo = o.decode('latin-1')
uo = e
uo = o
if isinstance(e,str):
# TODO: some problem with 'string_escape': it escape \n and mess up formating
# ue = unicode(e.encode('string_escape'))
# ue = e.decode('latin-1')
ue = e
ue = e
script = self.REPORT_TEST_OUTPUT_TMPL % dict(
id = tid,
output = saxutils.escape(str(uo)+ue),
row = tmpl % dict(
tid = tid,
Class = (n == 0 and 'hiddenRow' or 'none'),
style = n == 2 and 'errorCase' or (n == 1 and 'failCase' or 'none'),
desc = desc,
script = script,
status = self.STATUS[n],
if not has_output:
def _generate_ending(self):
return self.ENDING_TMPL
# Facilities for running tests from the command line
# Note: Reuse unittest.TestProgram to launch test. In the future we may
# build our own launcher to support more specific command line
# parameters like test title, CSS, etc.
class TestProgram(unittest.TestProgram):
""" A variation of the unittest.TestProgram. Please refer to the base class for command line parameters. """
def runTests(self):
# Pick HTMLTestRunner as the default test runner.
# base class's testRunner parameter is not useful because it means
# we have to instantiate HTMLTestRunner before we know self.verbosity.
if self.testRunner is None:
self.testRunner = HTMLTestRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity)
main = TestProgram
# Executing this module from the command line
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
import HTMLTestRunner
import time
from MatrixWinTest import MatrixWinTest
if __name__ == "__main__":
now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
print( now )
testunit = unittest.TestSuite()
testunit.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MatrixWinTest ))
htmlFile = ".\\"+now+"HTMLtemplate.html"
print( 'htmlFile='+ htmlFile)
fp = open(htmlFile,'wb')
runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(
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